"So the old methods are useless. We should be careful about her in the future."

Xu yun'er opened her mouth slowly with gloomy eyes.

"Gu jiuci, you have done me such a terrible harm. How can I possibly let you live?"


"Achoo! A-choo

Gu jiuci sneezed again and again.

She was puzzled as she pulled out a tissue to clean her nose.

"It's strange that I don't have any cold symptoms. How come I always sneeze recently?"

Because today is a working day, Gu jiuci is afraid that the big demon king is worried, so he quickly returns to Huangju. As a result, when he gets home, he sends a message saying that the group has something to do and may not come back in the evening, so he doesn't have to wait for his dinner.

Gu jiuci ate a meal alone, and then lay down on the bed to get familiar with the new script. Maybe today, she was very relieved. After a while, she fell asleep in a good mood.

Just in a good mood, shouldn't you have a good dream? Why did she fall into a terrible nightmare?

In the dream, she seemed to be in a pure white and cramped ward. Except for the ceiling with pale lights, there were airtight walls all around, and there was no natural light source. It was just like being in prison.

Maybe... She's really in jail!

Gu jiuci tried to get up, but found that she was lying in a glass like container, which was like a coffin. Her hands and feet were all buckled on the bed board and could not move at all!

She wanted to call for help, but found that she couldn't make a sound.

"Boss! Why did you save her? She has no heart at all

"You might as well let her die in prison! You see, she doesn't want to come back at all! "

"Gu jiuci! Now that you have revenge! What are you dissatisfied with? Why don't you wake up? "

Why is the sound so familiar? It's like... Ye Kan's voice? How can ye Kan be so irritable in the dream? Is Ye Kan scolding himself? What's coming back?

Gu jiuci didn't want to understand. Suddenly, the picture turned. Her eyes were dark and she couldn't see her fingers. She kept running forward. She always felt that there was an invisible danger behind her, getting closer and closer!

All of a sudden, a beam of light fell from her eyes. She thought it was a safe exit, so she ran towards the beam. However, a tall figure appeared in the backlight, more and more clear!

It's Huo Mingche!

Gu jiuci's heart is happy, just about to rush up, but on the man's eyes without human temperature, and a cold can not see through the emotional face.

No! This is not Huo Mingche in this world, but the paranoid monster in the previous life!

Gu jiuci suddenly started a cold sweat! Step by step back.

"Xiao jiu'er, you can't escape!"

Men keep approaching, constantly repeating the words that make her nightmare for a lifetime!

"No! Huo Mingche! You don't come here! Don't come here! "

Gu jiuci screamed and struggled violently. Finally, he broke away from the dream and opened his eyes...

but in this moment, Huo Mingche's cold face suddenly enlarged in front of her!

"Don't come here!"

Gu jiuci didn't distinguish the dream and the reality for a moment. Subconsciously, he curled up and his pupils were violently shaken because of fear. He looked at Huo Mingche's eyes like a monster.

"Ah... Is that what you really mean?"

The man's face became cloudy because of her reaction. Her deep eyes were as cold as a bottomless abyss. The invisible killing was intended to wreak havoc on the whole room. The strong sense of oppression instantly evaporated all the oxygen, making it difficult for people to breathe, just like hell on earth www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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