Multiverse Traveler System

Chapter 8 - 8: Shusui

~Alex POV~

As I was wandering through the Grand Line sea, I saw firsthand how unpredictable this sea truly is at times.

Storms, tsunamis, and even rain coming towards this place.

But viewing this sea area it's also wonderful at the same time.


This place is surely interesting as it seems but with my points, I can surely get my Shusui on my own, but I prefer to not waste it if possible.

No missions pop up when I train in Haki or even when I gave Ace devil fruit since it was sold off but is it possible for me to bring it to me again.

That didn't matter as I saw fog coming out of nowhere where I was going as I smile at this, "So this the Florian Triangle right? With my abilities seeing isn't a problem here it's more of a radar seeing the aura of anyone and thoughts to me."

Viewing the Florian Triangle, I see that there are a few thunder clouds already forming around the sea but what I was more interested in was the island on this part of the sea Thriller Bark.

The island is surrounded by a huge outer wall that goes around the ship, with a gate resembling a giant mouth that opens and closes.

There is a mansion in the middle of the island, surrounded by an apparently dead forest as the entire ship somewhat resembles the stereotypical scenery in vampire or horror movies, such as Dracula or Frankenstein.

Smirking at this I go over above the island as I used my [Observation Haki] in tandem with my Goro Goro no Mi searching for certain thoughts as well as a certain zombie viewing the place.

Viewing the area I see that a few ghosts are viewing me as I wave towards them I guess Perona is about 16 years old right?

I guess she would be around to join the Moria crew but that didn't matter to me as I quickly swipe it away with my hand coated in [Armament Haki] easily dealing with that annoyance as I came down viewing the island.

Searching around the thoughts of everyone in the area I felt the thoughts of a certain samurai living on the island, "Finally… I found you Shimotsuki Ryuma that legendary blade is going to be mine, Shusui is going to have a new master. Sorry Zoro but that blade is good as mine."

Although Enma is good as well I don't have the skills needed to control it so Shusui might be a good fit for me to use.

After some time, I found him in the locations of the roof as the zombie was looking up at the sky as if he knew that I was looking at him.

Teleporting to Ryuma location I was now in front of him a distance away from the former samurai as he looks at me, "Yohoho…! I see that you stranger came here for a reason tell me stranger who are you?"

Glancing at the zombie Ryuma he has several bandages covering part of his skull face, which has no eyes and no nose and wears a samurai gi with intricate designs more detailed than his original garb.

Ryuma's mouth is partially covered by the blue scarf he wears, his black hair has turned white, and he keeps Shusui strapped to his right hip.

Pointing towards his sword Shusui on his hip he held it with a tight grip as he says to me in an amused tone, "Yohoho…! Well, it looks like you want to be a swordsman young man but I won't let this blade go…"

Taking a fighting stance as I use my Goro Goro no Mi as sparks of lighting surround me as I smirk at the zombie, "I know you won't Ryuma the former legendary dragon slayer, warrior of Wano, and known in your time the Sword God. I will have that blade and become a swordsman so how about a duel I win I keep your Shusui but if you win you have my life what do you say?"

Ryuma what I felt from him was surprised that I knew his previous titles as well as his identity but he merely laughs it off as he unsheathes his Shusui releasing his killing intent, "Yohoho!!!! Now that is a funny joke young man, but I'll agree to your duel and if I win, I keep your body as my master will use it wisely. The name is Shimotsuki Ryuma the Zombie General and you young warrior?"

Smiling at this I felt my blood pump from this now I can finally enjoy a fight as my fist are coated with [Armament Haki] with sparks flying off surprising him, "Alex Smith the wandering traveler searching to get stronger and be free as I can be. I hope your blade Shusui will be a great companion to have."

No words were needed as we both stare at each other in silence…




I was dodging all of the attacks from Ryuma using his swordsmanship as I made sure to observe everything I can from him as I block each strike or avoid it completely with my Haki.

Though I was having the time of my life fighting against Ryuma I knew he was stronger when he was alive not weak as he is now.




We kept on hitting each other forces till we were satisfied as we kept on the attacks at each other.

Ryuma was commenting about my skills as he was having fun with our duel, "Yohoho! I didn't expect you to use Ryuo on me these younger generations are just getting stronger every day Yohohoho!!!"

Smirking at that comment I replied to Ryuma as I say to him in a positive tone, "Thank you for your words Ryuma it's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to get praise from someone who lived in Wano."

Ryuma laughs at this as he replies getting ready to strike at me, "Yohohoho!! Now that is some confidence young man, but I still sense that you are holding back. If you won't show me your all then this duel is wasted."

Well, I guess I should comply but it's better to just cripple him since his needed for the story.

So, without any hesitation, I used my lighting to create an electric construct forming a blade as I quickly go over to Ryuma at speeds he couldn't match with as I slice off his arms, legs, abdomen, and neck leaving him in pieces as I grab the blade Shusui.

Ryuma seems surprised at the situation as he says to me in a defeated tone, "You… you could've ended this duel, easily can't you? Why didn't you finish me off when you had the chance?"

Viewing the legendary black blade Shusui I reply to Ryuma with an amused voice, "Simple. I wanted to test myself of how far I've come plus I wanted the sword to start my path to become a swordsman myself. Also weren't you the one to tell me to fight seriously?"

Ryuma hearing this was chuckling happily at my response as I left the area quickly, "Yohohoho!! At least you were honest and wanted to test yourself? Well in any case I lost you have earned my blade Shusui, but it will be difficult for you to become a Swordsman."

With that, I flew away from the area using my [Diamagnetic Field] from Thriller Bark as I see a bunch of hollow ghosts coming around as I simply point my fingers at them shooting out lightning bolts quickly destroying them.

I'm in no way interested to lose my shadows I even made sure to use my [Observation Haki] for surroundings.

Flying away from the island as I bring out my lighting cloud, I sat on top of it as I look closely at the blade Shusui with a smile, "Shusui… one of the 21 Grade Swords the Black Sword/Blade. I'm so going to recreate the Thunder Breathing Style here in the One-Piece world."

Shusui is a black blade that has a distinct white (reddish-purple in the anime) reverse wave Hamon (hardening line) that is of a Kanemoto style and its tsuba (handguard) has flower-like edges in the shape of an octofoil.

It also has no accessories on the hilt, being wrapped with black silk. Kashira, tsuba, and kojiri end cap are golden, and the sheath is black, decorated with dark red circles split into even thirds.

Bringing out my phone I looked up the breathing style for further information.

The Thunder Breathing combat and breathing style mimics lightning, electricity, and thunder, specifically swift strikes and movements akin to lightning striking and the sound of thunder, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques, and abilities.

Most, if not all, known techniques and forms involve utilizing blinding speeds to close in and swift and insanely fast movements to overwhelm the opponent instantly.

When utilized properly, the user visualizes themselves manipulating and generating electricity that flashes a deep shade of yellow or light blue, causing electricity to seemingly emanate from their weapon, surroundings, or themselves.

It has been remarked Zenitsu that this combat style focuses on channeling strength into the user's legs and maximizing the output of every single muscle and blood vessel in them with my superhero human strength it should be possible.

And using my breath?

I have no need for that since I can change myself into my element state ignoring it as I use my actual lighting strikes into my attacks.

Now that is an awesome way to use my power with a smile, I plan out my next step, "Yup. That is what I'll do but first things first time to explore Water 7 and meet those agents. I bet they have some serious info plus I want to see if I can transfer muscle memory into my own."

With that I placed my Shusui on my h.i.p.s as I tied the rope enough as to not slip as I got out of the Florian Triangle.


Mission, Inventory, Traveler

MTP: 40,000

Skills: Electric Manipulation, Logia Intangibility (Lighting), Haki (Observation, Armament, Conqueror)

Equips: Pure Gold Ring, Shusui

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