Hearing this, Gu jiuci was slightly stunned, and so on, and so on, the big devil actually returned to Juliet Conservatory of music investment sponsorship?



President William was in a dilemma immediately. During this period of time, the support provided by the Hawthorne foundation to the school was huge. If this sponsor was lost, the consequences would be very serious.

"I will give feedback to the organizers of the competition and re determine the result of this competition."

William finished and waved his hand to the staff.

"The result of the violin Division has not been determined yet, so we will not attend the ceremony for the time being."

As soon as William's voice fell, Daisy's face suddenly changed, and Audrey went straight forward.

"I protest, Mr. William, how can you easily change the competition system because of a protest from the contestants? This is the biggest injustice of Vieira

"Mrs. Tom, who is the first to violate the competition system in this competition? Don't you know

Gu jiuci deliberately raised the tone and made a meaningful opening.

She called her Mrs. Tom, not Audrey. Because audela has never made a name in Hollywood, she is known because of the title of Mrs. Tom.

This woman cares so much about her fame that it's like poking her in the ribs.

Sure enough, audela's face changed and she said sarcastically.

"I can't imagine that Su Yunchao's daughter is as eloquent as her."

"Why, do you want to do the same thing you did to my mother?"

Gu jiuci narrowed his eyes slightly and said so intentionally.

She suspected that her mother's car accident had a lot to do with Audrey. Now she is taking advantage of the other party's emotional instability to cheat!

Sure enough, an unnatural flash flashed through audela's eyes, and then she denied it without expression.

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Now, William, as you have said, renegotiate the result."

In the end, Mr. Stephen settled down and the violin competition ended in farce. On the spot, Daisy was forced to cry by her mother.

The crowd dispersed, leaving only Gu jiuci and the great demon king.

Si Chen and Ji Weiran's friends are especially eye winking.

Gu jiuci immediately took the big devil's arm and opened his mouth with a smile.

"You are as handsome as the God of heaven today ~"

"which time is not like?"

Did not expect the man unexpectedly pick eyebrow to ask, Gu nine CI hastily changed one's mouth.

"Every time!"

"By the way, how could you suddenly appear in the mountain city?"

Gu jiuci asked casually, a touch of unnatural flashed across the big devil's face, and he answered after a second.

"The work is over."

Hide in the dark rest of Zhan Ying lengbu Ding heard this sentence, immediately shook his head, made a disdainful expression.

Obviously, I couldn't finish all my work, but a faint monarch was gone for a day. I was so crazy that I came to America!


Gu jiuci is dubious, but this is not what she is most concerned about now.

"When did you invest and sponsor the Juliet conservatory? Why don't I know about it? "

Gu jiuci looks at the great demon king with a serious expression. In his heart, he is looking forward to it, but also worried. Is this just a business investment, or is it for her?

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