My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 111 - Evolve Your Heart


"I want to kill that annoying human!" Zeus' face scowled at the direction he was looking at while he grumbled out in a scary low pitch.

For a few seconds, Eva kept glancing at him with countless worriments in her dark brown eyes and took a deep sigh out. Softly, she caressed his broad chest with her tender arms and whispered to him, "why do you want to kill every other human? Are you a serial killer?"

"Because they are annoying. I can't stand annoying stuff--"

"Have you ever found me annoying?"

Suddenly, with her soft interruption, he was startled a little and shifted his intense eyes quickly at her oval-shaped small face. The kind of question was unexpected from her and quickly he shook his head in declination, "no! of course not!"

"Because you love me, Zeus. Similarly, when these people also have someone in their life whom they love dearly. But if you kill each and every one of them, can you imagine how much their loved ones will suffer?" She tenderly caressed his soft side face looking straight into his eyes, tossing a small sad smile.

For a while, Zeus stayed absolutely quiet without uttering a single word, with his gaze intensively fixed upon Eva, breathing in deeply. 

"The one you love is also a human... Not every human is annoying, not every human is harsh...Kind people still do exist in this world...just like the way you found me, Zeus. So...don't you think you should at least open your cold heart to the rest of the humans since you are living in the same world with them?" She asserted in a soft voice.

Zeus stood still lowering his eyes and grimacing his perplexed face. Somehow her kind words arose a tinge of sadness in his heart and a deep sigh escaped out his breath. "I don't resent them out of no reason... They...They have always stabbed us in the back causing us so much pain... We bear our own deep scars inside..."

Eva didn't try to pursue him any further and quietly enough stood closer to him while holding his warm hands and looking straight into his sad gaze. The atmosphere around them was growing heavier and she wittily, she tried to divert the topic into a light-hearted one.

"Well, are you heading somewhere, Zeus? You are groomed quite magnificently! Too handsome for my heart..." Poking his cheeks softly, she muttered in a mellow tone.

He raised his chin up and stared into her eyes with a wide grin appearing on his elegant jawline. "I have an important meeting today, so...I was heading back to Romano Organization... I wish...I could let you keep working there by my side, Eva."

"That's fine, we can still spend moments with each other outside work." She grasped his arm a bit tighter and tossed a warm smile looking at him. "As long as you are in my life, I am pleased with everything, Zeus. But...don't head back to the office looking too handsome like this...the female employees would start drooling over your charm and I am very possessive about it." 

He chuckled out while gawking at her pouty face as she appeared to be unbelievably cute at that moment. Softly tugging her waist a little closer to his firm body, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead, stroking her soft hair holding a blissful smile. "I am already yours and my heart will be only yours till eternity. There is no in-between. "

Happily nodding her head with faith in their love, her face grew a bit pale as she fidgeted for a few seconds. She seemed to be thinking about something inside and after a small pause, she mumbled out, "Zeus, tomorrow it's weekend...Umm, do you have some spare time or...I mean...can you spend the whole day with me tomorrow?" 

"Umm, yes, anything for you. Why?"

A sad smile emerged on her jowls as she lowered her gaze down from him. "I will take you somewhere with introduce you to someone..."


"Yes. So...just be groomed up in all black like today and meet me at Corsolia Street within 9 am. I will be waiting for you there." 

"But I can pick you straight from your home--"

"That's fine. me tomorrow and..I will take you somewhere special." Interrupting his sentence, she tenderly caressed his side face holding a gloomy gaze in her eyes. Her sudden request somehow confused him a bit but he couldn't oppose her proposal and almost agreed to it immediately.

"Alright, so it will be our first date tomorrow. I will make sure to make you the happiest tomorrow." Smirking with a jovial appearance, Zeus mumbled before taking a peek at his wristwatch. "Ahh, it's almost time now, I have to head back to my office."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Nodding her head, she intended to move a bit away from him as he turned back to step into his car. All of a sudden, his feet halted, and immediately glancing back at her, he placed a soft, sudden kiss on her puffy cheeks quite unexpectedly.

"Huh? Ze-Zeus..."

"I love you," Whispering soft in her ears, his mischievous sudden kiss turned her flushed red in embarrassment. A wide grin appeared on her face as he continued glancing at him while touching his grimace, "I love you too." 

The car soon left out the premises leaving dark black smoke and Eva standing behind, gazing at the way with a blank stare in her eyes. A void of sadness seemed visible in her dark eyes as whispered on her own, 

"I guess someday... I will be able to erase the hatred you bear towards humans, Zeus. Someday... I will make you see the world in a whole different I am sure enough, my love will definitely evolve your cold heart. I promise...I will let it happen." 


Thanks to all your blessings and prayers, I am really doing well now much better than before... So please be like this together with me for a really long time :*

I will be completely fine really soon :)

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