My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 82 - Revelation

"Put your arms around my shoulder, I will keep you warm." Snuggling and seated next to him under the illuminant full moon and the ethereal night breeze, Eva whispered softly, caressing his strong arm resting on her shoulder. Zeus had a blissful smile on his face while watching her nestling closer to him. Closing her eyes and leaning her head on his broad arm, she was embracing his warmth from her soul. 

"I want to make you stay by my side like this... forever, Eva." Tenderly rubbing his chin on her side face, he mumbled his words but somehow his voice sounded a bit sad.

"Zeus, I know... the road ahead of us will be tiresome...but I can't let go of you... As... you are the only one who chose me above everyone else..." She towed closer to him, gripping his arm a bit tighter. It was evident from her voice that she was definitely concerned about the future ahead, waited for them.

"Neither...I can lose you, Eva... I opted for this second chance of life just to be with you...No matter what happens, I will fight hard to keep you by my side..." 

As his voice crooked a little, she raised her head up from his shoulder and continued gazing at his sullen eyes, fixated on the moon. Taking a deep huff of breath inside, she touched the bruises impaired on his elegant face making a frown expression.

"If something had really happened to you... how would I live?" Choking her tears inside, she whispered nimbly to him. Hearing her soft response, he soon shifted his gaze away from the moon towards her.

"I am sorry...for...making you worry so much, Eva--" Suddenly, his words halted and his dark pupils swirled wider as if his gaze locked upon something quite unusual! Immediately, he grabbed her wrist and tugged it closer to him, fretting his grimace.

"What happened to your arm?" In a rigid stiff tone, he inquired while staring at the swelled reddish bruised mark of fingers on her wrist which seemed much painful to him. 

She lowered her head to gaze at the mark and for a moment she seemed a bit perturbed. She desperately wanted to keep it hidden from everyone but it was hard to escape from his deep fierce eyes.

"Well...Your brother, Mr. Czar... was threatening me to death to retreat back from your clenching my arm hard...Indeed it was painful and left a dark bruise on my wrist. But I endured it and gave him a tough fight persisting my urge." As she was mumbling in a low tone, slightly she took a small peek at his face and it ran down a chill on her spine in fear!

His eyes seemed unbelievably dark, blazing in rage as he was still glaring at her wrist! She had never seen such a dark, spine-chilling fierce reaction on his face which was something similar from that fateful night while he was encountering that monster! It was evident that he was getting immensely angry, fuming in wrath breathing heavily.

"He-Hey...calm down, Zeus... You are mistaking the situation...He is the one who saved my life and also protected me inside your mansion in your absence...If it wasn't him... I would have been already dead until now. I...I know his threatening method was wrong but...he indeed saved me...Also...He also saved me from the wrath of...of your fi...fiancee..." She replied to him promptly enough to tone down his anger as the atmosphere around them was getting quite heavy.

Hearing out her explanation, somehow his rage calmed down a little but he stayed stiff holding a serious expression. Softly he caressed the bruised area of her wrist and covered it with his palm, momentarily closing his eyes.

All of a sudden, a bright red flash of light, reflected on her arm resulting from his palm, which barely lasted for a few seconds! She was startled to watch the unanticipated flash out of nowhere and as soon as the spark of light disappeared, Zeus opened his eyes and slowly removed his palm away from her grip.

Eva was deadpanned in shock to witness a surprising sight! The swelled bruise mark vanished right away and her arm looked exactly normal like before! It was a magical sight to witness and all perplexed, she kept glancing at her arm and his face.

"For this reason...I am sparing Czar for this time... But I will never let anyone to lay a single scratch on you, Eva. You are my treasure and I will protect you with all my might." Taking a deep sigh out, he muttered his words.

"Bu-But... Where did the bruise go? How did it disappear--"

"I healed you with my power, Eva."

"But why aren't you using this power to heal yourself? You...You are more injured than I am!" Looking all panicked, Eva grasped his arm muttering out aloud.

Zeus silently nodded his head in declination and tapped her arm tenderly. "I can't do it, Eva... I can only use this power to heal the ones weaker than me... Also, Ivory is not my fiancee. I never agreed to marry her in the first place, neither I linger any special feelings for her apart from our childhood friendship. The only one I especially treasure in my heart is you, Eva. Don't worry, I will never let anything bad happening to you." He whispered calmly, caressing her unknotted hair, with a small smile on his face.

All of a sudden, her eyes swelled up with tears as she kept looking at his eyes intensely. Choking her tears inside, she murmured amicably, "I feel safe with you, Zeus... I used to feel the same around my dad too... But... I won't be able to see my parents ever again..." 

Watching her getting all emotional, he furrowed his brows and asked back, "wh...what happened to your parents?"

"They were killed... They were ravaged by them mercilessly..." Her tone fumbled in fear as she gasped aloud as she clenched her grip on his arm.

"Killed? Killed by whom?" In a perturbed expression, he gulped his saliva, staring at her vividly.

She stayed silent for a while and swirling her pupils wider in dread, she whispered to him, "w...wolves..."


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