Gu jiuci just shook his hand and walked towards the set without looking back.

Tang Yu's line of sight from Gu jiuci's back takes back, and then looks at mi'an seriously.

"I'll send you an address later, and it will be your new address later. I heard that you are a student of Shangying film? Has been absent for a long time? "

Mi an a Leng, did not expect Tang Yu to know her so well.

"Of course, I will carefully investigate the person who wants to sign a contract."

The implication was that he had been prepared for a long time.

Mi an slightly surprised, then embarrassed answer.

"Because my mother's medical expenses are very expensive, I will also go to the group performances if I have the opportunity, so I miss a lot of courses."

Tang Yu frowned: "in the future, this kind of group performance doesn't have to go. Take the missing credits back! You are also an artist with a certain number of fans. Don't give us a bad impression of learning dregs. I will arrange some short scripts for you to audition. When you are young, you should know how to cherish feathers. "

After hearing Tang Yu's words, Mian's eyes widened in surprise. No one ever thought about her future for a long time, and no one told her to cherish feathers.

She was so flattered that Tang Yu was used to it. He seldom gives a soft smile.

"You are very lucky, follow a CI, must make good efforts, don't let down her expectation to you."


Mia nodded heavily.

Gu jiuci returned to the studio, in a good mood. Unexpectedly, Mian's contract just expired, so she picked up a big bargain.

Time flies by, "the most beautiful hour light" script is not very long, in a twinkling of an eye to the time to kill.

Because of the increasing ratings, more and more satellite TV stations are buying copyrights, and the crew is making a lot of money. The director has taken over the whole hotel nearby to hold a killing party and a celebration banquet.

On this day, all the actors came back to celebrate, including Jiang Min and Xu yun'er, who had been killed in advance.

At the self-help banquet, people gathered around the men and women, toasting and saying goodbye. As the third girl, Gu jiuci was very popular. Although we are in a drama group, we also pursue drama. We are all surrounded by Mu orange.

"A CI, can you give me the first few names, not many, only a hundred."

"Yes, yes, you can sign it for me. Many of my friends like you."

"Good, good, one by one."

Gu jiuci responded with a smile and almost answered everyone's request.

Jiang Min and Xu yun'er stand in the corner coldly and see the scene in front of them, and their jealous eyes turn red.

Why can Gu jiuci have such treatment?

Xu yun'er vomited more blood in her heart. She thought that with her superb acting skills, she could also gain a wave of fans. However, after the broadcast of her content, her microblog was full of swearing.

Because her role is very green tea, the more real she plays, the more disgusting the audience will be, and even some people call her the natural acting, so there is no sense of disobedience. Everyone connected the role with her. Even Jiang Min got some good feeling in the whole play, but she didn't hear a word of praise.

"Tut Tut, this has not played the female master, the tail has been raised to the sky!"

Jiang Min acid opened his mouth, Xu yun'er glanced at Jiang Min, did not speak.

She quietly took out her mobile phone and sent a coordinate to Jiang Yutang who had not contacted for a long time.

"Xu Yuner: Yutang, I'm having a dinner party with a CI in a hotel near your company! Here's your chance! At this time, if you confess to CI in public, once the news media publicize it, ah CI will have to recognize it. "

for fear that Jiang Yutang would not come, Xu Yuner added another sentence.

"Xu Yuner: Yutang, this is your last chance. "

sure enough, Jiang Yutang immediately replied.

"Jiang Yutang: of course I'll come. Even if I can't get back together, I can't watch [biqu Pavilion] ]How good she is! 」 , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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