"Nice tie."

Zhan Ying was so scared that he almost drove out. The cold-blooded emperor, who was always scrupulous, would praise his tie!

When he got to the company, Zhan Ying regained his consciousness and looked down at his tie. This was not the tie Gu jiuci gave him when he went to Sanyuan with his master last time!

No wonder...

later that day, Zhan Ying felt the warmth of spring breeze, and even ye Kan came to inquire about the news with him.

"Zhan Ying, what happened to the boss today? He is not so gentle as himself

"Thanks to Gu jiuci! No, from today on, I will always call her Miss Gu! "

No more calling her name behind her back.

Zhan Ying secretly made up her mind and immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a wechat to Gu jiuci excitedly.

I'm going to join Julie www.sbiquge.me ]Gu jiuci, who interviewed at Ye Conservatory of music, suddenly received the news and was stunned for a moment.

Zhan Ying: Thank you, Miss Gu! "

" Gu jiuci:??? "

" ah Ci, it's your turn soon. Can't you pay attention? " Mobile phone in the waiting room, Ji Wei Ran saw

make complaints about playing nine phones.

Gu jiuci looked up at her and saw her tightly pursed lips and her fingers twisted together. He knew she was nervous.

Shen Jianxing has just entered the interview. Ji Weiran is worried about her boyfriend.

"Good, good. I'll read the score again now. Thank you for reminding me."

Gu jiuci immediately put away the mobile phone and took out the music score.

"Don't worry. Shen Jianxing, after all, is the silver winner of the golden butterfly award. According to the practice of many years in the past, he has entered Juliet steadily."

Si Chen on one side also saw Ji Weiran's nervousness and immediately comforted her.

"But as you know, the international classical music circle still discriminates against our Oriental students. All the eastern examinees who have just entered have hung up... "

Ji Weiran frowned slightly, which is hard to hide.

The interview of Juliet Conservatory of music is different from that of other colleges. It will tell whether the interview has passed or not on the spot. After the interview is passed, the international cultural examination will be passed, and then you can enter the University.

However, Juliet enrolls very few students in the east every year, and each major is a single digit.

Gu jiuci hears the speech and looks at Si Chen subconsciously. Although she has been away from music for three years, we all know how difficult it is for an Oriental to take every step in the classical music circle where Westerners have absolute right to speak.

"But your boyfriend is a rare musical genius, and Juliet's discrimination against the East is not so serious."

"Oriental? Genius? What a joke

Several people are talking, suddenly sitting near them, a blonde and blue eyed gull girl who looks like Barbie, laughs in English with exaggerated tone.

Although it is Juliet's examination room set up in China, some European and American students will come to the East for an interview because they fail to catch up with the interview time in Europe and America.

Gu jiuci and they are all Xueba. They immediately understand her meaning. Ji Weiran stands up angrily and retorts in pure English.

"I think you are a joke! Arrogant and arrogant! It's a disgrace to the European and American people! "

"Daisy, the exam is about to take place. Practice quickly. Don't argue with these people. Do you want to lose the impression scores of judges and teachers?"

The little assistant next to the blonde girl persuades and scorns Gu jiuci, as if Gu jiuci were rubbish.

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