My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 60 - Strange Emotions

"But...there is something else I want to say you before I leave."

All of a sudden, Czar flinched retrieving his senses back with her cordial voice while he was immersed in his thoughts from inside. With a perplexed gesture, he glanced back at her raising his masculine jawline up and continued blinking his dark dubious eyes.

"What do you want--"

"I want to thank you." Holding a sad teary smile on her small face, she smirked at him. "For everything you did for me today."

"Hah... Why are you being suddenly sweet to me, little duckling?" Unknowingly he blurted out evoking a spooky sneer at her. "You have been always acting so blunt towards me, but why are you all sweet now? Are you...actually mesmerized by my irresistible charm?" He took a step closer to her, intentionally trying hard to tease her up.

Slowly, the small smile on her face completely tainted followed by a serious, stiff expression on her face. "I won't lie to you about my perceptions today. To be honest, you have always annoyed me so bad that I really wanted to punch your face hard, whenever we met each other. Honestly, I had assumed you to be a lecherous rich spoiled brat before. Especially it stirred me up furthermore whenever you blabbered your nonsense chattering with me, including calling me with that vulgar name. You have been always getting on my nerves whenever we faced." She muttered nonchalantly.

"Hey... Don't you think you are being too harsh? How dare you?" Frowning his eyebrow ridge with a displeased gesture, he grumbled at her locking his gaze intensively.

"But...If it hadn't been your help today...probably... I would have really turned into a lump of dead meat... You are the reason I am still alive today inside this mansion." She lowered her gaze down from his face and took a deep sigh out while conversing her words in a heavy note.

Czar didn't utter a single word as he seemed a bit surprised with her absolutely unexpected deep sincere emotions towards him. Swirling his dark brown eyes wider, he continued ogling at her fragile pose.

"I don't know what horrible events you have faced in your life earlier which provoked you today to help me out here. But all I have understood that... You are... really a good person." Raising her chin up and staring straight into his eyes, she mumbled her consoled words in a soft, cordial voice.


All of a sudden, an absolutely strange sensation caused inside his heart to throb out harder as their eyes met each other intensively. For the entire first time in his life, someone's simple bunch of words caused a strange palpitation inside his dark, cold, bruised heart.

"Wh-What's wrong with me? Why my heart just throbbed so hard?" Gulping down his saliva anxiously, he lowered his eyes down avoiding the profound eye-contact with her.

"No matter how much you try to hide it...but deep down inside your tough exterior... a sincere, good person still lives in you. Even though you desperately always try to portray yourself as a bad fellow, but honestly, you still hold a sincere, genuine heart to aid the helpless ones. That's what makes you different from the rest...Mr. Czar." Her voice sounded much polite and cordial with a small, warm smile lingering on her grimace.


Hearing out his name for the very first time in her voice, his heart started to throb passionately harder. Abruptly in a jolt, he took a step back looking all nervous and fretful about his unusual emotional turbulence.

"Fuck! Why my heart is beating so hard? Just because she called me by my name? What the fuck?" Cursing his inner core, he frowned his face looking all perturbed.

"Hey, stop...stop calling me a good person! You are creeping me out right now... I...I prefer to be a heartless badass rather than a soft-hearted fool... That's what everybody has said to me till now. Yo-You are the first naive human who is... calling me a good person. Stick to your previous perceptions about me because... I told you...I ain't gonna help you even if you are about to die tomorrow..." He was stuttering quite anxiously in panic, trying to avoid her their eye-contact.

"Yeah yeah, I already know about it. But... I just wanted to share what I felt about you. It's better to share your feelings rather than bottling them up inside." Taking a deep breath inside, she straightened her back against the wall and peeked at the large hole at the giant guard wall of the mansion. "I guess, I gotta leave now. Thank you."

"Don't come back here ever again. And...possibly...stay far away from us." 

"Yeah...I understood it... But..." With a sad gaze in her eyes, she looked in the direction straight towards the mansion, breathing out in a huff. "Can you...please look after him for me? He...He is really in such a weak state..." She trailed off.

"Hey, I am not here to babysit Zeus. I have several other businesses to take care of." Abruptly, he sulked his face grumbling back at her.

"I know, but... I wish... I could stay by his side..." Murmuring in a low voice, in a gloomy gesture, she slowly turned back to march forward towards the giant wall. Taking a step forward, she turned her neck back and smiled for the last time before bidding him goodbye.

"Take care, you too." She whispered. 

Without responding to her, abruptly he turned back and started to walk straight towards the mansion taking giant footsteps. His gestures seemed much perplexed as if he was being anxious over something from inside. 

Marching ahead a few steps, unknowingly, his motion halted. Holding a vexed troublesome look on his face, sneakily he turned his neck behind to observe her silently from behind. With slow tender steps, she was heading to crawl out of the mansion through the passage but she indeed looked quite lonely from his observation.

"Damnit! Why do I feel so uneasy when she is really leaving? What the fuck is wrong with me?" He wondered alone.


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