My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 33 - The Aquarium Date

It was finally the long-awaited weekend. Eva was dressed up in a light pink white-colored crop top with blue tight jeans. It was finally the day when she decided of going to Aquarium with Ross as he asked her.

With a sigh of reluctance, though she agreed to go with him, somewhere, it didn't feel much blissful from her inside. But as he had helped her in finding her money bag and walking her back home, she couldn't straightly reject his proposal.​​

While tucking her hair back with a silver-colored hairpin, she peeked at the pendant lying upon her dressing table. The shimmering black pendant was radiating an unusual aura with sun rays reflecting on it through the windows. The stone was magically beautiful!

"Is this stone really keeps the evil spirits away?" She wondered while staring at the stone. Unknowingly she caressed it as the pendant reminded her of Zeus.

"I miss you." She murmured with a sad smile on her face. "But why do I miss you? Why do I keep thinking about you? Your smell... your presence... everything keeps me at ease..." She was nonchalantly talking on her own while tying up the pendant on her neck.

Applying a small amount of makeup, she gazed at herself in the mirror and sighed again. "Damn Eva! Why do your expressions look so morose? Come on, you didn't even have any friends apart from Clara. What's wrong with making new friends? Cheer up... you are going to enjoy your day!" She tried to console herself up and stood up.

Quietly she headed straight towards the door and while heading her feet halted near the large family portrait hanging on the wall of her living room. While looking at the smiley faces of her beloved people, her throat choked with an urge of sobbing in grief. She bit her lower lip and tried to stop herself from breaking down again.

"Felix... you used to be always worried about me that I didn't have any friends apart from Clara... but look, I am going out today to hang out with my new friend... So, don't you worry too much about me, okay?" She gently caressed the portrait and murmured with a glum sneer.



Eva was looking at her phone screen while walking towards the park. With the help of a cab, she reached the destination. Simultaneously, she was also taking the help of the directional map software while heading towards the location.


A warm and amicable voice startled her from behind. As she turned back, it was Ross heading towards her with a wide gin.

"Did you just arrive now?" He promptly asked her with a smirk and cryptically glanced at her.

"Yes, I thought I was already late." She mumbled while ogling at him.

Ross had dressed up in a creamy white t-shirt with navy blue dapper denim jeans. With his hairs properly styled up in a messy look and a black stylish sunglass, he looked quite different than usual. Rather than, it seemed as if he was groomed handsomely for their date.

"You look really pretty today, Eva. " He scraped his neck before complimenting her as if he looked a bit shy.

"Thanks. You look good too. So... shall we head in?" She tucked her soft hair behind her ears while responding in a mild tone.

"Of course. Thank you for coming along with me toda--" Suddenly his voice constricted as his gaze firmly stuck on an unusual sight. His stare was fixed at the shimmering hematite pendant hanging down her neck.

"Umm, why did you wear the pendant today too?" He frowned his eyebrows while asking her.

Eva immediately lowered her chin and glanced at it. With an awkward smile, she stroked her pendant and whispered to him, "well, someone has told me... never to take off the pendant wherever I go... So, I wore it."

Ross tried to evoke a fake smile and firmly glared at the pendant with a wicked stare. "Damn you, bastard alpha." He cussed at him from inside.


There were a large number of different varieties of marine fishes and corals within the theme Aquarium park. Eva was gazing at them with her eyes glimmering in happiness. Ross was accompanied with her everywhere and explaining every little habitat of those colourful marine animals.

After clicking several pictures together, both of them slowly walked towards the ice-cream stall to grab some chilling scoops. While gulping down, suddenly her gaze stuck at a big event going on in a separate complex.

"Ross, there will be greeting the dolphins' event happening now! Let's go visit there." Her voice sparkled with a jovial tone while pointing at the complex auditorium. She quietly started walking towards the hall.

"Sure. Let's go there, next." He promptly answered and slowly followed her with a smile.


While marching behind her, suddenly his feet halted and he called her from behind, "Eva?"

Her motion stopped and she turned back with a confused look, "yes?"

"Are you enjoying the date here with me?" He whispered with a soft grin.

Eva being befuddled with his sudden question stared at him for a few seconds and awkwardly nodded her head. "Yes, I am enjoying today. Le-Let's go." She quickly responded and started strolling forward again.

Ross was looking at him from behind with a pair of blazing intense eyes. "We should treat our prey nicely before gobbling it down." He thought with an evil smirk and followed her inside.


Behind a large wall of the auditorium, a guy dressed up in a black hoodie and a pair of black goggles was watching them silently from afar.

As Ross headed inside the building, the person instantly removed his goggles and it was no one other than Zeus! He was following them secretively as he was madly concerned about her.

"Somehow, every road of my life... leads me back to you... Eva." He murmured with a sad smile.


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