My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 147 The Cataclysm of Yuncheng (1)

"How can it be so fast! The output of the Academy of Sciences in one day is not as good as that of the other party in one hour! Not to mention the gap in quality!"

An officer's eyes were sharp, "The other party should have some kind of secret to be able to do this. I think we should figure out this kind of secret, even if we take some tough measures!"

"Take measures? Don't forget the strength of the other party! Don't forget your identity as a soldier!" Another person present reacted.

"Hmph, if the Academy of Sciences can have the output of the other side, our army will be able to popularize that kind of equipment in a short time, don't say you are not jealous!"

"So what, some bottom lines cannot be broken through..."

The two sides disagreed, and it seemed that everyone had a point. Seeing that there was a tendency to quarrel in the conference room.

Lu Jianjun patted the table, "We do have to find a way to obtain the technology of rune equipment, but there is no need to take too strong measures."

Lu Jianjun felt that he was deceiving himself by saying that he did not want the manufacturing technology of rune equipment.

If all the awakened people in the army can be equipped with rune equipment, the overall combat effectiveness can rise at least two steps, not to mention, rune technology, as a new field, will definitely have a lot of room for development in the future.

After the Demon Slayer Sword was leaked on the black market before, he had already sent someone to investigate, but he couldn't get any valid information. If it wasn't for such a big thing as Lin Wei this time, he probably hadn't noticed it so early. This shaded sanctuary.

"The people from the Green Shelter have already sold a batch of rune equipment to the Academy of Sciences, and they have also conducted technical exchanges to a certain extent, so we can test the attitude of the other party and obtain the rune technology in the form of transactions. I believe we will also I can get the trade items that the other party is in urgent need of..."

Rune technology must be in your own hands.

If the Green Shelter is too weak, his attitude will definitely be tougher... There has never been an equal conversation between the strong and the weak. Although Lu Jianjun will not do anything unscrupulous, if the Green Shade is weak, he will definitely put pressure on him first. The rune technology is obtained, at most, it will give some compensation to the shade.

And now, he has regarded the green man in power as the same level of people.

"However..." Lu Jianjun pondered for a while, "After all, the Green Shade Shelter has too much power, and its influence is getting bigger and bigger. We must grasp the other party's first-hand dynamics."

The person in charge of the intelligence department said immediately, "Don't worry, chief, leave it to our intelligence department. I will definitely send enough personnel to closely monitor the movements of Luyin."

"No, is Shady Shelter intended to build a large commercial district."

The second half of the sentence is to ask the captain surnamed Chen.

Captain Chen nodded, "From the perspective of the other party's plan, the scale of this business district is not small."

"If that's the case, then send someone to buy a shop in the commercial area. It can not only monitor the green shade, but also sell it well. If you guess correctly, in order to research and manufacture rune equipment, the green shade The source crystal must be in very short supply..."


Another area far away from Lindong.

The ground is dry and cracked.

Even the plants with strong vitality are not many here, and they are all yellowish.

A gust of wind swept through, raising the sky full of dust.

At the end of the line of sight, there seems to be a black behemoth hovering around. If you look closely, it is a majestic city wall, made of reinforced concrete, which is fifteen meters high and firmly protects the shelter behind it.

At this moment, the sound of gunfire on the city wall was accompanied by continuous sirens.

Below is the black magic tide, which has rushed to the foot of the city wall, and the soldiers can see the hideous face of the demonized beast with the naked eye.

A soldier controlled a heavy machine gun without aiming, shooting at will, and some weaker demonized beasts died under the dense rain of bullets.

Occasionally powerful demonized beasts leaped up the city wall, and were quickly solved by the Awakened masters guarding the city wall.

In the rear, there was a sound of cannonballs in the city, and the cannonballs fell into the magic tide, and a large area of ​​demonized beasts could be emptied in an instant.

"You said that these demonized beasts can't be killed all the time."

The defender Lin Yanrong casually chatted with his companions.

He is a recruit recruited after the end of the world, but at this moment, there is no fear on his face. It is true that in the past month or so, he has encountered demonized beasts too many times, and he was panicked at first, but soon he found out that relying on With the tall city wall, the magic tide that made many survivors discolored is not much of a threat.

"It is also fortunate that we are in a large shelter, and the magic tide is not a threat. It is said that the small shelter has encountered such a magic tide, and it is basically only possible to destroy it."

"Yeah!" The companion also nodded, "But it can't be said that the magic tide is not threatening. After all, what we encountered this time was only the most common first-level magic tide. It is said that the most terrifying fifth-level magic tide will appear to destroy the city. The demonized beasts, if not dealt with properly, even a large-scale shelter is in danger of being destroyed."

"Relax." Lin Yanrong didn't care, "How easy is it to meet the fifth-level magic tide, let alone, since the fifth-level magic tide appeared, the military executives have formulated specific strategies to deal with it, you haven't seen those Weapons? There are rumors that it is a super weapon used by the military to deal with city-destroying demonized beasts."

"Anyway, I don't have to worry about it anymore. I defend the city and kill demonized beasts every day. Although these days are a bit boring, it is better than safety..."

At this time, the demonized beasts below were almost wiped out, and Lin Yanrong, whose arm was a little sore from activities, suddenly rubbed his eyes, "Do you feel foggy?"

The companion was stunned, "It seems that it is indeed foggy."

He didn't look outside the city, but towards the shelter behind him. This mist seemed to spread out from the shelter.

Not only the two of them, but many defending soldiers looked towards the city, only to feel that the fog was getting thicker and thicker.

"Why does the fog look a little red?" Lin Yanrong muttered.

"A little red?" His companion widened his eyes, looking at the thick fog in front of him, which was gradually turning from colorless to light red. He felt a little familiar, and after thinking for a while, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Red fog!"

Lin Yanrong was taken aback.

Recalling the fear of being dominated by the red mist at the beginning of the apocalypse.

Suddenly, my mind went blank.


Suddenly there was a sound like glass breaking.

As if some boundaries were broken.

In an instant, that piece of mist that was already pale red seemed to be dyed, and in the blink of an eye, it became as red as blood.

Just like when the red mist first appeared at the beginning of the end of the world!

Suddenly, a loud bang came from somewhere in the city.

The soldiers who defended the city couldn't help but look over there, and they were already on the spot.

Thanks to "Zhuo Yichen" for the reward of 1,000 coins, thanks to "Mu Haliu Li" for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to "Tian Yaohuiyi" for the reward. . .

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