Audela frowned when she heard this, and immediately remembered what Gu jiuci had said to her.

"Do you mean that Gu jiuci has suspected that her mother's death has something to do with me?"

"My intelligence tells me that the Gu family is already re investigating what happened in those years, Ms. odella. We should unite now to completely erase the traces of the past."

The voice on the phone gradually became gloomy. Audrey clenched her cell phone and paced back and forth. After thinking for a long time, she finally said, "OK, Miss L, I can continue to give you financial support, but I also have one condition."

"You are welcome to say what kind of conditions."

"My condition is not only to erase the traces of the past, but also to erase the traces of the present. I want Gu jiuci to disappear like her mother Su Yunchao!"

"This is our common goal, and I am willing to serve my wife."

Soon there was a dull voice on the phone.

"That's it. I'll call you soon for the money, but if you let me down, you'll understand the power of the Tom family!"

In the end, audela did not forget to threaten her.


Lin Shujing, another city in the United States, stood in front of the French window and slowly hung up the phone. His lips, painted with bright lipstick, showed a strange smile.

At this time, an assistant in a black suit came in and saluted Lin Shujing's back.

"Boss, our people found out that Mr. Huo has come to the United States in the last two days, and has always been with Gu jiuci."

"I see. Go down."

Lin Shujing waved her hand as if she were very calm, but in the moment when the assistant closed the door, her expression became gloomy and terrifying for a second.

"Ah Che, you are so kind to Gu jiuci. It seems that I really should go back home..."


By the sea, Gu jiuci sneezed heavily, and then a suit with man Ti Wen fell on her.

"It's windy at night. Put it on."

"Oh, what do you do?"

Gu jiuci tightened the suit jacket on the tight, some worried looking at Huo Mingche. After having dinner near the stadium, she heard that the seaside night scene here is a local wonder, and there is a local special gathering tonight, so she took the big devil with her.

But when I got to the seaside, I found that there were too few clothes on.

"I don't care."

The man habitually said.

"You lied, your lips are purple, you want to cheat me?"

Gu jiuci looked around and found that all the people who came and went were wearing cloaks of local characteristics.

"Hello, where did you get this cloak?"

She immediately grabbed a man and listened in English.

"The tent right in front."

The good local showed them the way. Before the bonfire party, it was the local market, where there were many Indian tents, and there were all kinds of things sold in tents.

"Well, thank you."

Gu jiuci immediately led the devil to find the dark lattice tent. When she went in and looked at it, she found that there were only two clothes left, which were the traditional wedding dress of the local people...


Gu jiuci struggled for a second. Between embarrassment and warmth, she chose to keep warm.

"Change your clothes quickly."

However, the big devil was not moved, looking at another set of women's wedding dress.

"You wear it, too."

The meaning is obvious, sharing happiness and sharing difficulties.

Gu jiuci tangled a little for a few seconds, and then resolutely agreed. After all, the seaside wind is really big, and Huo Mingche's suit is not resistant to the wind at all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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