In the personal visiting room, Xu yun'er was untied the handcuffs by the policewoman and pushed in.


The sound of the door slamming fiercely frightened Xu yun'er. Throughout the night, Xu yun'er saw the darkness of the prison. They let her sleep on the edge of the toilet. At night, mice and cockroaches crawled over her head.

She used to be a famous lady who enjoyed the treatment of a daughter. Why should she live such a life? All this is the harm of Gu jiuci!

"You should be curious about what the outside world is like now."

The expressionless man handed the mobile phone to Xu yun'er.

Xu yun'er immediately reached out her hands greedily and grabbed her mobile phone. Then she immediately logged in her account on the major social platforms and searched for her own news.

As a result, she saw Huayu's termination of the contract and extensive abuse. Even the men who were fascinated by her in the past also sent messages to scold her.

"Jiang Yutang: Xu yun'er, you'd better pray that you can't get out of the prison all your life, or I'll kill you! "

" Yu Gu: I was so blind at the beginning that I would like such a bitch as you! If you dare to come out, wait for me! "

the most terrible thing is Zuo Hao, who even has to send someone to prison to torture her!

There's no company signing her up, there's a bunch of people waiting to kill her!

"Xu yun'er, you have no way back. The only way to live is to promise Miss L's conditions."

At this time, the man beside him deliberately showed a smile of Yin Zhuo.

"Good! I promise Miss L's terms! As long as she can get me out of this place! As long as she can let Gu Jiu die! I'm willing to pay any price! "

Xu yun'er agreed immediately if she didn't want to.

"Well, I have already made it clear to you about Miss L's conditions. Congratulations, Xu Yuner. From now on, you are free again..."

the man opened the door for Xu Yuner as he spoke.

Xu yun'er looks greedily at the world outside. Gu jiuci, I will never lose again this time. I want you to die!


In the morning, Gu jiuci suddenly wakes up from the nightmare.

She dreamt of her mother, but in the dream, her mother didn't speak and kept running. She tried hard to chase her mother, but she didn't want her.

Gu jiuci took a deep breath and reached over his forehead. It was all cold sweat.

Suddenly, her cell phone rang.

"What's the matter? Big brother

"I just heard from the prison guards that sufurong is dead."


Half an hour later, Gu jiuci rushed to a woman's detention center in the imperial capital.

"Sorry, you are not allowed to enter the scene of the crime for the time being."

The police took them to one side of the interrogation room. Although the family members may run to the cell to kill people, the police still have to go through the scene and make a record.

"Mr. policeman, did Su Furong give me the details of my mother's accident before she died?"

After recording, Gu jiuci can't wait to ask.

"I'm sorry, she died when we started the trial on sufurong."

An old policeman said with some pity.

"In the end, it didn't bring any clues to the traffic accident of Su Yunchao."

"Is it possible that someone is deliberately hiding behind their backs? I'm afraid sufurong will tell the secret, so the murderer of my mother has started! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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