"Nothing. I'm a good friend of Chenchen. That's what I should do."

Gu jiuci tugged at the corners of his mouth, but his heart was somewhat empty.

Although the matter obtained the ideal result, but she also hurt Si Chen.

She didn't dare to talk to sichen all the way, but she didn't know how to say it.

"Morning, take a rest. Since ADI is here, would you like her to accompany you

At first, his mother wanted her daughter to go back to her room to have a rest, but she was afraid that her daughter would be short-sighted, so she added another sentence.

Gu jiuci is a little nervous in his heart. With his intelligence quotient in the morning, he should guess who wrote that post. Will he take her as a friend again?


Si Chen looks at Gu jiuci, lightly answers, and reaches out to hold Gu jiuci's hand.

At this moment, Gu jiuci droops his eyes and stares at their hands. His heart is sour and swollen.

"ADI, please. I'll get you something to eat."

With a long sigh of relief, Mrs. Si pushed the two people into the room, while father Si directly picked up the phone and asked the company to issue a unilateral divorce declaration.

In the room, Gu jiuci pulled a stool and sat down by the bed of sichen. After a battle between heaven and man, he finally chose to confess.

"Chenchen, in fact, I told Lu Xiaosang about the content of the post in the school forum, and I asked her to send it. I'm sorry. Now you can scold if you want, but let's say in advance. Scold can, but we can't break up! "

Gu jiuci lowered her head. When she said the last sentence, she suddenly raised her head and looked at sichen nervously.


I didn't expect sichen to laugh.

"Don't worry, I won't scold you. In fact, I should thank you. I'm afraid that if you can't see his face in such a radical way, I'm afraid you can't see his face so quickly. If I really get married in the future, I will be miserable!

So, CI, you saved me. Thank you

Si Chen reaches out to hold Gu jiuci and thanks from the heart.


make complaints about the nine high hanging up, finally fell into the stomach, unable to hold up Tucao.

"You really don't know how anxious I am. After searching so many information, you just don't believe me. In the end, I really jumped over the wall and had to play a trick."

Si Chen quietly listens to Gu jiuci's resumption of this matter, just like returning to their childhood. One is lively and noisy, and the other is quiet and patient.

Three hours later, Dad pushed the door in.

"Chen Chen, the matter has been dealt with. You have nothing to do with Yu Gu. In order to prevent that stinky boy from harassing you, you should rest at home for a few days

"Well, I'll listen to my father! It's just that you can practice the piano quietly. It's a pity that someone as good as your daughter is not a musician. "

Si Chen learns Gu jiuci's tone to say.

"Good! That's what my daughter should be! "

Si Chen's father's voice is a bit choked. Seeing this reaction, his hanging heart immediately fell down.

Originally, he was afraid that his daughter would be upset, but he didn't expect her to cheer up so quickly.

Gu jiuci praised uncle Si's heart for the nth time today. Over the past few days, Si Chen has not been able to leave the house. Even if he is still in love with Gu Yu, Yu Gu can't disturb Chen Chen.

Seeing that it was late, Gu jiuci got up and said goodbye to the Chenchen family.

Sichen's parents personally sent her to the door, repeatedly expressed their thanks.

"Thank you so much. Without you, we don't know how much damage we're going to get."

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