Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 106 Hunting Song

"Broken bamboo, renewed bamboo, flying earth, chasing flesh!"

Professor Yao’s voice singing a ‘hunting song’ echoed over the hunting grounds.

It's like a spell.

The melodious horn sound came faintly from the mist, and the vicissitudes of tune sent shivers down everyone's spine.

The audience on the field stood up involuntarily.

Everyone's eyes were a little confused, but gradually, everyone seemed to understand something. Then slowly, along with the horn sound coming from that small world, he sang softly:

"The auspicious day is the fifth day, and the uncle is praying. The fields and carriages are good, and the four horses are in Kongfu..."

"On the auspicious day of Gengwu, I sent my horse. The same as the beasts, and the hunting direction..."

"I have drawn my bow, and I have carried my arrow."

"Fuck that little bastard and kill this big bastard!"

"To entertain the guests and drink wine!"

"To entertain the guests and drink wine!!"

"To entertain the guests and drink wine!!!"

Over and over again, the voices of everyone on the field became louder and louder, more pious and more absorbed.

Where there is God, there is spirit.

Along with everyone's prayers, the vortex of mist in the center of the hunting ground became more and more solid, became clearer and clearer, and gradually had a tendency to solidify.

It seems to have turned into a huge rock-carved statue.

And through the 'Eye of the Whirlpool' in the center, the scenery in the small world becomes more and more vivid.

It was a vast and vast land.

To the north are rolling hills. From the hills to the small mountains, and then to the dangerous peaks as tall as clouds, there are many layers of shadows, which are more and more magnificent under the cover of the mist. The meadows at the foot of the mountains, the shrubs on the slopes, and the snow on the mountain tops are all there.

To the south is a red wasteland. Thick gravel is spread messily on the ground, and dark red basalt rocks are stacked randomly to build all kinds of strange shapes, some like towers, some like tombs, and some turned into ferocious monsters due to wind and water erosion. .

Between the south and the north is a vast grassland.

There is also a broad and calm river that runs across the north and south, converging from the top of the snow-capped mountains, looping around the grasslands, and finally sinking into the red wasteland of the south, disappearing into a deep, bottomless abyss.

While observing this small world, Zheng Qing discovered something very interesting.

When he stares at a certain place in the world through the 'Eye of the Whirlpool' for more than ten seconds, the scenery in that world will continue to magnify - like a high-powered telescope that automatically adjusts the focus - until Blink three times before the process stops.

"It's so interesting!" Zheng Qing threw away his telescope, closed his left and right eyes in turn, and enthusiastically tried to unlock other effects.

For example, if you simply open your left eye, you can see the luck images of that world - white images represent healthy animals, gray images represent injured animals, white with redness means that they are being hunted, and gray quickly turns to black. Represents the end of destiny, etc.

"You can try to open your eyes and stare at a certain scene without moving... hold on for one minute." Duan Xiaojian hooked Zheng Qing's shoulder and suggested seriously.

Zheng Qing thought that since it was just a look, there was no risk of mischief, so he nodded and agreed.

After a moment, the young public-funded student yelled and fell forward with his eyes closed.

Duan Xiaojian seemed to have been prepared for it. He laughed and grabbed his collar, preventing Zheng Qing from falling to the ground.

"Magic also has basic rules." Xiao Xiao stared at it coldly for a long time. It wasn't until the young public-funded student regained consciousness that he slowly explained: "...When we watch through the 'Eye of the World', our line of sight will be affected. The effect of gravity acceleration... So if you stare at something motionless for a long time, you will have the feeling of falling from the sky and falling freely. "

"This is an illusion, just get used to it." Duan Xiaojian patted Zheng Qing's shoulder to comfort him.

The young public-funded student's face turned pale, and it took him a long time to adjust his slightly confused senses.

"Then how can we watch the hunting game?" He calmed down and immediately questioned: "If there is hunting we have to keep changing our eyes? Won't we miss many wonderful scenes?"

"You can shake your eyes slightly, or you can blink occasionally." Duan Xiaojian was afraid that Zheng Qing would cause trouble for him later, so he hurriedly introduced his experience: "Downton said there is another good way, which is to bring a pair of flat mirrors..."

Hearing this name, Zheng Qing looked around subconsciously.

"Where's Downton?" He glanced at Duan Xiaojian: "I'll just say it's a bit weird today... I'm really not used to not having him nagging and correcting discipline in the team..."

"Downton was invited by the Hunting Committee to be the deputy of this year's commentator." Xiao Xiao said quietly from the side: "You are still a public student after all, how come you don't know anything?"

Zheng Qing laughed twice, then immediately turned his head and looked at the Eye of the Whirlpool again.

After getting used to the dynamic vision, the deeper beauty of the small world was gradually discovered.

In the sky, hungry vultures circled and peered in groups; the noisy crows were like dark clouds, passing from low altitude from time to time; and the vigorous eagles aimed at the small beasts flying in the low grass nests. They pounced down and returned with a full load.

On the ground, among the tall pastures, wildebeests, antelopes, wild horses and other herbivores gathered in groups to look for food and water; around them, a pride of low-lying lions moved slowly, and cheetahs with wide eyes were grinding their teeth and sucking their claws; Under the meticulous care of the mother, the little beasts played in the shallow water of the river. The ferocious crocodiles drifted along the water like dead trees, blinking their eyes from time to time, revealing a few ferocious glances.

There are also giant snakes coiled on the mountainside, spitting out messages and looking coldly at the wild sheep gnawing on the tender grass.

There are also fiery red ants hiding in the cracks of the rocks, shaking their tentacles, standing on the barren land, waiting for the arrival of prey.

The whole world is full of murderous intent, and there are scenes of hunting and counter-hunting everywhere.

It's just that in Zheng Qing's eyes, these scenes always seem to be missing something.

"Where are the monsters?" The young public-funded student poked the doctor next to him, with a hint of surprise in his tone: "If I read correctly, those animals below should be ordinary beasts."

Whether it is a ferocious lion, jackal, cheetah, crocodile, or a bad-tempered goat, antelope, bison, or a gentle elephant, they all have a pair of black and white eyes - not the blood-red eyes of monsters. Eye.

Even without looking at his eyes, Zheng Qing did not feel the unique ferocious aura of wild monsters from those wild animals.

"The hunting team hasn't arrived's not time to release the prey yet." Xiao Xiao explained briefly.

"When will the hunting team come on stage?" Zheng Qing sighed, looked up at the setting sun, and felt a little anxious.

"Don't make a sound..." Xiao Xiao suddenly raised his hand to stop him.

Zheng Qing frowned.

He also vaguely heard a familiar piece of music floating in the distance.

"Go to the hunting ground, go to the hunting ground..."

This is the classic hunting song "Going to the Hunting Ground", which is as relevant to wizards as "Katyusha" is to the Russians.

People in the surrounding auditorium seemed to hear the distant and ethereal singing at the same time, and many people sang along with the harmony.

The young public-sponsored student couldn't help but hum along: "Go to the hunting ground, go to the hunting ground..."

"The hunting team is about to enter." Xiao Xiao took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes, and stared closely at the stone gate at the entrance to Hunting Ground No. 1.

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