My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 293: A Lost Traveler (2)

The Mistress of the Night awaited the gentleman's call and the man did not fail to impress her at all. 

She watched him pull himself up and then bowed formally without any stall. 

The way he conducted himself with grace was enough to make the act of sparing him—er, not immediately doubting his nature—worth it to hear any words from him at all.

"My name is Li Yang," he said and looked up at her face.

The lady quickly refused to meet his eyes, on the ground she averted her gaze. 

How scandalous! This wretched mortal man tried to look upon her face.

It felt like he was both a ruffian and yet prince-like of nature, her heart was now out of place.

The man's actions were enough to make her shy, especially because she did not have visitors as of late. 

Nary, the lady shook her head. She still needed to not let her guard down around this individual, in case he was someone filled with hate. 

She curtsied with the same amount of grace given by him and smiled demurely. 

"I am Lady Elizabeth from the House of Hawthorne and am pleased to be of your acquaintance, Sir Li Yang." She paused for a second and then quickly asked. "From whence do you come from? I do not mean to pry nor to harangue… but you have trespassed in my domain and thus I need to interfere."

The air around them changed and yet it was impossible to tell. 

But this was the beginning of a spell.

"I come from… a place that is not exactly from here." Li Yang coughed and then found himself adding. "But I'd like to think that it's quite near." 

It was best not to appear like some outsider or trespasser. 

Except that he already was.

This was a game evoked to see who would last.

"Distance is quite a fuzzy thing, I must admit and yet your location must be really quite dear." Lady Elizabeth placed a hand on her bosom and then turned her gaze up to the dark clouds. 

"Indeed." Li Yang nodded. "There is much to fear if the information is to be given to someone who may cause quite a stir. Although, if you have the heart… perhaps I may press you to be the one to give honesty a start?"

The Lady stepped closer to him and gave him a bright smile. 

There was a certain twinkle in her eyes.

"Sometimes we draw close elsewhere and other times we are far apart. It changes from the passing of the tides and moon… but does that mean you must quickly depart?"

"Unfortunately so, Lady Hawthorne." Li Yang replied and found himself with an underlying sense of pride. He noticed how close she drew near to his side. "I hope that does not lead to any grievances within your heart?"

"Oh my, that's quite bold." Lady Elizabeth pressed a hand up to her mouth and bit back a smile. The tips of her fangs protruded from her mouth to which she tried to hide. "But I suppose that's quite a start? I will now be forward and admit that I'd like to invite you to wine and dine. If you gaze past my shoulders, you'll see a place that's quite divine."

He followed her instructions just so.

The presence of a castle of old was in the distance and Li Yang wondered if it only appeared within this instance?

Regardless, it did not spell any kind of allurement and all it made him feel was stepping inside would be something he'd later lament.

"...Ah, I'm already quite fine." Li Yang coughed. "I do not wish to enter into a place that's not mine."

A look of frustration finally crossed Lady Elizabeth's face, to which she quickly repressed. "Must I beg or whine? Sir Li Yang, I assure you that the two of us can have a very good time."

"...Entering a lady's abode without any escorts?" Li Yang asked. "That would be such a crime."

"I already invited you so it'll be fine!" This time, impatience finally showed on her face and it was something Li Yang could no longer misplace.

Something was very wrong.

Li Yang knew that all along and yet like a moth to a flame, as were bees to a succulent flower, he was pulled along. 

The man's [ Mental Fortitude ] offered no state of rest, he was currently in some sort of physical and reality arrest. 

It was as if his tongue was caught up in returning all of her words in kind. 

Lest his eyes be plucked up, his heart devoured and he were to become blind.

He certainly didn't have any time—but one step backwards only made her take two steps closer. And the shadows behind her continually lengthened and grew, as if he was placed in a chokehold.

"Why the dreadful silence?" She asked and lost her benign attitude at last. Lady Elizabeth stepped forward and grabbed ahold of his collar. "The two of us are avoiding violence—"

"Oh thank the fucking heavens you just ended up here." A portal appeared out of thin air as Bao flew in to see the scene. It quickly raised a paw to its head and gave Li Yang a dour look. "I was gone for like five fucking minutes and you're entangled with another one?"

Lady Elizabeth Hawthorne's grip loosened against Li Yang's collar as it stared at the magnificent creature floating in the air. She knew of amalgamations of toys with strings brought to life and wondered if it was the same.

Thus came the end of her little game.

"Quite strange. Is this a cursed doll of yours? It's quite cute and if you wish, I can dress it up in silk and satin."

"And you have a couple of loose screws." Bao deadpanned at the nasty blood sucker and then glanced at Li Yang. "For the love of all things—why are you getting involved with creatures of old? They have their own rules."

"How crude." Elizabeth Hawthorne frowned at it.


Author's Note: If you liked the rhyming, then it's certainly good timing... but if you hated it? Well, this is quite infrequent change in style to give a little more oomph and personality to the grandeur of some beings of old. Beware this is how some stories are told.

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