The first ray of sunshine in the morning is gently shining into the bedroom,

Gu jiuci stretches comfortably like a cat with his eyes closed. Last night, he doesn't know why he sleeps so soundly.

She had just reached half of her stretch, and her body began to wake up. She immediately felt a big palm on her waist.


Gu jiuci suddenly opened his eyes and immediately ran into a clear-cut, stunning face.

No matter how many times, or will be handsome to... Huo Mingche.

Just how can his thigh be unbridled in the big demon king's body?

Aware of what he has done, Gu jiuci's face is slightly stiff, and for a moment the atmosphere is afraid to come out.

She raised her eyes and looked at the sleeping man. At the moment, he had gone away from his usual ice, and his quiet sleeping face was very soft, which made people... Want to feel it...

Gu jiuci thought that his body also relaxed, and even had the courage to start ~

she gently used her index finger, from his rich eyebrow peak, to those thrilling eyes, to his lips, The hand was snapped.


In the morning, the man's voice is dumb and sexy. With his soberness, his whole body is filled with the momentum of indifference and dignity, but in the moment of seeing Gu jiuci, he is silent.

Gu jiuci looks at the man, his deep eyes are all his reflection, and his heart is inexplicably soft.


She also had the courage to hold the big devil's hand, saw the big devil's face flash a moment Zheng loose, she immediately proud pick eyebrow a smile.

Huo Mingche's eyes were soft, and he hugged her more closely.

"Sleep again."


At the moment, there is a tacit understanding between the two people, as if the previous misunderstanding has been virtually swept away.

All because of that sudden nightmare, Gu jiuci couldn't help pursing her lips. All the previous life has passed. She doesn't want to go back to the past. She must spend her life well!

Thinking of those bad things, Gu jiuci's body can't help tensing, at this time, the man's palm gently and rhythmically patted her shoulder.

The silent comfort gave her a sense of peace of mind. Gu jiuci put his head on his chest and listened to his steady and powerful heart beat. His sleepiness swept over her, and she fell asleep again.

Half an hour later, when the girl came to breathe steadily again, Huo Mingche got up gently. His eyes were fixed on her face for a moment. He turned to take the mobile phone of his head and opened the book "100 ways of getting close to children" that she had read yesterday, and immediately placed the order.

Huo Mingche stretched out his hand to arrange the hair for the girl, and then he reluctantly left.

Zhan Ying went to the living room early in the morning to wait for the master. Unexpectedly, it had been an hour before the master appeared. He looked anxiously at his watch and looked up the stairs.

The more the master doesn't appear, the more depressed Zhan Ying's heart is. Should not Gu jiuci do something big death, make the master angry?

Yesterday, the master was not happy, and the whole company was like being roasted on the fire.

Finally, the figure of the man appears at the entrance of the stairs. Zhan Ying hastily meets him and says cautiously.

"Good morning, master!"


The man light should a, step toward the outside to go.

Zhan Ying Leng Leng, stupidly looking up at Huo Mingche's back, although there is only one word, but this tone sounds like the master is very happy today?

After getting on the car, Zhan Ying is preparing to start the engine, and Huo Mingche's low voice comes from behind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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