Xu yun'er puts away her mobile phone and stares at Gu jiuci's direction with a cold smile.

Wait a minute. It's going to be on.

"What are you laughing at?"

Jiang Min looks at Xu yun'er suspiciously.

"It's nothing, just..."

Xu Yuner pretended to be eager to talk and stopped. Looking at Jiang Min's face, she had another plan in mind.

As expected, Jiang Min was very curious and asked, "just what? Can you keep your mouth shut? "

"That... I'm just guessing. It seems that Jiang's company is near this hotel. Before the director asked you where you want to hold a green banquet, I remember a CI also expressed his opinions

Xu yun'er deliberately said not clear, waiting for Jiang Min brain tonic.

Jiang Min heard the speech, just like a cat saw a mouse, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Do you mean that Gu jiuci chose this hotel for a private meeting with Jiang Yutang? The two of them are still tied together? "

"No, no, no, I really don't mean that..."

Xu Yuner pretends to be very anxious to explain to Jiang Min, but in fact, she is very happy. Jiang Min can't listen to what she says next, and continues to do brain tonic on her own.

"Gu jiuci is really brave. If love news comes out before it becomes popular, will she go through the heart of the earth immediately? Oh, by the way, brother Che is not a fuel-efficient lamp! I want brother Che to see the real face of this cheap woman! Only my sister is the one who really loves him

Seeing that Jiang Min was developing in the direction she expected, Xu yun'er couldn't help being pleased, but she pretended to be cautious and persuasive.

"Jiang Min, don't be impulsive and do something stupid. Don't forget to remind you that you must be careful..."

"OK, you will know to threaten me with brother Tao all day long!"

When she mentioned brother Tao, Jiang Min's face became cold. Last time she was scolded by Zhang Tao in front of so many people, she had a strong rebellious mentality against Zhang Tao.

However, Jiang Min this is a little clever, she is alert to sweep Xu yun'er, deliberately way.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything."

Then she made an excuse to go to the bathroom, in fact, to make a phone call.

Xu yun'er effortlessly arranged a bureau, then picked up the champagne in a happy mood and walked towards the crowd.

At this time, the crowd around Gu jiuci finally dispersed a lot. Although a Jing helped her block a lot of wine, it was necessary to drink the wine with the director and the director.

Although it was all low alcohol wine, it was probably because she didn't touch wine for a long time. She was a little tipsy.

"ADI, are you ok?"

Gu jiuci shakes his head and hands the glass to A'ai.

"A little dizzy. Let's go to the terrace and blow the wind."

With that, Gu jiuci walked to the edge of the terrace by himself. It happened that the mobile phone rang. It was the news from Zhan Ying.

"Zhan Ying: Miss Gu, the master will come back to China tonight. He said he would like to give you a surprise. Please look forward to it! "

Gu jiuci quickly replied to Zhan Ying a thank you.

The cool evening wind blows on my face. Outside the terrace is a round moon, just like the moon in the park that night.

All of a sudden, I miss him a little...

at this time, a solemn Symphony burst out suddenly. The senior hall manager with more than a dozen waiters pushed the dining car and walked in slowly.

They stop in the middle aisle, then open the dining car in turn, looking at all the gorgeous and exquisite high-end Western food.

The crowd was slightly stunned. The manager of the lobby came to the director and asked him to accept the gift.

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