Over! Yes!

Gu jiuci only realized that she was dreaming. It was too late to respond. Now her whole scalp is numb...

Huo Mingche put his hands on both sides of the bed, and in a confined posture, Gu Jiu could not quit.

One day he didn't see his girl. He came back and immediately went to the bedroom to see her.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard the girl's cry of terror in the dark. Did she have nightmares again?

He immediately stepped over, trying to wake her up, but heard the sentence "Huo Mingche, you don't come over!"

Ah... It turns out that this is what she has been hiding in the bottom of her heart.

When the girl opened her eyes, her instinctive reaction immediately irritated him!

Xiaojiu'er, I said, you can't cheat me. This time... You can't forgive me!


The man's beautiful face suddenly bullies close, but Gu jiuci feels the air is thin to suffocate.

Her brain is spinning rapidly how to answer, and with the loss of time, men's patience gradually disappeared.

"Yes! That's what I mean

Gu jiuci heart a horizontal, shout aloud.

And this moment, she clearly saw that Huo Mingche's bright eyes flashed through disappointment and loneliness.

Just less than a second, Gu jiuci's heart is also followed by a fierce tight, she quickly explained.

"I had a nightmare, in which I was tied up in a glass coffin and imprisoned in a small room without windows, hands and feet tied, unable to move. I have a hoarse voice and can't speak.

I don't understand why you want to do this. If I want to run away, you will chase me back and put me in the coffin! So I told you not to come here!

Huo Mingche, I am really afraid! yes! I've never felt safe! "

Gu jiuci said, her voice gradually choked. She trembled and stretched out her fingers, gently holding the big devil's face and staring at him with red eyes.

"So don't be like that. Don't lock me up, OK? Don't look at me so hard, will you

The air was silent, and the man didn't answer for a long time.

Gu jiuci's heart is up and down. She can't do anything except carefully observing the face of the big devil.

Suddenly the man suddenly pushed her hand away, turned out of bed, and walked out of the room without looking back.


The door made a lot of noise, Gu jiuci startled out of a cold sweat, her nerves also immediately high tension up.

Once again, all around us are dead, but the memories of past lives are pouring in.

Gu jiuci hugged herself uneasily. At that time, she resisted Huo Mingche to the extreme, and finally forced him to lose his patience and shut her in the luxurious but lifeless room all day long.

No one spoke to her, no voice, no biology, and she didn't know how to spend that inhuman time. Later, she even suffered from cognitive impairment.

In this life, she looked at the door with complicated eyes. Did she hurt him just now?

In the middle of the night.

Huang Ju in the northwest corner of a basement ring bursts of shrill screams.

On the dark wall, a figure will fly up and fall heavily on the ground. The picture is miserable.


Ye Kan falls on the ground and just spits out a bloody spit, Zhan Ying falls beside him with a parabola.

And in front of them, there are more than a dozen strong men in tight protective gear, fighting the red eyed devil!

Ye Kan sat up from the ground: "Zhan Ying, don't you think Gu jiuci can cure the old man's mania? How come I don't think it's cured at all, but it's getting worse and worse? "

"How can I know! In the past, only when Gu jiuci was disobedient, the boss would break out. But recently, Gu jiuci is very obedient! I wonder, too

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