Both wore traditional white cloaks and special hats as requested by the owner.

"What a pair of golden girls

The shopkeeper exclaimed with emotion.

Gu jiuci is inexplicably proud and sweet.

The two people came out of the tent just in time for the start of the seaside bonfire meeting. Suddenly a group of local people came and pushed them to the bonfire. Everyone was wearing a bright smile and pushed them to the center of the fire. Then they danced around them hand in hand.

"What are they doing around us?"

Gu jiuci looked at the big demon king and asked.

"Thought we were getting married."

Big demon king brief introduction way, Gu jiuci touched his hat, stupefied for a while, and then relieved way.

"So they're dancing and blessing us, aren't they? How do Indians get married? "

She asked this question very naively, but the man's eyes became deep in an instant.

"What's the matter? You don't know the local custom of getting married? "

At this time, the audience dance more and more enthusiastic, and constantly use the local language to urge you and them.

Gu jiuci's face is muddled, and the big demon king suddenly opens his mouth to reply.


"It was... Um...

the next second, under the witness of stars, Wang Yang, the sea, and laughter, he gently held her face and gave a deep kiss.

Gu jiuci's eyes widened. The big devil was in front of so many people!

Her heart beat at once from calm to broken.

After that, all the scenery and sounds around all regressed, and there was only one person in the world.

Gu jiuci slowly closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth of this moment.

The wedding ceremony of the local people was wonderful ~

after that, the cheers were even more enthusiastic. The old sailors picked up their homemade musical instruments and sang the exotic songs of summer flavor with the sound of the waves.

Gu jiuci was led by the great demon king and learned from other lovers to dance the simplest dance in the world around the bonfire.

But it's also the most enjoyable dance.

Finally, she was exhausted. She had to rest in the arms of the great demon, but the market was not over. Everyone shuttled around the mysterious tents and dug up some new gadgets.

"Brother Che, let's go around too, and we'll always bring them some gifts to accompany us back?"

At the thought of coming out to play with nothing, Ji Weiran and his second brother will definitely blow up their hair.


The man gently nodded, carefully held her in his arms and walked forward.

Soon, Gu jiuci found a very Bohemian tent.

"This tent is like a witch's divination tent. Shall we go in and have a look? It's said that Bohemians are very effective in divining marriage

Gu jiuci said curiously.


Huo Mingche doesn't believe these things, but he is willing to spoil the girl.


Gu jiuci immediately led the big demon into the tent. He thought he would see the witch in the fairy tale, but he saw a beautiful girl.

Gu jiuci believes that she is a movie star.

"Are you here to test love?"

What's more surprising is that the witch is fluent in Chinese! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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