Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 92 The son of the owner of Jotta Restaurant

"What did that vampire talk to your gypsy witch about?"

"Elaine said it was some homework matters..."

"Can we have a good time talking about homework? They must have been talking about fake homework... I saw that you stayed at her place for a long time. What were you doing? Don't tell us, you two are still talking about homework."

"...It's not homework, but it's almost the same." Zheng Qing looked at the burning eyes of several guys around him, and finally answered bravely: "It's that troublesome talisman. She found some ideas to understand it... So we Let’s discuss it a little bit.”

After saying that, he immediately lowered his head and sipped the corn soup in the bowl.

Even so, the young public-sponsored student still felt some frightening looks from around him.

"That is to say... you forgot to find a manager for the hunting team... and ended up studying useless talismans for a long time?!" Zhang Jixin looked a little frustrated, tore the croissant in his hand into little pieces, and threw them in the on the plate in front of you.

"That talisman is useless...knowledge is always accumulated bit by bit." Zheng Qing looked at Elder Zhang sincerely and tried his best to move his eyes away from the finely chopped bread on the plate.

"Anger is also accumulated bit by bit." Fatty Xin held up a shiny small table knife, carefully peeled the peel of a kiwi fruit, and hummed slowly: "When the anger is full, the valve Then I won’t be able to shut it down anymore…”

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A series of explosive sounds rang in Zheng Qing's ears, startling him.

Looking back, he saw Xiao Xiao tapping the peas on the plate with a spoon.

The peas were as shiny as if they had been greased with oil, and their skin cells were broken tightly. When hit by a spoon, it will explode into popcorn.

Dr. Xiao's little spoon was like a rapid drum beat, crackling on the beans. The beans rushed to explode, creating an even more intense background sound for the rapid drum beat.

"This is the canteen, please be careful of the impact." The young public-funded student moved his chair back and warned in a low voice.

Perhaps this warning had an effect. The chill that lingered around his body dissipated slightly, which made Zheng Qing breathe a little relieved.

"Want a spoonful?" Dr. Xiao dug out a spoonful of 'popped beans', raised it in front of the public-funded students, and said with a big smile: "Today's special dish in the cafeteria - grumpy beans."

"What a good name." Zheng Qing smiled dryly and shook his head decisively, rejecting those exploding little beans.

It's noon now.

After the spell class, Zheng Qing originally planned to have a preliminary communication with the two hunting team manager candidates, but he forgot about it because he saw Matthew and Elena chatting happily together. back.

By the time he reacted, a long time had passed.

Jiang Yu and Liu Feifei had already disappeared without a trace.

For this reason, Zheng Qing searched many study rooms and even went to Shushan Hall to take a look at the seat where Liu Feifei often sat, but in the end he found nothing.

The two witches seemed to disappear into thin air, leaving not even a shadow behind.

"This kind of thing happens all the time." The young public-funded student sat behind the dinner table and explained to his companions in a serious manner: "Just like in our lives, when we go out to look for the keys, we can't find them. When we want to change the channel to watch TV, I can’t find the remote control...a problem."

"Why are you looking for the key? Do you live in a secret room? Besides, what is a TV..." Zhang Jixin stopped tearing the bread in his hand and looked at Zheng Qing doubtfully.

This answer made the students who were students studying at public universities were stunned.

He immediately realized that it seemed inappropriate for him to use his past life experiences to explain various aspects of the magical world.

"So... excuses are like bread crumbs on a plate. If you tear them apart, there will always be some." The red-faced wizard sneered, picked up the plate in his hand, and poured the torn bread crumbs into the milk on the side. , and then stir it with a spoon.

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth, looking at his greasy eating method, and wisely remained silent.

On a normal day, he would definitely be generous with his words and give some good advice.

However, today I am confused and my vocabulary is naturally lacking.

"Can you remember to find the hunting team manager this afternoon?" Elder Zhang gulped down the milk and bread crumbs in the bowl, smacked his lips, and looked at the government-funded student opposite him gloomily.

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly.

"I think it's time for the Knights to introduce some reward and punishment measures... Otherwise, a situation like our 'leader's' inactivity and sabotage will inevitably happen again." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and made a pertinent suggestion.

This suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone except Zheng Qing.

After lunch, the wizards did not go back to the dormitory to take a nap as usual, but continued to sit together at the large dining table in the cafeteria to discuss the upcoming moon hunt.

Of course, Zheng Qing's experience this morning will inevitably become the object of ridicule.

"So, you just simply discussed the principles of talismans?"

"I thought you would invite her into our hunting team."

"Monster hunting is such a dangerous thing, Brother Qing must not be willing to let that gypsy witch take the risk."

"After all, you still didn't figure out what that vampire was doing." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and looked at the young public-funded student: "I don't think he was really discussing homework."

"Indeed, you should pay more attention to this matter." Zhang Jixin also restrained his anger a little, frowned, and said slowly: "I heard Duan Xiaojian said that that vampire is interested in your witch..."

Zheng Qing sniffed, curled his lips, and said nothing.

"Situations like this always make people sing." Fatty Xin hugged his huge belly and said in a low voice: "Now let me use my singing voice to bring you a summary of human nature and morality. ”

"In that distant place…"

"There is a prairie..."

“People walked through the green grass…”

"I want to look back and feel nostalgic..."

Before the song was finished, Fatty's singing career came to an abrupt end.

He did not receive flowers or applause, but instead received a brand-new suppression charm from Zheng Qing and a few looks of pity.

"Let's continue discussing the training of the hunting team..." Zheng Qing turned to look at the others with a straight face, leaving the fat man sitting beside him with his eyes rolled up and his face dull.

At this time, a burst of panicked footsteps sounded not far away.

Everyone looked back and saw a thin wizard running along the aisle carrying a huge tray.

The tray was filled with all kinds of food, and there were also several large bowls filled with soup.

"Ah!!!" A passing witch couldn't help but screamed when she saw the tray hitting her head on.

Seeing that a "tragic" scene was about to happen in the cafeteria, not only did this thin wizard's footsteps not lag at all, but he ran even more cheerfully.

But at the moment when he and the witch intertwined, the tray seemed to have wings, flying smoothly from his hand, sliding over the witch's head, and then landed on the other side, on his raised palm.

"Excuse me…!"

The thin little wizard screamed in a long voice and disappeared at the door of the cafeteria like a gust of wind.

This scene stunned the young wizards who were having a lunch meeting of the Knights of Forgiveness.

He didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Who is he?" Zheng Qing licked his lips and asked dryly.

"I don't know." Zhang Jixin looked thoughtful. He pinched his chin and added: "Looking at his robe, he should be a freshman at Starry Sky Academy... Maybe we should ask Lan Que."

"Don't you know?" Zheng Qing turned around and looked at Xiao Xiao in surprise.

"You didn't ask me!" Dr. Xiao snorted arrogantly, patted the notebook in his arms, and said lazily: "If I guessed correctly, the wizard should be called Omega... maybe you guys I’m more familiar with his father’s restaurant. That restaurant on Pedestrian Street is owned by his family.”

"The owner of Yota Restaurant?!" Zheng Qing looked shocked: "But I remember that the owner of that restaurant was two meters tall! And his arms were thicker than elephant legs! Why does his son look so thin? …”

"So if you are stupid, you should study more." Zhang Jixin was obviously a little dissatisfied with Zheng Qing's fuss: "There are countless magical ways to exercise in this world... I know no less than twenty ways to train a strong man , to develop a delicate body.”

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