"I'm sorry, ADI. I have some urgent matters to handle by myself. I'll come to see you right after I finish it."

In fact, looking at Gu jiuci seriously hospitalized, Xu yun'er did not mention how happy.

"By the way, have you let Huo Ming... Huo Shao know about your affairs?"

"Well, he knows."

Gu jiuci's response is not salty, Xu yun'er immediately asks.

"What did he say?"

Although I don't want to admit it, Huo Mingche cares about Gu jiuci very much. Now that Gu jiuci has made such a big deal, Huo Mingche can't be indifferent. If she comes to the crew to visit the class, then she will have a chance to Xu yun'er?

Hearing the phone call, Xu yun'er is eager. Gu jiuci sneers at the corners of her mouth. As soon as the white lotus pouts her buttocks, she has already guessed what the white lotus flower is going to fart. She just wants to find a chance to meet the big devil.

"I don't know. He didn't say it."

"Then you won't ask... That, CI, I mean, since you are together, you should let Huo Shao care about you."

Xu yun'er is in a hurry for a moment, and her tone is a little cold. As soon as she says it, she realizes it immediately and makes up for herself.

"Well, I'll talk about it later. I'm tired and I'll hang up."

Gu jiuci is too lazy to talk nonsense with Xu yun'er again and hangs up the phone directly.

On the other side, Xu yun'er listened to the busy tone on the phone, and her face turned blue.

Gu jiuci is a young lady's temper. She never cares about other people's feelings. In order to please Gu jiuci, she can only bear it.

"Hum! Gu jiuci, you will not be arrogant for long! Soon, I won't have to bear it! "

In the hospital, Gu jiuci cleans up his mood and brushes his microblog for fun.

Tang Yu's action is sure to be very fast, Li Shasha's topic of "poisoning" has already rushed into hot search.

The word poison is so eye-catching that passers-by who don't understand it will also click in to have a look.

Gu jiuci, the actor of Mu orange, was poisoned and hospitalized. According to the investigation of relevant departments, the cause of the incident was that a staff member of the production team poisoned Gu jiuci by taking advantage of his position. However, according to an investigation, the poisonous cherry fruit was a consolation item given to the crew by Lisa Li. Maybe Li Shasha was lying down with a gun. Bayi called on everyone to treat the incident correctly. "

Tang Yu's method is very clever, from the topic point into the content, the marketing number of the announcement is objective and fair to describe the process of the matter. Lisa's team couldn't find an angle to tear. However, the comments at the bottom of each marketing number and media are wonderful.

@Is coffee bitter or not: how can I smell the smell of conspiracy? How much resentment does a crew have with Gu jiuci, who met for the first time?

@Crow on the plane: I feel that the lunch box player is more like the one with the pot on his back. I heard that the crew was very satisfied with Gu jiuci's performance, so we should add more parts to Gu jiuci. The part may be similar to that of female sophomore. This Li Shasha is the second female. Please carefully taste it ~

and so on. Gradually, passers-by and fans all think that this Li Shasha is very problematic.

After the public opinion rose, Tang Yu made another big move...

a micro blog account claiming to be a member of the circle released a video.

"Insiders: risk your life to send a video of conscience. "

the content of the video is the same day that" the most beautiful hour light "takes the fixed makeup photo. Gu jiuci changes her clothes and comes out. Jiang Min asks if she thinks that Li Shasha is not good-looking.

No matter from which angle we can see that Jiang Min is deliberately making Gu jiuci difficult for Li Shasha.

The video directly angered Gu jiuci's fans.

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