Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 104 Hunting Ci

The three wizards in the first row took their seats, indicating that the opening ceremony of the school hunting party had officially begun.

The changing white clouds in the blue sky disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye with a gust of wind.

In the center of the hunting ground, the originally rolling and agitated fog gradually calmed down. Whether it was the dormant horned dragon or the re-hatched fish, they disappeared silently into the depths of the thick fog and disappeared.

Although there were still occasional whispers in the surrounding auditorium, they were quickly infected by the increasingly solemn atmosphere in the venue and slowly fell silent.

Only the flags fluttering in the wind on the dozens of pillars at the end of the hunting ground were still making hunting noises.

Jiuyou College is the host college for this year’s school hunting party.

Therefore, as the dean of the college, Professor Yao naturally assumed the important task of hosting the opening ceremony.

"The robe Lao Yao is wearing today is too bright." Zheng Qing muttered, turning the telescope further.

In the lens, there is a waxy face with a serious expression.

Lao Yao did not wear his usual black robe today, but instead wore a large and gorgeous red ceremonial robe. The surface of the robe is covered with talismans drawn out by gold and silver threads; there are some shining jade buckles on the collar and cuffs; the corners of the robe are trimmed with black lines, giving people a gorgeous but not impetuous and conspicuous look. But it feels solemn.

"That is the robe of the dean of Jiuyou College," Xiao Xiao's small voice sounded next to him: "If you look through the school's previous great festivals in the library, you will be able to recognize this set of clothes..."

"Big Jiao?" Zheng Qing grabbed the brass telescope in his hand and felt a little ridiculous in his heart.

Jiao is a sacrifice.

Dajiao, as the name suggests, is a grand sacrificial ceremony.

This was originally a ceremonial term used by Taoist priests to pray for blessings and celebrations, but it was used solemnly by the wizards at the 'school sports meeting' in a wizarding university. It always gave people a magical feeling.

No matter how much the young public-sponsored student complained in his heart, the ceremony on the podium was always carried out in an orderly manner.

It's just that this is a wizarding university after all.

Professor Yao did not build an altar to offer sacrifices, recite sutras and repent like Taoist priests, nor did he step on the gang pole or perform hand-holding rituals or recite incantations.

He purified his hands in a small golden copper basin, wiped them with a white towel, then weighed three sticks of incense and bowed three times to the sky.

The three slender incense sticks seemed to be thrown into the fire. After he prayed three times, they were burned into a pile of fine ashes.

The professor did not collect the fine dust.

Instead, let them drift away in the wind and disappear in the huge hunting ground.

"Who did he worship?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Xiao Xiao: "I never knew that wizards need to burn incense to worship..."

"There are many things you don't know...and none of them make sense." The doctor set up his telescope, held a notebook in one hand, and quickly took notes. At the same time, he put an eye on the telescope and observed carefully. There was movement on the rostrum, and he could also be distracted by chatting with Zheng Qing.

This greatly impressed the young public-funded students.

"So, what is he worshiping?" Zheng Qing asked persistently.

"Maybe it's heaven and earth, maybe it's nature, maybe it's just history... Many people have discussed this issue, but the official has never given a clear answer. If you become the dean of Jiuyou College, you can tell the truth to Me." Xiao Xiao shrugged and answered vaguely. At the same time, his hand was moving like flying without stopping for a moment.

Zheng Qing turned his head in disappointment and put his eyes into the telescope again.

On the ceremonial stage.

Professor Yao didn't know when he held a thick Dharma book in his hand.

The wooden cover, thick pages, and the five-color gemstones engraved on the spine and cover shine in the sunlight. Even though he was far away, Zheng Qing could clearly see the seven-colored light coming out of the Dharma book as it was flipped.

"Wucao..." Zheng Qing murmured, seeming to feel something, and stared at the book holder intently.

The professor held the Dharma book in his left hand and stood on the ceremonial stage.

The expression is serious and the demeanor is dignified.

Those small, smug eyes looked around in all directions, easily attracting the attention of everyone on the hunting ground.

Then he gently raised his right hand and pressed it emptyly on the Dharma book.

Zheng Qing suddenly felt that his heart and lungs seemed to be suppressed by some mysterious force, shrinking into a ball, giving him a feeling of suffocation.

This is not his feeling alone.

As Professor Yao raised his hand and pressed down, the entire hunting ground was suddenly shrouded in aura of energy, and the originally agitated atmosphere completely fell silent.

Fatty Xin and Zhang Jixin, who were snoring on the chairs next to them, seemed to have been stimulated by something. They sat up in excitement, opened their confused eyes, and looked around blankly.

Not far away, the sensitive Li Meng had already hidden his head in Jiang Yu's arms, trembling.

Professor Yao opened the first page of the Dharma book.

"Hunting Ci!"

A gentle voice echoed over the hunting ground.

The sound was not loud and was not transmitted through the morning glory, but it was easily heard by everyone clearly.

Although Zheng Qing had never heard of these two words, he easily understood the meaning and meaning of these two words in the echo that resounded throughout the audience - they were the prayers and sacrificial songs before the hunting party.

The originally thick fog in the center of the hunting ground began to roll and turbulent crazily, as if it had been stimulated for a moment. Sometimes they come together, and sometimes they spread out again, like a convulsion.

The young public-sponsored student did not pay attention to the behavior of these 'living creatures' when they were convulsing with mist.

His attention was involuntarily attracted by the scene under the mist.

Just like the Kun fish before turning into a roc not long ago disrupted the order in the thick fog, during this turmoil in the fog, the scene that was originally hidden under the fog reappeared in front of everyone.

The endless desert and the violent storm;

The vast expanse of the lake, and the rotting wood floating on the surface;

Swarms of insects, densely packed and covering the sky;

There is also a lush green grassland with flowers in bloom and thousands of trees competing for spring.

Various contradictory scenes loomed in the thick fog like a revolving lantern. One second it was a sky full of yellow sand and a desolate Gobi; the next moment it was green lawns and lush woodland; and in the blink of an eye, it turned into an endless swampy water town.

The young public-funded student held the telescope tightly and looked at the scene under the fog without blinking.

If it weren't for the shocked sounds and gasps around him, he would have thought he was seeing a mirage.

"Pay feels like you're about to pop your eyeball." Xiao Xiao tugged on Zheng Qing's telescope and reminded him kindly.

"Is this... true?!" Zheng Qing turned his eyes away with difficulty, his voice a little hoarse.

"True or false, you will know soon." Xiao Xiao pointed to the rostrum: "Old Yao hasn't read his speech yet... Don't miss the highlight."

Zheng Qing immediately turned the telescope back to the professor.

He soon discovered that this move was completely unnecessary.

Professor Yao pressed the Dharma book, and his clear voice echoed in everyone’s ears:

"The earth turns against its home!"

"The water belongs to its own heir!"

"No insects!"

"The grass and trees return to their roots!"

The strong wind suddenly rose and rushed down from all directions, tearing at the thick fog.

The mist rolled and spread in all directions, revealing a distant, small, yet extremely vast world.

This article's "Hunting Ci" is borrowed from the "Wax (wax) Ci" in the "Book of Rites"... I usually don't explain it, but today, Cricket shamelessly copied it and even changed it. Name ←_← So please note it to avoid being ridiculed...

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