
Gu jiuci hesitated. She only saw such a god class character in textbooks and TV. She saw it for the first time today.

"I also praised you and this boy, very talented!"

The old man can't help but remind a sentence, Gu jiuci suddenly remembered.

"The ensemble contest!"

It was the only time in her memory that she participated in an international competition with the devil king. The music she played was composed by granny Huo and lyrics written by grandfather Huo. She was very impressed that time because she won the championship together with the devil.

It's also a rare moment of tacit understanding between her and the great devil.

She vaguely remembers that an old man with a mask praised her and the devil, but at that time she thought that the grandfather was the audience, so she didn't pay any attention to it. It turned out that Gu jiuci's eyes lit up suddenly.

"So you are the old man of that year!"

"Of course it's me. Otherwise, who would have such a good eye for finding two geniuses all at once?"

The old man said humorously.

"It's a pity that one of them gave up his talent."

Mr. Stephen shrugged his shoulders regretfully and glanced at Huo Mingche.

Gu jiuci's heart suddenly felt a little pity. In fact, the great devil's musical talent was far above her. It was a pity that for the future of the Huo family, he had not touched an instrument for a long time.

"I am very moved by your performance today. I would like to recommend you to participate in the Mozart youth competition one year later. Would you like to

Sir, Stephen was stunned.

Mozart youth competition! That's higher than Vieira! Because Vieira is a music major student can participate, but Mozart youth competition, must obtain professional recognition in the industry, that is to say, at least a quasi musician, to be eligible to participate!

In Stephen's heart, Gu jiuci is already a quasi musician!

"How wonderful! Even if you don't have the Vieira gold prize, you've been recognized by classical music in advance

"ADI, I'm so happy for you!"

Ji Weiran and Si Chen two girlfriends have excited way.

As the winner of the Vieira gold prize, Daisy, who should have enjoyed unlimited scenery, was left hanging out like a transparent background board.

The audience also applauded Gu jiuci and praised Stephen for his unique vision.

"Angel, I will support you!"

"A year later, I'll cheer you on!"

In the crowd, there is even Carl who lost to Gu jiuci before. After today's competition, he has become Gu jiuci's little fan.

At this time, the staff came to inform everyone to attend the award ceremony.

"Please follow me to the hall on the first floor."


Gu jiuci suddenly opened his mouth to stop the staff, cool voice way.

"Such an unfair competition system, I refuse this silver medal, not only that, I have to protest to the organizing committee!"


the Chief Judge William was immediately embarrassed.

"It's really unfair."

At this time, standing beside Smith, Huo Mingche suddenly opened his lips, and his pure English was wrapped in a threatening momentum, which made people subconsciously listen to him.

At this time, Zhan Ying comes out from the side and stares at William seriously.

"President William, as the organizer of this Vieira competition, the Juliet Conservatory of music hopes that your school's 100 year reputation will not be destroyed in this competition. If we can't even achieve the minimum fairness, we will have to give up our support to your school."


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