"Master, everything will be done..."

Zhan Ying opened the door of the office excitedly and was about to report his work to the master. However, when he saw the desk, the master was staring at his mobile phone and his face lit up with a faint smile, he opened his mouth in surprise and lost his voice.

Is he hallucinating? Master... Even laughed?!!

Soon, Gu jiuci received a new message.

"The devil: look at him. "

Gu jiuci burst out with a laugh. I didn't expect Huo Mingche to be so naive.

Soon, Yu Gu's story spread all over the campus. In the afternoon, when she had PE class, Xu yun'er gathered up to Gu jiuci.

"ADI, have you heard about Yu Gu?"

Seeing Xu yun'er, Gu jiuci wants to roll her eyes and turn around and walk away. However, after thinking about it, she still forces herself to resist.

Now is not the time to tear his face, so Gu jiuci nodded, a tone of concern for Xu yun'er.

"The scum man's business has been widely circulated for a long time. Cousin, do you still want to like that scum man? Look out! It's as bad as morning

Xu yun'er frowns and scolds Gu jiuci, a fool in her heart. If it wasn't for her blind, how could she have done so many things!

"ADI, you misunderstand me. I really have nothing to do with Gu Zhen. Now the big misunderstanding between Si Chen and Yu Gu is entirely due to me. Can you make an appointment with Si Chen for me? I want to apologize to her face-to-face and make things clear. "

Xu yun'er's tone is a little anxious. If she had been in the past, she would have liked Gu to dump sichen and the two families would have made an engagement. Yu Gu would have concentrated all her time and energy on her, throwing money at her and making her a big star.

But now, Yu's home is about to collapse. Once her agency contract is over, she can't enter the group of "the most beautiful hour light". So she has to endure the nausea to set up Si Chen and Yu Gu.

"Well, cousin, Si Chen has already given up on Gu. What else do you want to explain? I think that since they have broken up, you can follow Gu with justice?"

Gu jiuci was half joking and half serious, and his tone was particularly meaningful. The dregs of men and women will last forever ~

"ah Ci, I said it all. I follow Gu Mei... Ah!"

Xu yun'er didn't finish her words. Suddenly, a middle-aged woman dressed up in gold flashed over. She grabbed Xu yun'er's hair and pulled it violently! She cried out in pain.

"Xu yun'er! You cunt

The middle-aged woman put Xu yun'er down on the ground and rode on Xu yun'er's body. She opened her bow from left to right, slapping each other one by one!

All the students around were scared to be silly, until Xu yun'er was slapped five or six times, directly swollen into a pig's head. The security guard came to hear the news and pulled the two people apart.

At the moment, Xu yun'er is unkempt and dishevelled. Her clothes are full of dirt. She is as embarrassed as the third who is caught by his wife.

"What are you doing! You are sick

Xu yun'er exposed her nature for the first time, pointing to a middle-aged woman and swearing!

"I'm sick! Little bitch! I tell you, I am Yu Gu's mother! If you hadn't seduced my son, we would have been so miserable at home! "

The middle-aged woman maliciously scolds a way, finish saying to still not get angry, raised a fist to hit again toward Xu yun'er in the past!

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