Although Gu jiuci's official support association did not make any movement, some big fans who liked Gu jiuci secretly poked diss lishasha.

@Nine words little sweetheart: we a CI, we can't eat the witch's cherry fruit!

@I am Mu orange's small eyelashes: entertainment circle water is really deep, heard that the female second generation is a rich second generation, can not be provoked!

@Mu orange iron powder: I'm afraid! It's also a mistake for us fairies to be too good. Do you dare to eat at random in the future?

The incident continues to ferment, but Gu jiuci has not given any response. Li Shasha has a guilty conscience and dare not send micro blog hard steel. In this way, netizens directly strengthen their evil feelings towards Li Shasha after seeing news and videos.

The public relations team of Li Shasha, after thinking about it all night, finally came up with a way to circle several fan IDs and accuse fans of spreading rumors.

This move is undoubtedly to push themselves into the fire pit, netizens and fans are more angry. As soon as the statement of Li Shasha's studio came out, all fans left messages one after another, and Aite's own artists should never eat what Lisa gave.

@Fangfang guard group: @ Du Fanghua, you can eat the fruit if you want to eat it!

@Fei Ming's belt: @ Fei Ming, my baby should pay attention to it. The virgin fruit is the most fashionable luxury item this year. It's the one that kills you!

@Gualu people: do you eat cherry tomatoes? One at a time, one burps a fart ~

for a while, netizens are playing with the fruit of the holy virgin, and Lisa Li has become a joke.

Gu jiuci looked at the expression bag made by netizens. He couldn't stand up straight with laughter. Instead, he had a beautiful sleep in the hospital.

It was Lisa. She was so angry that she hurt her liver all night and didn't sleep well at all.

The next day, it was still early in the morning,

Gu jiuci arrived at the shooting site half an hour ahead of others, so punctual people could no longer be punctual.

After knowing about Gu jiuci, we all understood that there was a reason for it, and they all came to care about her.

"Jiuci, why did you come so early? Are you better?"

"Yes, nine resignations. That staff member is terrible."

Even Fei Ming and Du Fanghua came to her and expressed concern.

After a while, Li Shasha came with her assistant. Because of the news on Weibo yesterday, everyone looked at her with some vigilance and caution.

"Sister Sasha, I have prepared some snacks for you. Please come and get them!"

The assistant held a big box and said to everyone enthusiastically. However, this time, everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to come over. After all, the cherry tomatoes are terrible!

Li Shasha's face was livid, but her agent told her that she couldn't get angry at this time, so she had to bear it.

Not long after, director Lee lok'an came to greet everyone to start work, and Lisa did not continue to be embarrassed.

After a day or two later, the crew was quite clean. Gu jiuci devoted himself to acting and was praised by the director from time to time.

This afternoon, the crew suddenly became lively. Gu jiuci just came out of the dressing room and asked people what was going on.

"Jiang Min's sister, the big star Jiang Yuan, has come to visit! I gave a red envelope to all the crew, but I also invited the whole crew to eat Western food!

Nine words, you also hurry to go

One of the crew members finished and left.

Gu jiuci frowned a little at the smell of speech. Why did Jiang Yuan come to visit her class at this time? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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