The machine guns were roaring in the ears, and shells flew overhead from time to time.

Luo Gang coordinated the overall situation and commanded the various units.

"Very good, the first battalion will advance to Xincheng District, and the second and third battalions will advance to Luohu District. We must fight the demonized beast back to the abyss!"

The appearance of the abyss crack this time was completely unexpected. More than half of the entire shelter was damaged, and the survivors were killed and injured countless times.

Thinking of this, Luo Gang's heart was bleeding. Every minute and every second, countless survivors died in other neighborhoods that the army did not support, but he understood the priorities. If he couldn't stop the demonized beasts in the abyss crack Well, even if the survivors of other neighborhoods are now saved, in the end, the sanctuary will be destroyed.

"If you can surround the abyss crack, as the north once did..."


A purple beam shot from a distance and landed on a tank. The next second, the tank was penetrated by the beam and exploded into a burst of fire.

Luo Gang's expression changed, and before he spoke, countless purple beams shot out from the demonized beasts.

As the backbone, not many main battle tanks have been lost since the battle, but in an instant, they suffered heavy losses.

If this continues, the entire front will collapse.

"Artillery group, positioning coordinates, bombing!"

Countless shells fell, blazing flames erupted, and rumbling sounds resounded.

The smoke gradually dissipated.

Luo Gang's eyes narrowed.

Around where the shells landed, ordinary demonized beasts had been killed and injured. However, in the center, under the shroud of a purple crystal wall, a dozen eyeball-shaped demonized beasts were unscathed.

The purple crystal wall flickered several times and gradually disappeared.

Among the more than a dozen evil eyes, the size of the evil eyes was larger, with dark red legs, and purple brilliance flashed in the pupils. After a few breaths, the energy condensed in front of him, and a thick beam of light was lasing out.

There seems to be only this dazzling purple in the world.

Wherever the beam of light passed, whether it was tanks, soldiers, awakened ones, or demonized beasts, buildings blocking the way, without exception, all vaporized.

Only a deep ravine on the ground and the gap penetrated by the beam of light in the army phalanx were left, making people understand that all this was not an illusion.



The wind blew, and a soldier who only joined the army after the apocalypse stared blankly at the gully passing by his feet, and the countless fresh lives standing there.

I was stunned for a while, the expression on his face changed, and finally turned into a distorted complexion, let out a scream, threw down the weapon, and fled like mad.

On the other side of the team, Luo Gang was also stunned.

If he was in the attack position of the beam of light just now, even if he was in the center of the team, he would not be spared. This power is really terrifying!

Luo Gang looked at it from a distance, and just shot out a beam of light. The evil eye with a big circle seemed a little sluggish at the moment. However, he didn't know if the other party had exhausted his strength. The entire team will have to collapse, let alone beat the demonized beast back, I am afraid that not many survivors of the entire shelter will be able to escape alive.

Without his instructions, the personnel behind the artillery who controlled the artillery immediately filled the artillery shells after they were frightened, and the long and narrow barrel spit out fire, and with a squeaking sound, the artillery shells fell accurately again.

Luo Gang opened his eyes wide and stared nervously.

However, when the smoke and dust dissipated, what appeared in front of them was still a purple crystal wall, like a large bowl, clasped upside down, firmly protecting the dozen or so eyeballs in it, and the artillery fire was hard to hurt.

A young man with sharp edges and corners, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, looked at the evil eye in the distance, and said, "Chief, let me lead someone."

He is the leader of the Awakened Chapter, the strongest Awakened in the entire Yuncheng Sanctuary!

However, Luo Gang immediately refused, "No! According to the energy calculation, that demonized beast has at least the tenth-level strength of the Awakened. If you go there, you will only send..."

The young head looked excited, "Those eyeballs are long-range demonized beasts, as long as they can get close, there is a great chance to kill them! Chief, this is the only way, if you drag it on, the brothers will have to kill them. I can't stand it anymore!"

Luo Gang was stunned, looking at the young face in front of him.

This young man named Qin Yu is only twenty years old this year.

He remembered the smile on the face of the other party when he first joined the army, and he still remembered the crazy appearance of fighting with demonized beasts at the beginning of the apocalypse.

I even remember that when the Awakened Chapter was established, Qin Yu stood on the stage and hysterically swore that he would kill all the demonized beasts in this life and recover the blood debt for those comrades who died in battle.

How could he not know what the outcome would be.

The guns and guns rang out in unison, and in front of them were the roars of demonized beasts one after another.

Luo Gang's throat wriggled, opened his mouth, and finally turned into a choked voice, "...Okay."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Qin Yu stood up straight, saluted, and turned to leave.

As usual when rushing to the battlefield, only this time, it was different.

The sound of the cannonball pierced the sky again. This time, the cannonball did not land on the evil eye, but landed in front, and rumbled on the dense group of demonized beasts.

Under the blur of flesh and blood, a bloody path was blown open in the magic tide.


Qin Yu took the lead and shot out like a cannonball, holding a sword made of extraordinary metal. Wherever people passed, all demonized beasts were cut in two!

Under the cover of others, this elite team composed of many masters rushed into the magic tide, like a sharp arrow, forcibly pierced through the group of demonized beasts!

The evil eye also discovered this scene.

The leading evil eye is still a little sluggish, but the other evil eyes shoot out purple beams one after another.


A fire-type awakener shouted, the whole body was completely burned, he pushed out his hands, and a sea of ​​fire was in front of him.

The purple beam shot, piercing half of his body, but the Fire Element Awakened did not fall down.

He was wrapped in a sea of ​​fire, and his entire body turned into a huge fireball, flying into the group of demonized beasts.

"Captain... I'm sorry, the rest... can only be left to you."


The ground turned into magma, and the demonized beasts died in pieces.

Qin Yu's eyes turned red.

His body was like a hurricane, and countless pieces of meat were rolled up. He finally came to the evil eye group. The dazzling white light on the sword bloomed, huh... It was like the harsh sound of steel rubbing against his sword, and the purple crystal was cut off. The wall burst open, and an ordinary evil eye was instantly killed.

Qin Yu didn't stop, and went straight to the biggest evil eye, with even more madness in his eyes.

He dodged, appeared in front of the large circle of evil eyes, and fell with a knife!

呲... bang!

Baimang and the purple crystal wall wanted to touch, but this time, they failed to break open, instead they were bounced back.

Qin Yu's expression remained the same, becoming more and more crazy, holding the knife in both hands, turning into an afterimage.

The hurricane rolled up on the flat ground, the sword danced with light and shadow, and the ground was criss-crossed with scratches, which were chopped apart inch by inch.

Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Qin Yu's blade slashed from all angles, but no matter where it fell, a purple crystal wall the size of a slap emerged, firmly blocking his blade.


At the front of the eyeball, a small purple light beam with the thickness of a finger shoots out.


The world turned black and white in an instant.

Qin Yu, who was so fast that he could only see the afterimage, froze and fell backwards involuntarily.

When he lowered his head, he found that the heart had been pierced.

The blood dripped gurglingly.

He also seemed to see the mocking look from the evil eye.

It was as if he was despising him, over his own strength.

Time seems to be very slow at this moment, the surrounding voices are gradually receding, accompanied by those familiar shouts, will sleep in his heart together.

Qin Yu smiled.

With the last of his strength, he pulled the switch on his body.

The clothes that were broken into strips of cloth, with bloodshot threads, slowly fell, but the inside was exposed, and the bombs made of source crystals were tied around the waist.

Bright white brilliance blooms on the crystal.

boom! ! ! !

As if the world was eclipsed by it, the scorching brilliance filled the entire field of vision.

There seems to be a voice saying,

I... didn't live up to it.

PS1: There are no broken chapters...

PS2: There will be one more update later. . .

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