My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 148 The Cataclysm of Yuncheng (2)

In the distance, in their line of sight, rows of buildings collapsed, and the white smoke almost shrouded the city.

Lin Yanrong's pupils shrank, and his face was already pale.

In the area shrouded in smoke and dust, a huge dark red crack can be seen faintly, running through the entire city.

It is precisely because of the sudden appearance of this crack that, under the action of a certain force, the building above the crack collapsed completely. Lin Yanrong could even see that a building on the edge of the crack seemed to be cut down by a knife. As usual, more than half of it was cut off, leaving only the last small part of the building, which was crumbling in the smoke and dust.

Awakened people with sharp eyes can still see that on the half-broken building, parts of the walls fall off from time to time, falling into the bottomless abyss.


On the city wall, I don't know who made the sound first, breaking the dead silence.

However, after the many defending soldiers came back to their senses, their expressions became even more panic, and they could only stare into the distance.

They never thought that the abyss crack would appear in the shelter.


Near the abyss crack.

The dense black cracks continued to spread from the cracks, and wherever they passed, the ground gradually turned dark red, like the terrifying abyss.

A middle-aged man slumped on the ground.

He watched with his own eyes, and the other survivors who were only a few meters away from him were swallowed up by the cracks in the abyss in an instant, and he couldn't even make a scream.

"It's okay... It's okay... Phew, if... I walk a few meters further, then..." The middle-aged man was so frightened that his legs were weak, he couldn't stand up, he could only use his hands and feet, and moved his body in panic. , keep yourself as far away from that crack as possible.


The middle-aged man saw a black shadow leap out of the crack and landed not far from him with a bang.

This demonized beast is the size of a van, a bit like an enlarged orangutan, but it looks much more ferocious and terrifying.

The whole body is naked, as if peeled, especially the two sturdy arms. The naked eye can see the red tendons entwined, like the exposed blood vessels, bulging and bulging.

Its eyes were red, and its mouth was wide open, revealing the fierce and sharp blood.


A gust of wind came.

The middle-aged man shuddered with fright, and a stinky smell came from under him.

He struggled to leave, but not only did his legs tremble, but his hands were limp, unable to swipe across the ground, splashing a little yellow liquid.

The orangutan-like demonized beast turned his head to look, his red eyes fixed on the middle-aged man.

It crossed a distance of more than ten meters in a blink of an eye and came to the middle-aged man.

He stretched out his big hand, grabbed it, and threw it into his mouth.

The sharp teeth snapped together.


Gaba crispy.


This is just the beginning.

More and more demonized beasts poured out from the cracks in the abyss.

Humanoid demonized beasts, beast-shaped demonized beasts, flying demonized beasts, and more demonized beasts that cannot be described in words but can only be marked with mosaics, swarmed out.

The sky is a rolling red fog, and the ground is a black magic tide.

The survivors screamed and ran wildly, which were quickly knocked down by the demonized beast and bitten.

This is a bloody picture, just like the beginning of the end of the world.

Several well-equipped Awakeners fled quickly in the direction away from the abyss crack.

Behind him, there were screams of survivors from time to time. Rao was used to seeing demonized beasts on weekdays, and he was used to seeing the mercenary awakeners who died, and his face couldn't help turning pale.

The captain who ran at the front suddenly stopped.

The players behind them were still confused.


In front of the street, the building on one side was knocked open, and a giant beast with a metallic luster rushed into the street, followed by countless demonized beasts of various shapes.

The captain's heart trembled, and he turned around immediately, "Quick, go from the other side!"

Several people fought bloody battles, rushing from one block to another, even though the captain had the ability to avoid danger, making them avoid those demonized beasts that were extremely deadly, however, there were still more and more demonized beasts around.

Almost impossible to move.

The other Awakeneds around were also fighting and fleeing frantically.

An Awakened armed with a war knife killed a demonized beast blocking the road ahead. He was about to continue to escape when suddenly, a long tongue shot like a sharp arrow. hole through.

Before dying, out of the corner of the Awakened's eyes, he could only see a large green lizard covered in scales, climbing on the wall of the building, and a long, flesh-colored tongue with barbs was retracting into his mouth. .

This battle is just a microcosm.

The Awakened are no match for the demonized beasts of this order of magnitude.

On weekdays, these people hunt and kill demonized beasts. They have to be careful, step on it carefully, and make sure it is safe before they go forward to hunt and kill. When have you seen such a scene? Even the masters of the third level and the fourth level of awakening can kill one or two, ten or twenty, but they are only exhausted and die.

A demonized beast covered in crimson, whose appearance was unclear, and the speed was as fast as electric light. Wherever it passed, the Awakened was either shot with a crack in his chest, or was torn apart half of his body by sharp claws.

Even the captain who has the ability to predict danger, his face is getting more and more pale.

In the induction, there are irresistible fatal dangers in all directions.

The players fell one by one.

He waved the long knife mechanically, but his heart sank to the bottom of the lake.

Da da da--

The gunshots came, and the shells fell.

The fiery flames exploded in the demonized beasts.

In the distance, a torrent of steel appeared.

The muzzle of the main battle tank roared, and the bodies of countless demonized beasts were blown to pieces.

In the phalanx, a middle-aged man with a resolute face said sharply, "The second battalion and the third battalion, heavy machine gun fire, rocket bombardment, artillery group aiming, the Awakened Group is on standby at any time!"

Accompanied by the roar of artillery fire, the whistling of bullets, and the sound of battles breaking through the air...

The army joined, and finally stopped the one-sided slaughter of the magic tide.

The captain with the ability to predict danger was relieved in his heart, but when he looked at his companion whose corpse was already incomplete, his heart was filled with grief.

He didn't escape, his face was decisive, the circular shield slanted and collided with a beast-shaped demonized beast, and the collision made the center of gravity of the demonized beast unstable and slanted to one side.

Taking this opportunity, the long knife in the captain's hand slashed through the head of the demonized beast, and with a snort, a demonized beast corpse that lost its head rolled down from his side, but the captain didn't even look at it, his eyes were full of bloodshots, and he passed The corpse of the demonized beast strode forward.


The opening of the abyss crack.

As the demonized beasts poured out, the surrounding survivors died and fled.

At this moment, it seemed like an interval. When the last batch of demonized beasts of various shapes poured out, no more demonized beasts appeared, and the surroundings suddenly fell into silence.

However, if someone can stand by the abyss crack and look to the bottom, they will find the bottom of the abyss covered by thick darkness, as if something is rolling...


In the sky, the blood-like red mist suddenly faded.

A demonized beast floated up from the bottom of the abyss.

This demonized beast is round and more than one meter in diameter. At first glance, it looks like a huge eyeball.

In the middle is a dark pupil with bloodshot eyes all over it. Behind the entire eyeball, together with the dense blood vessels, are intertwined and intertwined.

After the big eyeball floated up, it did not follow the smell of humans like other demonized beasts, but the eyeballs circled around the pupils.

He seemed to be looking around.

"My Evil Eye family has finally set foot in this world."

Behind the big eyeballs, countless smaller eyeballs crawled out of the cracks in the abyss.

These eyeballs are also the ends of countless blood vessels floating in the air. Unlike the big eyeballs, these eyeballs cannot float. Instead, they have legs like the roots of trees and walk forward.

The number of this batch of evil eyes is in the hundreds. At first glance, although it is far less numerous than those swarming demonized beasts, it is more powerful!

It seems that the previous ones were all miscellaneous armies, but these are regular armies.

The body with the big evil eye suspended, slowly turned around, and the pupils swept over the clansmen in front of him, satisfied.

The rhizomes of the legs of the first two clansmen are different from the black of ordinary evil eyes, they are dark red, they are more imposing, and the expressions in their pupils are also more agile.

The big evil eye floated close, and the mental power ripples spread.

"We're going to be rooted here, and the humans who get in the way are blocking us, you say, what should we do?"

One of the clansmen with dark red legs had excited eyes, and the blood vessels behind the eyeballs waved wildly, rubbed, and made a harsh sound.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Thank you "Yijian Mufeng" for the 10,000 coin reward, ヾ() "...

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