"ADI, would you like to have dinner with us?"

A long time novel www.99xsw.info ]Brother suddenly looked back at her and said.

"No, I'm going out with my boyfriend."

Gu jiuci Ao Jiao's refusal, and then speed up the pace toward the big devil in the past.

The man saw her as soon as she rushed over. He held out his hand early, waiting for her to plunge into his arms like a koala, and then steadily caught her.

"Brother Che, do you think my performance today is particularly good? Please praise me ~"

Gu jiuci sticks her hands and feet on a man's body. I don't know if she can see the real needs of her heart, or because she can be unscrupulous in a foreign country, she finds herself more and more clingy to Huo Mingche.

There is a second to embrace, then try to embrace.

"Very good."

The girl on the body did not plan to come down, the man then carefully held her thigh, did not let her fall down.

In the square of all the girls watching, holding her toward the direction of the car to see.

Gu jiuci's heart is as sweet as the honey pot is knocked over.

Sweet to her silly head against the man's chest, unable to control the more abnormal smile.

At this time, not far away that pair of jubilant enemies made a scene again. The second elder brother didn't know what to say to make tea sister angry. The angry tea sister ran after her.

Gu jiuci looked at the two people's backs with some emotion.

"Why didn't I find that there was so much fishiness between these two people before?"

"You've always been slow."

Huo Mingche side eyes looked at the eye girl, suddenly meaningful mouth way.

"Is it?"

Gu jiuci is in the introspection.

On the other side, the rest room of the temple corps,


Sha hang fell to the ground in pain and vomited out a mouthful of blood. Now his hand has been broken by Andrea. Maybe he will never be an E-sports player in his life.

"Andre, don't fight, you'll be killed if you strike again!"

Audela frowned and stopped her son.

"Mother, is this the surprise Miss L gave you? This waste is useless at all! He even brought shame to our whole team, and your son was banned for half a year

Andre hit the wall with a violent blow.

Audela frowned fiercely: "all this is the fault of Gu jiuci. Suyunchao, suyunchao, why are you all dead and want to make so much trouble for me?"

Thinking of this, Audrey immediately walked out of the door, found a corner where there was no one, and made a phone call.

Soon the phone was connected and a machine processed sound rang.

"Ms. odella, what can I do for you?"

"What's the matter? You can't help asking me, you almost destroyed my son, you have to pay the price! "

Audela's face was livid.

Who knows the voice on the phone is still calm.

"I've heard everything, but Ms. odella, I told your son how to do it, but your son can't use it. What can I do? It's like when my mother taught you how to do it, but you showed your weakness. Can't you blame us? "

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