Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 105 It’s a small world

The wind and sand stopped raging.

The five-color soil started to accumulate from the minute, and in a moment, majestic mountains, lush grasslands, and solid embankments rose up.

The flooded river recedes from both sides and rejoins the wide river channel. Under the protection of the dam, it flows quietly into the distance.

The swarms of insects seemed to have received some instructions and began to fight like worms. After leaving stumps and broken wings on the ground, the few surviving insects quietly burrowed deep into the earth.

Under such grace, dead trees sprout new shoots again, and dormant seeds start a new reincarnation.

The world is alive again.

Just as Professor Yao prayed in "Hunting Ci".


The opening ceremony of the hunting party.

The mist in the hunting ground had stopped rolling disorderly at some point, and slowly gathered amid the reverberation of the spell, forming a huge, mist-shrouded vortex.

The center of the vortex is somewhat narrow and long, like a giant's eye.

The people sitting in the audience clearly saw the distant but small world through this huge 'eye'.

Zheng Qing felt like he had become a god sitting high in the clouds, overlooking the earth.

After a moment of solidification, the atmosphere in the hunting ground became noisy again - everyone even ignored the low pressure emanating from the host of the opening ceremony. Everyone was rushing to tell their own stories.

"What a generous move!" Xiao Xiao stood up in shock, held his crooked eyes, and praised repeatedly: "What a generous move... What a generous move!"

"This is in line with the status of the First University." Not far away, several wizards were gesticulating excitedly, almost jumping over the guardrail, jumping into the hunting ground, and taking a group photo next to the huge mist vortex.

"Ha...the expressions of the ambassadors of other civilizations have changed."

"Yes, yes...especially the ambassador of the Tongue-Hand Tribe, his tongue hung out for a long time and he didn't retract it..."

The din gradually rose from the stands, and there was a continuous flow of admiration and astonishment from all around. Some of the distinguished guests in the rows behind the rostrum even took off their hoods impolitely, revealing strange faces.

Even the photographers who were going around the rostrum and taking pictures all over the hunting ground dropped their cameras on the ground out of excitement.

The excitement is understandable.

Amid the clouds and mist, an illusory world unfolded slowly like a scroll.

Under this bright sun, in this real world, everyone sees the shadow of another world.

"What a god!..." Zhang Jixin opened his eyes as big as copper bells and stared blankly at the world under the mist, muttering something he didn't know he was talking about.

"I must have pulled too many mist grasses in the medicine garden yesterday... Now I'm hallucinating..." Fatty Xin rubbed his sleepy eyes, and his tone was a little erratic: "Mist grasses..."

"Cousin!! That's the world!! That's a real small world!!" Li Meng grabbed Jiang Yu's arm and hung it like a koala, struggling, her voice trembling with excitement.

Jiang Yu did not speak, but held his breath and stared into the depths of the mist without blinking.

"Merlin!" Nicholas squeezed Liu Feifei's hand tightly, his lips trembling.

"Merlin, sir." Liu Feifei whispered absentmindedly, glancing at the wizard next to her from time to time, her cheeks turning red.

Zheng Qing felt a little strange as he listened to the chaotic exclamations and discussions in his ears.

"Isn't it just a small world?" He turned his head and looked at Xiao Xiao in surprise: "I thought the people in this school would appear more... more... well, more calm."

The young public-funded student pondered for a long time before choosing a more appropriate word.

"Isn't it just a small world..." Xiao Xiao repeated Zheng Qing's words with a helpless tone: "Sure enough, the wisdom of the sages is always so transcendent - 'The ignorant are fearless'. Only if you know nothing, you will not be afraid." I’ll feel scared.”

Zheng Qing suddenly jumped up like a cat with fried hair.

"Speak up!" He glared at the doctor with an unkind look on his face: "I'm telling you, it's really easy for you to get beaten like this... who knows nothing!"

Xiao Xiaoxu glanced at him.

"A small world is not what you think can be created by expanding a room with space magic." Xiao Xiao raised a finger and shook it: "One finger can represent one, and ten fingers can represent one." It means ten...what about one hundred? Can you find a hundred fingers to count?"

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

The guy from the multi-armed tribe should be able to collect a hundred fingers. The young public-funded student thought of the bartender in the wandering bar and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Of course, this is an argument - he would not say such a thing in front of the doctor.

"...The change and development of anything is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. The shackles of the wizard's ability determine that we cannot extend and superimpose the space infinitely... and the space transformed by this kind of magic lacks many of the necessary real spaces. Therefore, wizards also call this type of space 'virtual space'... and spending a lot of manpower and material resources to maintain an unstable 'virtual' space is not something a rational wizard would do. "

"What do you mean, are there any wizards who have lost their minds?" Zheng Qing habitually went off topic.

"A lot." Xiao Xiao clenched his fist and extended a finger: "For example, the Qin Emperor who suppressed the strange beasts in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", it is said that his mausoleum is a virtual space..."

"Will such a powerful wizard die? How did he die...Okay, I'll shut up." Zheng Qing looked at the doctor with veins sprouting from the corners of his eyes, and tugged on the zipper on his mouth obediently.

"If you are really interested in Emperor Qin, then graduate early and go to the new world to find people from 'Xian Qin'... If you are not beaten to death by them on the spot, you might be able to find out something." Xiao Xiao was very troubled. Another bone was thrown to the young public-funded student.

Zheng Qing suddenly felt like he was being clawed by a cat, with countless question marks popping up in his heart.

Some of the nouns mentioned by Xiao Xiao cannot be found in the ordinary borrowing area of ​​​​Shushan Hall - this means that unless they graduate after one year of enrollment, it will be difficult for young public-funded students to know more in a short period of time. .

But Xiao Xiao didn't leave him any more room for fantasy.

"In short, a truly small world is a world that can give birth to life, accommodate the survival of life, be self-sufficient, and grow on its own... We have such an example right in front of us."

"Small world?" Zheng Qing repeated the term.

"Yes, small world." Xiao Xiao took out his notebook, licked the brush in his hand, his voice trembled, and he wrote quickly:

“A reality that is attached to us, a reality that is born.”

"It means a legend, a miracle... and of course, it also means a real hunting ground!"

"It's a very rare, very rare... thing."

"Looking at its dilapidated appearance, it seems that the school just captured it and didn't even have time to clean it up. It was opened in public today. To be honest, I think the school has a lot of ideas..." Xiao Xiao said, his voice It gets smaller and smaller, and gradually becomes inaudible.

Zheng Qing pricked up his ears, but did not capture any more information.

Seeing that the doctor was deep in thought and no longer interested in talking, the young public-funded student had no choice but to turn the telescope in his hand and turn the lens back to Lao Yao.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the hunting ground returned to solemnity.

In the camera lens, Professor Yao has just turned a page of the heavy Dharma book in his hands.

"Hunting song!"

The clear voice of the professor echoed over the hunting ground again:

"Broken bamboo, renewed bamboo, flying earth, chasing flesh!"

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