My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 113 - Verbal Spat

"Umm, Clara...are you alright? What kind of reaction was that?" 

"What did you say? You...You are dating Zeus Romano?" Ignoring her anxious worriment, she tossed a fiery question straight towards her, rolling her dilated pupils in angst.


"But why?"


"Out of all the people residing here in Rione Monti, why it has to be him? Why didn't you find someone else to be with?" Unable to suppress her tremendous trepidation, she screamed out quite aloud, attracting the attention of a few customers who were stealing glances at them. Eva was spellbound with her frantic reaction as it was extremely unexpected from her. Till now, she had been always supporting her in every aspect, and she had hoped for it too, this time. But she received the exact opposite reaction from her which somehow, offended her heart.

"Clara, please calm down a little. People are watching us here. this is a public place--"

"I don't give a damn to others!" Blurting out fiercely, she grabbed her arm placed on the table and clenched anxiously. "Why it has to be that man? How can you date him when he is a..." All of a sudden, her voice trailed off, twitching her jaws.

"When he is a? What?" Scrunching her eyebrows, Eva reciprocated her answer bluntly, frowning at her.

"He is a werewolf, damn it! I wish...I could say this louder! But these darn humans around us!" Gritting her teeth in anticipation, Clara took a deep breath out to calm down her temperament from getting further accelerated. "He...He is a Cassanova!" She asserted in a rugged pitch.


"You heard me right, Eva! That man has an ill reputation among the business tycoons of our town! He likes to toy with other women as if they are their playthings and maybe that's what he is doing with you right now--"


All of a sudden, like a striking thunderbolt, Eva grumbled out in fury, slamming her hand hard on the table to stop her statement. It was the very first time in their 17 years of friendship, Clara saw her fumed in such a fit of rage and her jowls quivered a bit in angst. Eva was breathing very intensely, glaring at her while clenching her fist on the table.


"I said, enough of your crap, Clara!" She sounded severely angry, scowling her grimace.

"Crap? You think...whatever I am talking is...crap?" 

"That person almost had died to save my life! He tossed away his own life before mine! He even saved me from taking away my own darn life! And...And you are telling me that he is toying with my feelings? I know it evident how much that person loves me and I don't need to prove it to anyone, not even you Clara!" Yelling out in a fuming pitch, she glared straight in her deep eyes, frowning her face in resentment.

Clara sat still resting her back against the chair, clenching the glass of whiskey in her other arm, acting all numb. Her eyes gawked upon Eva's fiery gaze but her mind was horrified with countless thoughts running wild in her imagination.

"She definitely doesn't know about his real identity! I bet it...there is no way she would be still and try to defend him if she had known about his bitter existence... She...She is in love with an alpha of a pack yet she is expecting me to calm down and praise her? She...doesn't even a simple idea about the edge of the abyss she is standing by... History is repeating again this time...I don't want her to face the cruel end... just like her mother... No...I gotta do something...I can't let it repeat again!" Twitching her eyebrows, she was being wholly frantic inside, tapping her feet under the table in dread.

"However, I didn't come here today to receive such an extreme absurd reaction from you, Clara. I don't know, why the heck you tried to flaunt those nasty rumors about him, trying to demotivate my spirit. But...I have complete faith in my love and I know at least this much, Zeus will never love any other woman if it's not me. I hope someday, you can see it yourself." Snapping hard with displeasure, she stood up from her seat, intending to leave the place right away.

"Wait, Eva!" In the jolt of a second, Clara stepped up grabbing her forearm while trying to stop her from leaving. The situation was turning out to be quite messy and it was much disheartening, it was the first aggression they ever showed to each other in all these prolonged years of friendship.

"Clara, let go of my hand--"

"No, I won't leave you before you listen to me!" Tightening her grip on her arm, she desperately tried to hold her, swallowing her own trepidation deep down inside. " are the only friend I ever had in my life! I have always wished the best for you! I have always supported you in every stuff...but! But this time...this time it's not right...It's not what you think!"

"Clara, spit it out loud and clear. Don't make things more complicated between us."  Snarling at her in a rugged low pitch, her eyes intensely ogled at her. 

"How can I spit it out, damn it! How can I say the man you are dating belongs to the lineage who is the reason behind your painful life! He is one of the kind from which I have always tried to keep you away! I am scared for your life...I even chose to conceal my identity forever just so that I can stay by your side, to follow the promise I have made to your father! How can I leave you alone when you are almost about to jump off a cliff?" She was wondering inside, twitching her jowls and panicking inside.

"Will you say something or just be quiet like this? Your silence is irking me enough, Clara." 

"Eva, whatever I am saying you have a reason...has a meaning behind it! All my life...I just wished for you to be safe and...involving with a person like him won't bring you any good! I promise, will...I will let you know the reason when the time comes, but...I don't want you to suffer from any bad stuff in your life...I don't want you ever to be heartbroken... Please, try to understand my emotions, Eva." Trying hard to hold back her tears of helplessness welled up in her eyes, she tried to convince her desperately.

Momentarily she stood still, staring intensively at her dark brown eyes and emitting out a heavy sigh. For a moment, grimacing hard stuffed with pain, she lowered her eyes down from her, whispering back, "that's the choice I have made Clara... No matter what other consequences are awaited for me, I still want Zeus to stay by my side. As...he is the only person who ever made me feel secured and safe, just with his presence after my dad." 

Speechless and numb at her answer, she tried to reciprocate her response in a teary broken voice, "Eva...please try to understand my concern--"

"Clara please let go of my arm. We will talk about it again when both of us will be in our right senses." Her deep dark eyes were glistening in tears as she unhitched her arm intensely away from her grip. She couldn't stare anymore at her grievous face and lowering her eyes down, she mumbled out, "I am heading out first now."


"Bye." Stomping her foot hard on the ground, she walked out fiercely like a storm straight out of the restaurant while trying hard to resist her tears from rolling down. It was the first-ever ugly spat they ever had with each other and both of them were equally heartbroken, distressed with agony.

Clara quietly glanced behind, watching her leaving out of her sight fiercely. As soon as she left, she tried hard to crash and break the table to vent out her anger, but she chose to stay frigid as the action could have caused her other unnecessary problems. "Fuck! What a fucking situation I am stuck in right now! Damn... I feel so fucking helpless... What can I do to stop her---"

All of a sudden, at a lightning-fast pace, a thought crossed her mind which caused her whole body to shiver in fright. Gulping down her saliva, she rolled her pupils restlessly murmuring on her.

"Was...Was Mr. Czar talking about Eva that time? Is...Is something horrific being plotted against her? Is she being targeted by the pack? Will...Will they try to... kill her? What the fuck! Why I didn't realize it earlier!" Immediately without wasting a further second, she grabbed her phone and frantically started dialing Czar, gasping out of breath.

"THE NUMBER YOU HAVE DIALED IS CURRENTLY OUT OF NETWORK COVERAGE. PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER." The same answer came back consistently from the other side of the call as she desperately tried to dial him a number of times. 

Swaying in wrath, she flipped the phone hard on the table hard and shrieked out helplessly, "FUCK! FUCK IT ALL!"

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