Several players rushed out and looked at Gu Qijue eagerly.

Gu jiuci looked at the past, are just starting players, but also with the second brother the best feelings of several players.

Gu Qijue felt the atmosphere was a little awkward, so she grabbed the shoulders of the players one by one.

"Yes, I'm sure I'm leaving. I'll invite you to dinner later. Are you going?"


Gu Jiu shook his head in person, but he could not help but shake his head.

"My second brother means that if you stay in the dragon soul team, you can only have a break up dinner with him. But if you choose to go with him, today's dinner is a celebration banquet and a new beginning."

"Really? Captain, do you really mean that

The gunner in the team was the youngest. Hearing this, he immediately looked at Gu Qijue with his eyes shining.

"Yes, yes, I mean what my family said."

At this time, Gu Qijue had a seizure and answered with a smile.

"Then I will quit the Dragon Spirit tomorrow!"

"I'm going to quit too!"

Several members of the team expressed their attitudes. Finally, the youngest gunner covered his stomach and said.

"Boss, I'm hungry."

"Go! Take you hot and spicy food

Gu Qijue immediately showed a cool crazy bully drag president style smile, took out a black card.

All the boys cheered and followed Gu Qijue to the outside.

The rest of the tea sister and Gu jiuci walk behind. Although Gu jiuci has seen Cha Jie many times, she has never been distracted before.

Now, Gu jiuci specially and quietly observes the tea elder sister. This baby face is very lovely. The second elder brother has liked all kinds of lovely things since he was young, so he has imperceptible influence. When he didn't realize it, he already had a different feeling for tea sister.

Tea sister was Gu jiuci read some not very good, had to mention the topic of the game.

"Today's game is really beautiful, you two haven't played for so long, you can cooperate so well and win their temple team."

"In fact, today's fight is very risky. My second brother and I were gambling at that time."


The players in front of him heard this and looked back at Gu jiuci one after another.

"Yes, they're gambling. They don't know that I'm a princess in disguise. When I hide at the beginning of the game, they just think I'm a rookie and take me lightly.

Later, I hid for too long. In order to cheat them successfully, I had to make mage Angola sacrifice. At that time, my second brother's acting skill was really afraid of being seen through by my opponent. "

Gu jiuci finished, there is still a trace of soul stirring in his heart, did not expect their opponents but such arrogance, did not see their obvious strategy.

"My God, when you act in the future, can you tell me? I think it's really cold!"

The children of Angola who were wrongly killed said with tears on their faces.

Gu Qijue waved his hand at will and said: "just your bad acting skills, I was going through the gang at that time, so I can't tell you! As long as you captain, I'm the film King level performance, can we suppress the whole audience, don't you know? "

"Gu Qijue, you've fucked again, haven't you?"

Tea elder sister's eyes swept past, and the second brother immediately reached out to make a zipper up action. Gu jiuci looked at the interaction between the two people, and felt some emotion at the bottom of his heart.

I didn't expect that the two of them should be so well matched, which she had never noticed before.

People unconsciously walked out of the back door of the stadium. Gu jiuci saw her man standing on the square waiting for her.

The dim yellow light fell on him, which was more handsome than all the actors in the idol drama. There were girls screaming by the roadside from time to time. Standing there alone, he became a beautiful scenery. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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