Si mother said seriously, Gu jiuci feel a little embarrassed.

"I just did a little bit of work, but it's a pity that I found it too late. Now uncle Si suddenly canceled the cooperation with Yu's family, which must have lost a lot."

"In fact, there was no loss. I also kept it."

Si dad suddenly lowered his voice, slightly a little proud of the mouth.

"Before Chenchen is fully married, of course, I have to give myself a way back. The losses of these projects together can be earned back in a month. But if you don't have the support of our family, you'll be poor in a month

Said the last word, the father's eyes become sharp up.

Move his daughter, that is to move his scale.

"Then I'll be relieved."

Gu jiuci has no worries at last. After saying goodbye to Chenchen's parents, father Si specially arranges a car to take her back to Huangju.

As soon as she entered the door, she felt a burst of deep breath. Sure enough, the next second, she saw the big devil on the sofa in the living room.

"Brother Che, you came back early today."

She immediately smiles and goes to the big demon king and sits down directly next to Huo Mingche.

Now for the big devil habitually release the stranger not to enter the breath, she has been immune.

"Zhan Ying went to school and didn't receive you."

The man looks at the girl with his eyes slightly, but he can't hear his mouth full of joy and anger.

"I asked for leave this afternoon. Do you want to hear what I have done?"

Huo Mingche did not open his mouth, but turned to her and made a listening gesture.

So Gu jiuci told the great demon king what happened today with great relish. When he talked about the key plot, he could not help adding gestures and making comparisons.

As soon as she raised her left hand, the man's dark eyes suddenly shrunk, and then quickly took her hand.

"What's going on?"

Gu jiuci followed the sight of the great demon king and immediately did not care much about the answer.

"Oh, at that time, he was pushed to the ground by Yu Gu and grazed by small stones on the road. It doesn't matter."

As soon as her voice fell, she immediately felt a strong killing intention rising around her. The whole Demon King became very dangerous, just like the hell of hell.

Gu jiuci doesn't like him like this. She always reminds her of some bad memories in her previous life.

"That... Calm down, not very serious."

"I'll help you with the medicine."

The man did not take her words, but skillfully took out a medicine box from the kitchen cabinet, opened it skillfully, and quickly found out the alcohol cotton and band aid.

Gu jiuci looks at him in a daze.

"You... How could you have such a complete medical kit?"

In fact, she would like to know how a modern prince like him is so familiar with these healing drugs and seems to be in constant contact with them.

Huo Mingche deeply looked at her, thin lips light pursed, finally did not speak.

Gu jiuci was puzzled by him. Why did the big demon look so sad?

The man gently wipes the wound of Gu jiuci's palm, just like wiping a precious glass artwork.

Gu jiuci's attention was still focused on the wound at first, but slowly, she began to be distracted. Her eyes slowly went up from the big devil's good-looking hands to his delicate and elegant face, strong eyebrows, and tight thin lips...

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