"ADI, you are so wonderful. Those foreigners just came to the office to inquire about your name."

Gu jiuci just stepped off the stage, three small partners immediately rushed over and surrounded her. Ji Wei Ran was particularly excited.

"Indeed, it is estimated that the classical music circle will brush the frequency for you, an oriental girl, tonight."

Even the quiet sichen couldn't help being excited.

"I'm afraid it's not as bad as brushing the screen. These foreigners secretly feel sour in their hearts."

Gu jiuci quietly put away the violin, she still has some understanding of the urine of these foreigners.

"Let's go out and have a good meal to celebrate that all four of us have reached the final

Ji Weiran quickly proposed.

"It's said that the characteristic of mountain city is roast Ru pig, which can be cut with a plate. Shall we try it?"

Ji Weiran said, some of his saliva can not control.

"Go, or I'll be killed by you!"

Gu jiuci immediately agreed with a smile. Anyway, the elder brother and the big devil all sent bodyguards to protect them in the dark, and just go to a restaurant. It should be OK.

"I wonder if I have the honor to invite our dark horse to dinner?"

Several people were discussing where to eat in the neighborhood. Suddenly, a gentle and generous voice came from behind them. Gu jiuci turned around and saw odera and Daisy come to them.

"Are you a CI, the daughter of Yun Chao?"

Audela looked at Gu jiuci with a kind expression and a gentle tone.

such beautiful and gentle appearance, let people subconsciously remove their hearts and minds. If Andy and uncle yuan had been in front of her before, she would make complaints about her nine words.

"Wow! Are you the first Chinese actress to break into Hollywood

Without waiting for Gu jiuci to answer, Ji Weiran first opened his mouth and took out a pen and paper with a nervous face.

"My mother is still your fan. Could you sign it for me

"Of course, I live in the mountain city. I know the most authentic roast pig. Why don't we go there and eat and talk?"

Audela immediately went down the steps and said with a smile.

"To sum up, Yunchao and I are old friends for many years. We should take good care of you."

Gu jiuci didn't want to go, but Ji Weiran liked audela so much. In addition, she mentioned her mother again. After thinking about it, she nodded and agreed.

"I'll trouble you. If you have a chance to return to China, I'll do my best."


Audela gave a smile, and an imperceptible ferocity flashed through her eyes.

Daisy had a black face all the way. When Gu jiuci got on the bus, she also lowered her voice and disdained.

"You wait, I will win the championship!"

"I'll stay with you to the end."

Gu jiuci's reply is opposite, and Daisy wants to argue again.

"Daisy! What about your manners and upbringing

At this time, audela suddenly put on a straight face and gave Daisy a serious rebuke. Daisy's face turned white and she apologized to her mother for the first time.

"I'm wrong, Mommy."

Seeing this, Ji Weiran, sitting in the back row, couldn't help biting his ears quietly with sichen.

"How could a gentle woman like audela give birth to a daughter like Daisy?"

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