In the hospital,

after Xu Yuner's general examination, Su Furong opened a VIP ward for her.

The doctor brought the report, and Su Furong immediately met her.

"Doctor, how is my daughter? Is there any internal injury? "

The doctor quickly rolled his eyes, and then replied faintly: "the soft tissue is not injured, let alone internal injury. It's all skin injuries. Just buy some safflower oil and wipe it at home. Don't worry. All the functions are very good. "

Su Furong smelled the words, frowned slightly and muttered with dissatisfaction: "doctor, what you explained is too general? My daughter's face is still scratched out by that cheap woman's fingernails. Will she leave scars in the future? She's going to be a big star in the future

The doctor took a long deep breath, which controlled his temper.

"These cuts are really serious."

Su Furong was nervous when she heard it.

"How serious is it? When will she be ok? You can rest assured, how much money is not a problem, we have a lot of money for our family! "

Subconsciously, she has treated herself as a family care person, or in her own eyes, the whole family will be her sooner or later.

"It's so serious that if you come a little later, the wound will heal."

The doctor left a sarcastic sentence, turned around and went out.

Su Furong's expression on her face was green and red. At last, she scolded angrily: "what is it?"

Xu yun'er lies on the hospital bed, in the heart is very chaotic, she never thought, her own so high means, unexpectedly also has the time of rollover.

"Dingling, Dingling..."

there was a ring. Xu Yuner took out her mobile phone and looked at it. It was Jiang Yutang calling.

"Yun'er, are all those news on the Internet true? Did you get involved with the guy Yu Gu? Are you worthy of me? Just because we didn't get you that part, you went out and sold it? "

On the phone, Jiang Yutang, who was green, was obviously mad and said whatever was unpleasant.

Xu yun'er had already been in a state of anxiety. She didn't want to take care of this psychopath. She hung up the phone without saying a word.

Before she could put away her mobile phone, the phone rang again. This time, it was a call from the brokerage company. She quickly connected the phone and only heard the sarcasm of the broker.

"Miss Xu, I formally inform you that your temporary contract with our company has been terminated! How dare you! Even the prince of Yu's family dares to collude with us. What a shame

Xu yun'er's angry face suddenly became iron green, waiting for the other party to finish speaking, he hung up the phone heavily.

"What can I do? How can you sign with the most beautiful hour without a brokerage contract?"

Hearing the phone call, Su Furong was in a hurry.

"Why don't you ask your uncle? There must be a way to look after your family!"

"What else? He didn't want me to go to the entertainment industry. Isn't that a good reason? "

Xu yun'er is impatient to his mother to drink a cold, and think of today's all kinds, expression gradually ferocious.

"Hum! All blame Gu jiuci, that bitch. If it wasn't for her stirring the excrement stick in it, how could I be so passive! "

"That fool is stupid and disobedient now, always screwing up our business. It seems that our method of holding out and killing is more and more useless to her! "

Su Furong immediately responded to the way.

"I don't know why. Recently, I think Gu jiuci has become more and more shrewd and has begun to be out of our control."

"She's as smart as ever."

It's a fact, though I won't admit it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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