"Weiran, you can't just look at the surface."

Before getting off the bus, audela and Daisy walked in front of her. Gu jiuci quietly turned back and said to Ji Weiran with profound meaning.

It has to be said that she has lived in the mountain city for many years. The restaurant she chose was authentic. As soon as she got to the door, people immediately smelled the strong aroma of roasted pig, which made people salivate.

The waiter divided the cut into the pig plate, and then handed it to everyone. Ji Wei Ran couldn't wait to start. Gu jiuci glanced at the opposite mother and daughter, and quietly kicked her, pretending to teach her table manners.

"You can't wait for the master's house to start?"

"It doesn't matter. This is the United States, but there are not so many broken rules in China! Feudal superstition

Daisy made a few sarcastic remarks, picked up a fork and poked a piece of meat into her mouth.

"Daisy received an orthodox American education. She has never lived in China. I hope you don't mind."

Audrey started as she explained apologetically.

"It doesn't matter. It's normal that the cultural differences between the two countries are different."

Then he picked up the knife and fork. It's impolite to check the food at this time. We can only find a way to let Audrey and her daughter eat first. Daisy's hostility to herself is so great, and with her past connections, she can't really let go of her guard.

During the meal, Audrey also took the initiative to talk about some old things, always related to her mother.

"At that time, your mother was very bright in the circle. We also joked that when she had a child, she must marry her in law. The child she gave birth to must be very beautiful. Now I see you, you are sure that everyone's evaluation is correct.

It's a pity that... "

Audrey suddenly changed her voice.

"She'll never see your future..."

this sentence is clearly a feeling of Su Yunchao's beauty and ill fated life, but from audella's mouth, Gu jiuci faintly heard a trace of malicious and mean. She replied with a motionless smile.

"Mom will be proud of me."

"I think so."

Audela raised the corners of her mouth in a meaningful way, and then talked about some things, such as asking Gu jiuci whether he was used to it or not, and what he lacked to say to her.

At the end of the day, I took a group photo with Ji Weiran and others.

"By the way, when you come to the mountain city, you must not miss the most distinctive local snacks. I have packed them for you. Remember to take them back to eat."

Ji Weiran smelled the fragrance of the dim sum and immediately asked.

"Pig ice cream? It is said that the animal milk is made from the fat of the local black pig. It will taste delicious within three hours. "

"I don't think you know that, so I don't have to say more."

"Hey, hey."

Ji Weiran smiles with embarrassment. After saying goodbye to audela and others, they get on the bus and return to the hotel. Ji Weiran can't help opening pig and pig ice cream on the way, and is held down by Gu jiuci.

"Don't move."

"Why? It will take more than an hour to go back, and the ice cream will melt. "

Ji Weiran looks at Gu jiuci in a puzzled way.

"You'd better listen to a CI. Tomorrow is the final. At this time, I still don't want to eat raw, cold and exciting things."

Si Chen quickly advised, Shen Jianxing also followed suit.

"When the game is over, I'll buy you as much ice cream as you want."

See everyone say so, Ji Weiran, you have to give up, to the hotel, Gu jiuci immediately give these ice cream to the bodyguards.

"Check these ice cream."

She was just in case, but she did not expect to find out the "surprise"...

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