Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 382 Hu Qing was criticized! Isn’t this courting death?

"Holy Armor LV1 (0/1200): Active skill, advanced skill of Taoist priests. It consumes 50MP to cast a special defense BUFF to increase the defense of non-enemies around you by 20, which lasts for 40 seconds. It can be upgraded to LV2 at level 32."

"Ghost Shield LV1 (0/1200): Active skill, advanced skill of Taoist priests. It consumes 50MP to cast a special magic defense BUFF to increase the magic defense of non-enemies around you by 20, which lasts for 40 seconds. It can be upgraded to LV2 at level 32."

On a transport plane in the sky, Hu Qing exited the training room and looked at the two skills in the skill bar.

Holy Armor and Ghost Shield can be upgraded to LV1 at level 25.

Now, he has finally upgraded the two skills, and the magic defense and defense that can be increased have reached 20.

With the magic defense and defense of 36 at level 29, the magic defense and defense of 15 of the soul battle suit, and the magic defense and defense of 2 of the Sibeier bracelet, his magic defense and defense have reached 73.

On this earth, except for the top bosses in the later period, there should be few who can cause him harm.

"Mr. Hu, we are almost in New Orleans." Nutrilite walked up to Hu Qing to report.

"Well, let's go to the agreed place!" Hu Qing nodded.

In this week, the mysterious incident investigation department has done a lot.

In addition to preparing for the holy water rain, the main transportation channel to New Orleans was cut off through the relationship with the Seattle National Party boss.

However, this matter will not take long, so it must be acted as soon as possible, so he has already agreed on a place with JO, Ellen and others before he came.

Nutrilite also took out the walkie-talkie and gave orders.

As the transport plane moved forward, Hu Qing also began to think about the plot of the ancestor family.

"The Original Family" is also known as "The First Vampire", which tells the story of three vampire ancestors named Klaus, Elijah, and Belica and their disciple Marcel.

In the show, perhaps these four vampires are too bored, often attacking each other, wishing to step on each other, but once the other party is in danger, they will do their best to rescue.

Naturally, because it is from the same lineage as "The Vampire Diaries", the relationship between men and women is also a bit chaotic, but this show has added a lot of witch dramas.

Moreover, this line of vampires has a big weakness, that is, if the three ancestors of Klaus die, all the descendants of vampires will also die.

Therefore, if you want to eliminate this line of vampires, killing the three ancestors of Klaus is the fastest way.

However, he wants more than just 3 experiences.

In New Orleans, the entire city's residential area is concentrated in the Garden District.

There is a super luxurious manor villa to the north of the Garden District, which is almost a landmark building.

Many famous real estate tycoons have valued this manor villa and tried to force it to buy it with money.

But these wealthy people died normally for various reasons, and all their property was inherited by their descendants. However, the descendants of the wealthy people would donate all their property to build various facilities in New Orleans the next day after inheriting the property.

Many people can see the involvement in this, so no one dares to take the manor villa.

The people behind this manor villa have terrifying power.

No one knows that this villa is the first foothold of the ancestor family in this city. Although it has been rebuilt several times, it has always been a symbol of the ancestor family.

On the rooftop of the manor villa, Klaus, Elijah and Rebecca stood quietly, looking at the prosperous city in front of them.

This city has its current glory because of their arrival.

The three suddenly looked around the villa again, and saw the figures of vampires appearing quickly, densely packed, surging around the villa, as if to block the villa.

A sturdy black man was surrounded and walked into the villa. The three looked at the black man silently. The other party was Marcel, their disciple who was raised by them, and he was also a member of the family.

Because they had been away from New Orleans for a while, Marcel's status, power, and even strength in the city had increased rapidly, and the number of vampires who obeyed him had surpassed the three of them.

Therefore, the disciple's respect for them was not as high as before.

When Marcel entered the villa, he found Klaus and his three companions. His figure flashed and disappeared, and he appeared next to Klaus again.

"Marcel, you brought these descendants here to show off your muscles?" Klaus said with a hint of sarcasm.

In fact, he didn't take Marcel seriously at all, because the other party was his descendant, he could kill him, and the other party would not dare to kill him even if he tried his best.

But the long life was too boring, and he had to find some fun for himself, otherwise he would not have stayed in Falls Town for so long.

Marcel was upset, and this time he just snorted and said, "Something is wrong recently. Several flights to our place have been canceled for unknown reasons."

"Also, the main road in the north is temporarily closed due to a virus leak, and the south is temporarily closed due to sudden road construction, and the east and west are also temporarily closed for other reasons."

"The key is that someone contacted those witches, and it was someone from the Exorcist Guild!"

Klaus and the other two frowned. They naturally knew about the Exorcist Guild, a guild where a group of human exorcists gathered, specializing in exorcism and hunting supernatural creatures.

"Interesting!" Klaus licked the corner of his mouth and said with a hint of cruelty: "It would be nice to have someone bring us flavoring in our boring life."

A transport plane from the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department landed in a small town far away from New Orleans.

He, JO, Ellen and the others made an appointment to meet here.

After getting off the transport plane, I found that there were many people gathered here. Each of them was armed. They were not from the mysterious incident investigation department and wore a special badge on their bodies.

Hu Qing immediately knew what was going on.

Whistler had contacted people from the Exorcist Guild before, and it seems that within this week, the Exorcist Guild also took action and summoned these people.

However, the Exorcist Guild seems to be a bit disappointing.

He couldn't see any masters at all. Most of them were equipped with modern weapons. They probably wanted to rely on silver bullets, verbena soaked... and other bullets to suppress vampires to deal with the ancestor family.

Unfortunately, when facing the Founding Family, even if there are restraint weapons, if the reaction cannot keep up, it will be useless.

At this time.

A group of people walked towards Hu Qing and Nutrilite.

JO, Ellen, Whistler, Blade, they are all there, and there are some people I don’t know.

Liu Qingqing ran to his side immediately.

Jiang Zhenzu followed behind, looking at the exorcists gathered around with interest.

A vampire family didn't cause any big trouble, but there were so many exorcists to deal with them.

He wanted to know how many people would come to deal with him in the future?


"Mr. Hu!"

JO, Ellen and the others immediately stepped forward to greet Hu Qing.

"Are you that Mr. Hu?" A sneer suddenly sounded, it was a man with a beard and a silver sword on his back.

Hu Qing looked at the other party in confusion. He obviously heard the undisguised dissatisfaction and disdain from the other party's words.

"Whistler, is this young man the one you are waiting for?" Whistler said with ridicule: "You old exorcists are really getting better and better. It seems that there is no need for us to cooperate. Save I am implicated by you.”

After that, the bearded man waved directly to the exorcists around him: "Let's go!"

The exorcists did not hesitate and got into the car next to them one by one. Many of them were full of ridicule:

"Hatton, I told you a long time ago that there is no need for old guys and women, they have to waste time!"

"Old men should retire and go home. Women should go back and have children. Exorcism is not suitable for you."


The roar of the car sounded, and the exorcists started the car and quickly ran out of the town.

"What's going on?" Hu Qing asked doubtfully.

He clearly felt that the other party was waiting for him to come and deliberately gave him a look.

Whistler apologized: "Mr. Hu, that guy's name is Hatton. He is one of the captains of the Exorcist Union's Action Team. These exorcists are different from us and belong exclusively to the Exorcist Union."

"Moreover, they work as a team, and with the resources, information and equipment provided by the Exorcist Guild, their combat effectiveness is stronger than that of us exorcists, so they usually don't look down on us exorcists."

"Just before you arrived, Hatun came to recruit us. However, because Mr. Hu told us that the Founding Family was difficult to deal with, we told Hatun the situation and planned to wait for Mr. Hu to take action together. As a result, Hatun was rejected. Dissatisfied."

Hu Qing didn't expect to be inexplicably beaten for this reason.

It seems that no matter what profession you are in, there is always bullshit. I thought that the exorcists in this exorcist union were all here to deal with supernatural monsters, so they would be very united.

"Mr. Hu, are we following suit now?" Whistler asked again: "Hatton's people investigated that in addition to vampires, there are also witch groups in New Orleans. Moreover, those witches have been oppressed by those vampires. Hatton I contacted the witches and planned to work together to deal with the vampires."

Hu Qing was shocked when he heard these words: "Then these people from the Exorcist Guild are really dead. The relationship between witches and vampires in New Orleans is not ordinary!"

Are you kidding me?

Fighting against the original family with those witches in the New Orleans League?

It's true that those witches were oppressed by the ancestor family, but it was also because the ancestor family felt bored and deliberately left those witch groups behind.

These witches have always been under the surveillance of the Founding Family.

More importantly, there is a special agreement between the two parties. The witches are more aware of the terror of the Founding Family and will not easily agree to join forces with outsiders to deal with the Founding Family.

More importantly, many witches even suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and are oppressed by vampires, but many of them fall in love with vampires. One of the emotional lines of this drama is vampire + witch!

Moreover, in this drama, if any threatening monster appears in New Orleans, the witch and the original family will join forces.

Even, these witches make up for the weakness of the ancestor family's vampires who are afraid of the sun. Like the witches in "The Vampire Diaries", these witches can refine sunstone rings, which can help vampires not be afraid of the sun.

In this case, contact those witches to deal with the ancestor family? I'm afraid the ancestral family won't know it in a blink of an eye.

Why go to all this trouble if you want to seek death? Wouldn't it be easier to wipe your neck with a knife?

Whistler's expression changed instantly when he heard Hu Qing's words. He knew that Mr. Hu always had a reason for what he said, and Hatton might be in trouble this time.

Whistler immediately said: "Mr. Hu, we are all here to protect human exorcists, we have to remind Hatton!"

"Whatever you say!" Hu Qing said indifferently.

To be honest, he didn't care about the life and death of those exorcists just now. He couldn't be kind after being scolded by the other party. He couldn't learn the noble character of Whistler, Ellen, Bobby, the Wen brothers... these exorcists who repay evil with kindness and even die for others.

But he didn't mind these people maintaining such noble character. After all, he also liked people with such character.

Whistler got Hu Qing's consent and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Hatton's number.

On the other side, Hatton had led people out of the town and quickly went to a forest.

A car stopped in the woods, and a woman got out of the car. It was the witch that Hatton contacted.

When Hatton saw the witch, he said, "Balaya, take us to sneak into New Orleans now and find the place where the original vampires live. We will decapitate them."

"Well, follow me!" The witch named Balaya nodded, said hello, got into her car and started the car.

She looked at the rearview mirror with a strange look on her face, observing Hatton's exorcists.

Then, she took out her mobile phone and opened a video call. A thin man appeared on the other side of the video.

"Drive!" The man smiled.

Balaya frowned and said, "Klaus, you can easily solve them!"

Klaus waved his hand and said, "I have lived for so long, it's too boring. I always have to find fun for myself. When these people think they are going to succeed, it's fun to ruthlessly crush their dreams?"

"..." Balaya thinks this guy is a pervert.

In fact, she really wants to cooperate with those exorcists, if she can eliminate these perverts.

Unfortunately, she was betrayed to the vampire by her companion.

Now, for the safety of her family, she can only apologize to these exorcists.


Hatton also followed the exorcists to catch up with Balleya's car.

At this time, his cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Whistler calling. He directly pressed the button to refuse the call and didn't want to answer it at all.

What an old guy who doesn't know what to do. He wanted to give the other party a chance to show his ability, but who knew that the other party didn't know what was good for him.

However, it won't take long before these exorcists outside will be swept into the trash can.

At the beginning, the Exorcist Union was not strong enough. After the sudden outbreak of the dark energy, they still needed to rely on the power of these exorcists.

Now, with the progress of the experiment of the Exorcist Union and the completion of the exorcist training system, these exorcists outside will soon be dispensable.

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