Mr. Si was indeed a good Gang man. He spent half of his time to greet the 18th generation of Yu's ancestors. Then the second half simply announced that the Si family would no longer cooperate with such a treacherous company as Yu's, and indicated the project to withdraw from.

This announcement was like a huge rock entering the lake, which soon aroused a thousand layer waves.

At the bottom of the news is the link to Yu's stock. Gu jiuci points to go in and have a look, and the opening is directly down limit.

I'm afraid I'm in a hurry now.

Gu jiuci sneers, slag man is deserved! She was just about to quit the interface when she caught a glimpse of inconspicuous news.

"APC institutions urgently assess the assets of the group. Yu's group is in great crisis. Today, it is just the tip of the iceberg. APC is a special authoritative financial institution in China, which helps large enterprises to evaluate the assets of small enterprises acquired, so as to judge whether these enterprises are suitable for acquisition.

In this news, APC listed a large number of Yu's loss items, and wrote down the amount of loss very hard. Finally, by adding up all the loss items, it was concluded that Yu's bankruptcy risk was the highest level, and his business situation was extremely poor. The acquisition level was directly scored negative, and even the acquisition was not worth being acquired.

At the bottom, a large number of financial tycoons have expressed their thanks to APC for their righteous analysis. They will never launch the acquisition plan for the company.

"How wonderful it is! Which God man thought of such a good trick

Gu jiuci sighed, suddenly the mobile phone rang, and it turned out to be the call from sichen.

"Morning, are you all right?"

"It's OK, a CI. Thank you very much. If you hadn't specially asked APC to publish that news, Yu's scheming would have brought him back to life."

"Ah? I didn't look for APC. I didn't know them at all. "

Gu jiuci opened his mouth with a confused face.

"Isn't it you? But we all know that APC is the most famous financial consulting company under the name of holly

On the phone, Si Chen is also very puzzled.

Huo Mingche?

Hear Si Chen's words, Gu jiuci's heart is mercilessly shaken for a moment, so really is the big demon king to intervene in this matter?

"Don't you know? If you want to find APC to do asset analysis, you have to spend a lot of consulting fees. Only those big family enterprises can afford such consulting fees. People are profit-making organizations, but they will not do me good. I thought you found Huo Mingche... "

What did Si Chen say later, Gu jiuci had no mind to listen to it again. Countless fragments in her mind were linked together Because he was wrongly injured by Yu Gu, the great demon king was so angry that he directly asked someone to beat him to be disabled, and even broke the whole Yu's direct Tianliang king?

My God, really overbearing President...

"in a word, your revenge is completely revenged. Since Yu Gu is beaten and disabled, he can't go to school. You can come to school in two days. Anyway, you should have a good rest. "

Gu jiuci absentminded with Si Chen a few words on hang up the phone. Then she quickly opened the wechat chat interface and sent a series of messages to the demon king.

"Xiao jiu'er: did you send someone to do the APC thing? "

" xiaojiu'er: Thank you! Brother Che is the most handsome! "

president's office,

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