"Min'er, don't listen to this bad woman's nonsense. We are childhood sweethearts. Don't you know what kind of person I am?"

After hearing Zuo Hao's words, Jiang Min is immediately infused with infatuation. He has no doubt about Zuo Hao, and even stares at Gu jiuci.

"Gu jiuci, my relationship with a Hao is unbreakable. If you destroy Xu yun'er, don't think you can destroy my feelings!"

"Is it?"

Gu jiuci is too lazy to talk nonsense. He takes out his mobile phone and calls up the video he took on the day of high school anniversary, and then turns to meet Jiang min.

"Listen carefully. Is this your boyfriend's voice? Have a good look. Is this your boyfriend himself?"

At this time, Zuo Hao satirizes Jiang Min's voice from the mobile phone. Gu jiuci accidentally turns the phone's voice to the maximum.

"What kind of woman is Jiang Min? I feel sick when I see her! "

the harsh words immediately spread to every corner of the library. The melon eating audience looked at them in unison. After a while, Xu Yuner's voice came from the video.

"My God! Jiang Min didn't even know that she was green! "

"The most pitiful thing is that she was green by Xu yun'er and helped Xu yun'er speak!"

"I have seen Zuo Hao take Xu yun'er for a walk on the playground several times. It turns out that they are stealing Qing!"

The harsh voices of the people around him were all introduced into Jiang Min's ears, stimulating Jiang Min's nerves.

Zuo Hao's face turned white and stammered at Jiang min.

"Min'er, listen to my explanation. There is something wrong with this video. Gu jiuci deliberately recorded it to frame me. Xu Yuner and I are innocent. You should believe me!"


Jiang Min suddenly waved Zuo Hao's hand and woke up completely. At the moment, she only felt extremely ashamed.

"Son of a bitch! In vain I treat you so good, you unexpectedly run to find other woman to steal sex, you give me to wait! Xu yun'er and you, I will never let go! I want you two scum men and women to die

Jiang Min trembled and pointed to Zuo Hao, and then angrily rushed out of the library. Zuo Hao was so scared that he ran after him.

Gu jiuci carelessly put away the mobile phone, the library finally returned to calm.

In fact, she had long expected that Huayue would use Xu Yuner's things to do some articles and pour her dirty water, but it happened to Jiang Min, and Jiang Min would never let Xu yun'er feel better.

Sure enough, Huayue made a statement that afternoon announcing that Xu Yuner had a bad character. Now he has terminated the contract with Xu Yuner. At the same time, the story of Qingyun, in which all the pictures of Xu Yuner are changed to other people with one key. And the next one is Jiang yun'er.

Gu nine words and let Tang Yu have a force, all over the Internet is the skin of Xu Yun's son. This truth has been stabbed to the man before Xu Yun's tune. Jiang Yutang and Yu Gu even Zuo Hao have all exploded.

At first, they still claimed that they were Xu Yuner's boyfriend on the Internet, until Yu Gu released a final telephone recording with Xu Yuner, tearing up the truth that Xu Yuner used him. All the spare children woke up and joined the ranks of abusing Xu Yuner.

Many people began to be glad that this scum was finally sent to prison.

Late at night, a woman detention center in the imperial capital.

The iron door creaked and opened, and the policewoman called to the cell with a cold face.

"Xu Yuner is out of the line, someone has come to see you...

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