Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 93 Father and Son

"Three minutes and twenty-nine seconds."

A wizard with black hair and slender eyes, wearing an Alpha white robe, grabbed a timer and announced the final time.

"Fortunately, I lived up to my fate." Omega panted slightly and looked at the few Alpha Academy students in front of him anxiously.

These alpha guys are weird.

I don’t know why, when I eat at my restaurant, I don’t look at the signature menu, but order a la carte.

It was just a matter of ordering, but these guys didn't order from the restaurant, but ordered a bunch of signature dishes from the canteen of Jiuyou College.

Not only that, the young wizard with black hair and narrow eyes also asked the restaurant owner's son, Omega, who was just a freshman this year, by name, to deliver these orders to the table within five minutes.

This is the rhythm of making things happen!

At that time, Omega looked nervously at the few Alpha freshmen in front of him, but in his heart he was eager to try, hoping that the two sides could fight, so that he could openly experiment with some of the destructive tricks he had learned in the college club.

This immature Starry Sky student secretly thought that if these Alphas took action first, the school would not blame him.

After all, this is our own restaurant.

Who doesn’t have the right to self-defense?

But Omega's inner wish was not realized in the end - if it weren't for the short, fat man in the lead, waving his pearly palms and spilling a handful of shining golden beans, the foreman would have grabbed these little bastards by their ears. Throw it out.

"In this world, golden beans are God and jade coins are biological fathers."

This is a mantra that the restaurant owner often talks about - this is how he educates his restaurant employees, and this is how he educates his own children.

So after receiving a handful of golden beans that was enough to book the entire restaurant, the restaurant owner sent his son to run over with a smile and repeatedly told him to deliver the plate of food within five minutes.

"The little fat guy in the lead said that for every minute of advance, you will be given an extra golden bean." The owner of Jotta Restaurant looked at his son with bright eyes, stretched out his palm and waved it in front of him: "Today's work 50%! As long as you advance for one minute, I will give you half a golden bean... Haven't you been coveting the out-of-print Dharma book from Yuan Shusi for a long time? You have to save money early, otherwise you won't be able to teach the Dharma. When you get old, you won’t even be able to find a wife..."

Since he was admitted to Starry Sky Academy, Omega's head is naturally mostly filled with muscles.

So he didn't care about his father's threat of 'not getting a wife'. But that set of out-of-print Dharma books did make him a little excited - and now he was only short of a few golden beans.

Fortunately, today's run went relatively smoothly.

Although when I was leaving the restaurant, something went wrong and I almost bumped into a passing girl. However, relying on superhuman body control, Omega finally delivered the order to the guests one minute and thirty-one minutes ahead of schedule.

A minute is a golden bean.

A serving of thirty-one seconds is a golden bean, many silver dimes or coppers are added?

The freshman at Starry Sky Academy blinked and gave up on calculating the amount in his heart. After all, this is not something that Starry Sky students are good at. Anyway, the restaurant has a professional accountant, and my father who is desperate for money will definitely not beg for a penny less.

Trays filled with food were placed smoothly on the dining table in the private room.

Even though he was carried a long way, the food on the tray was still stacked very neatly.

The crispy chicken tenders were stacked into a small mountain, and even the puff pastry on top was not shaken off; the five-color condensed milk poured into the small pot was distinct and not mixed together at all due to the violent movement under the tray; even the bowls of fragrant meat The soup is still steaming, and the few scallions and coriander floating on the soup are like a dinghy boat on Linzhong Lake, swaying freely.

"Perfect results." Andrew clapped his hands and laughed, and the magic rings on his ten fingers crackled and made a tiny sound, as if accompaniment to his laughter.

He sat in the private room of Jotta Restaurant, looked at the thin wizard in front of him with satisfaction, and nodded repeatedly.

This move made Omega feel a little nervous.

I'm afraid that fat man is not a pervert... If he makes any excessive demands, no matter how many golden beans he is given, he will be beaten until his mouth and nose are blooming and his face is bright!

Before he could make up his mind, the short, fat wizard opposite spoke.

"Join my hunting team!" Andrew stretched out his palm covered with magic rings to Omega, and let the various gems on it blind the restaurant owner's eyes. His tone sounded very sincere: "You can challenge any opponent at will on the hunting ground... …You can also use the dangerous magic at your disposal during the hunt.”

"Huh?" Omega looked at the pudgy wizard blankly, feeling that the topic was going too far.

"Of course, we are this year we can only participate in the freshman hunting competition in the school hunting club." Andrew shook his head with regret, as if he wanted to get rid of the unpleasant thoughts, but he quickly cheered up. Added: "...However, this year's freshman hunting competition is also very interesting. As far as I know, not only many famous freshmen will participate - such as Zheng Qing who won the Merlin Medal from Jiuyou College, but also the Cullen family Matthew, the O’Brien family’s Adam, and even the blue sparrow from your college may also end up.”

"Blue Bird!" Omega's eyes sparkled and he couldn't help but repeat the name in a low voice.

He was also a freshman at Starry Sky Academy. The guy who raised a sable and held a broken sword all day long, who looked more girly than a girl, had already made him a little unhappy - how could he be so good-looking? beat!

It's just that there are always some restrictions on the training in the academy, and many of the magics he is good at cannot be used in freshmen's sparring.

But if you enter a hunting ground and a hunting competition, you probably won’t have so many rules.

The young Xingkong student was immediately excited.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

There was a loud coughing sound in the private room.

Andrew, who was recruiting new people, raised his head in displeasure and looked at the place where the noise was coming from.

He is the owner of Jotta Restaurant.

A strong man with a height of two meters, a face full of flesh, and arms thicker than his son's waist.

At this moment, the strong man was rubbing his hands, with a flattering smile on his face, and asked cautiously: "...Guest...since the order has been served, then..."

As he spoke, he rubbed his fingers.

This is a universal gesture.

Andrew suddenly understood, reached out and took out two golden beans from his pocket, and threw them away without looking at them.

"No need to look for it!" The young master of the Taylor family waved his hand proudly: "You guys can go down... If you need anything, we will tell the waiter elves."

The restaurant owner stretched out two thick fingers, dexterously caught the two golden beans flying from the opposite side, turned his fingers, and stuffed them into his pocket.

But he didn't walk away immediately.

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