My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 150 North Court Council

far north.

When the Lindong area was still in the heat, it was a bitter winter here. It seems that since the end of the world, the climate has been polarized, the hotter is hotter and the colder is colder.

The snow was flying, and the end of the line of sight was white.

A giant city, standing here, seems to last forever.

This is the North Court.


The old man's hand slid down, his pupils seemed to look forward unconsciously, and he muttered, "Yuncheng, a sanctuary of Noda, it just disappeared."

In the conference room, other people's faces were not good-looking.

As the high-level officials of the North Court Shelter, there are very mixed news coming into their ears every day.

However, this time the destruction of the large-scale shelter was something no one had ever imagined.

"Unexpectedly, the abyss crack will appear in the shelter. If we can't figure out how to deal with it, there will be more tragedies in the future."

"Yes, it's just that unless we can predict the appearance of the abyss crack, otherwise..." a senior in the conference room responded.

He is of medium build, with broad shoulders, and his eyes look at the other person, "I wonder if the Academy of Sciences can predict the movement of the abyss crack?"

The person in charge of the Academy of Sciences held a stack of documents in his hand, "According to the movement before the red fog appeared, we can predict the appearance of the abyss crack ten to fifteen minutes in advance..."

"It's not enough!" The high-level executive with broad shoulders frowned, "This time is too short, there is no way to evacuate all the survivors in ten minutes, and it is difficult to complete the layout of the encirclement."

"The experts who are currently studying the abyss cracks have provided a new idea." The person in charge of the Academy of Sciences took out one of the documents and handed it to the high-level officials present, "According to the research of the experts, the abyss cracks belong to one of the space channels. Species, and the abyss cracks can appear suddenly, in essence, because the space of our world is not stable enough."

"According to speculation, as long as we can create a space stabilization device that reinforces a certain range of space, we can prevent abyss cracks from appearing in the shelter."

"This method is good. Solve the problem from the source. Can the Academy of Sciences also make a device that destroys the stability of the space channel? In this way, it will destroy the abyss crack?" The middle-aged man with broad shoulders suddenly thought of an idea.

The person in charge nodded, "That's the truth, but this kind of space stabilization device is still being conceived. The biggest problem is that the Academy of Sciences has not studied space rules deeply, and there is a lack of space objects to act as a reference."

"Space item?" Someone murmured, as if remembering something.

"Yes, it is the spar that contains space power. If this spar can be used as a template for research, the development progress of the space stabilization device will definitely be accelerated several times." The person in charge said quickly, with a nervous tone.

A high-level executive frowned, "That spar is the key to stabilizing the No. 3 secret realm. If the spar is removed, the No. 3 secret realm is likely to collapse."

The conference room was immediately divided into two groups. Some people felt that the space stabilization device should be researched as soon as possible, and some people felt that the No. 3 secret realm was very important and the spar should not be easily removed.

The old man in the first seat pondered for a while and said, "Yes."

"That's a secret place—"

"Secret Realm No. 3 has been fully developed by us. Although there is still a possibility of omissions, it is more important to develop a space stabilization device as soon as possible."

The opposition stopped talking.

The old man looked at the person beside him again, "How is the development of Secret Realm No. 1 and No. 2?"

The man looked in his early thirties, but his silver-white hair showed some vicissitudes in his eyes, which made people understand that this man might not be as young as he appeared on the surface.

He shook his head, "These two secret realms are too dangerous, and only less than 10% have been developed so far. The third secret realm itself is an inheritance secret realm, and we can complete the development in just a few days."

The old man nodded, "Then let's start the next topic, Minister Chen, talk about the progress of the Beiting defense circle."

A middle-aged man with a mustache on his upper lip coughed dryly and said, "Currently, the construction of the defense circle is going according to plan. In the first batch of Beiting area, there are fifty-six small shelters, three The medium-sized shelters have all been reinstated, and the heads of the shelters and some high-level figures have been assigned to corresponding government positions based on their contributions.”

This is the plan made at the beginning of the last days.

Numerous small shelters are dotted all over the place, which can provide a shelter for the survivors who have not had time to rescue the army. However, the small shelters were not safe enough to resist the attack of the magic tide. Therefore, when the statistics of the number of new survivors in the small shelters were significantly reduced, the plan for the recovery of the shelters and the construction of the defense circle began.

"Among these shelters, five shelters, including Rinshan Shelter and Yan He Shelter, are planned to be converted into wild transit stations for the awakened people to hunt and rest. Three of the transit stations have been renovated, and the other two , will be completed in the next two days.”

"At the same time, it is planned to establish five field departure points at the gates of the Beiting Shelter, transforming the military's Great Rhino-class armored combat vehicle into a passenger vehicle, responsible for transporting mercenaries to and from, and it is planned to be completed within the next month. The railway connecting five field departure points enables high-speed traffic."

The old man nodded, "How is the recovery situation around the eight large shelters in Jinzhou, Kangding, and Youzhou?"

"Forty percent of the recovery has been completed around these eight shelters, and it is expected to be completed within three days. At that time, the Beiting base city will be the center, and the eight shelters will be eight satellite cities. By building the prototype of the North Court defense circle, we humans will also have more space for activities."

Others obviously have no objection to this issue, and they are just reporting the situation on a regular basis.

The first old man nodded, "With the completion of the defense circle, we will have more space for growing food. However, if we just grow ordinary food, although the land in the defense circle is much wider than the shelter, it is still not enough. The food situation is still severe.”

"Director Che, how is the research progress of grain stocks and new crops?"

The director of the car said, "The grain stock is predicted by the total number of survivors after the defense circle is built, which can meet the demand for three months. Now three new crops have been screened out, which belong to the new varieties that appeared after the end of the world, namely Qingguo. Fruit trees, ground dragon corn, and climbing vine crops, these three new crops all have high yields. The most commendable thing is that the planting cycle of these crops is extremely short. Taken together, the yield per mu is higher than that of ordinary crops before the end of the world. Much more."

"These three new varieties of crops are currently being tested and will be officially planted soon..."

(PS: This is parallel world, parallel world, parallel world, so...)

Thanks to the "Green Hat Asia Regional Leader" for the tip. . .

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