Some of the audience even looked at Gu jiuci in disbelief.

"Who is this man? Why have you never heard of it? "

"An excellent teenager can't be without fame. He must be a bad luck guy who was accidentally assigned to group A."

"It's very likely that Daisy is so powerful that she is assigned to group F. maybe she is the unfortunate person who was wrongly assigned from group F to group A!"

"Then her performance must be terrible. Shall we go?"

"Yes, let's go. I've seen the best performance."

At this time, the audience began to stand up in twos and threes, and walked out.

Under the stage, Daisy laughed triumphantly.

Gu jiuci, did you see it? The audience didn't see you at all. You were just a clown on the stage!

Audrey, who was also sitting in the crowd, looked at Gu jiuci, who was alone and embarrassed on the stage, and felt a kind of pleasure that had not been seen for a long time.

Su Yunchao, your daughter, it seems like that!

However, in the next second...

a high octave speed piano sound resounded through the whole hall, which made all the people in the audience stunned. The people who prepared to stand also stopped and looked at Gu jiuci on the stage in shock.

Playing pirates at octave speed!

This is originally a fast-paced song. With this speed doubling, the momentum of the song is stacked. People's heart rate seems to be under the control of Gu jiuci's strings. When everyone is in the high Chao part and Gu jiuci wants to control it... The young girl suddenly turns into a smooth one, linking up a soothing Serenade!

This is the second player from group A to perform on stage!

And the heart of the audience, like a roller coaster, instantly fell from the highest place into the quiet deep sea.

"My God! She's not going to have a barbecue, is she? String up all the songs of the first five players

Ji Weiran some not sure of the opening way, however, the next second, Gu jiuci's hands quickly changed to another cheerful song. You seem to have come from the peaceful Finnish sea to the busy market in Sri Lanka to catch up with a couple's happy wedding.

In the end, Gu jiuci draws an aesthetic ending to this story with a classic Chinese poem "Liangzhu".

At the end of the song, Gu jiuci bowed in the direction of the audience. After two or three seconds of silence, there were more enthusiastic applause and cheers than ever before!

Everyone was very happy and surprised, but Daisy and Audrey's faces were very ugly.

"Mommy, didn't you say that you gave Gu jiuci a surprise in the morning, and her performance will certainly be affected? What about your surprise? "

Daisy was so angry with her mother that she immediately frowned.

"It seems that she is better than I thought. We should take the initiative to meet her."

On the stage, the judges gave Gu jiuci the first place in group A without any suspense. All the other contestants were convinced and congratulated Gu jiuci. The audience did not leave for a long time because they wanted to know what the name of this talented girl from the East was.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Gu jiuci from China!"

From today on, mountain city will remember her name deeply! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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