It's too late, it's too soon.

The black skeleton, who seemed to have been on the scene for a long time, died in less than a minute.

It was less than a short while before the skeleton burst into breath.

Luoxia's group of masters hadn't even reacted, and their perceptions were still stuck at the moment when they were suppressed by the terrifying aura.

No one blinked until... seeing that the entire skull of the black skeleton was lifted.

From consternation, anger, surprise, shock, panic, to now, their mood is like riding a roller coaster, it's really special... cool!

At this time, only after hearing Tang Yu's sigh, did the Awakened react and recall the battle situation just now.

——Although it happened suddenly, some of the awakened seven-eighth-level powerhouses were still able to capture part of the picture, but it was just that their brains and bodies couldn’t keep up.

They thought about it for a while, and it seemed, maybe, probably...

From the beginning of the black skeleton's burst of breath, the owner of the extreme martial arts hall, not to mention his hands, even his standing position has not changed.

Light and cloudy!

Be confident!

In contrast, these people all felt a burst of shame for the panic they had generated.

The commander of the city defense army, as well as several captains of Zulong, even considered, do they want to organize the elites under their hands to go to the extreme martial arts hall for training?



Villa 3, basement.

Although the entire villa had been bombarded by Shay, there were only a few broken walls left, but the basement was not affected in the slightest.

Five figures, with focused expressions, stared at the rune array in front of them.

At this moment, one of the figures suddenly raised his head, "Bone Intention is dead."

"Just die, Gu Yi, that idiot, warned him a long time ago not to underestimate humans." Standing in front of the rune array, a young man's figure spoke indifferently, "I didn't expect that those humans would be able to find them. us."

"Leader of Gutian, what should we do now, take the initiative to attack?"

Gu Tian shook his head, "No, the rune array will be filled soon, and the channel belonging to our family is about to open. What we need to do now is to guard this altar and prevent human beings from having the opportunity to destroy them. Come down, just wait for the elders to come."

As the leader of the advance army of the Skeleton Clan, his words are full of enthusiasm and confidence.

If he couldn't protect this altar in the short period of time before the elders came, then he would be blind in vain as Gu Tian was the number one in the Skeleton Clan.



Outside Villa Three.

Director Jin, as well as experts from the other two departments, came to Tang Yu to express their thanks.

Even if there is a transaction element, but if there are not the masters of the extreme martial arts hall, the number of sacrifices among them will be more than ten times. To exaggerate, the entire shelter will be severely damaged.

"I didn't expect that Mr. K is not a human. What is it? Is it a higher-level demonized beast? But even a city-level demonized beast, I have never heard of it being able to speak, and there is no such thing hidden in Wisdom among men."

Many Luoxia Awakened frowned.

Tang Yu's expression did not relax at all. He clearly remembered that the previous divination of the Protoss showed that there was a high danger in the villa.

It also means that Mr. K is not the skeleton wearing the skin of Deputy Director Lu, or there is more than one Mr. K.

The one who stayed in the basement of the villa was probably the real mastermind.

At this time,


A ripple invisible to the naked eye spread out from Villa No. 3.

Surrounding, those who had been cursed and invaded, the mad Awakened and some survivor residents, after being purified by the golden water droplets of item 003, these people, the red color of their eyes faded, and they fainted on the ground.

At this time, some awakened people from the city defense army were carrying the unconscious people outside for treatment.

When the invisible ripples spread out, Tang Yu frowned and felt a little uncomfortable.

However, the weaker awakened ones were pale and painful.

And those awakened people who were already in a coma were even more distorted, their bodies shook twice unconsciously, and then there was no more life.

"Soul, sucked away."

Xingyue walked to Tang Yu's side, bit her lip and said.

Tang Yu was stunned for a moment, opened his dark red eyes, and saw that there was a light spot containing spirituality in the bodies of those who were unconscious and awakened. It floated out of their bodies and flew towards Villa No. 3.

He looked around and saw that it seemed to be scoped.

Some comatose awakened people who were carried away and were far away from Villa No. 3 did not find this situation, but those who were close, within a range of about 500 meters, those awakened people who had been cursed were at this moment. took lives.

Tang Yu had a bad premonition in his heart, but before he could stop it, he saw a spiritual light spot one by one, and disappeared into the ground floor of Villa No. 3.

in an instant,

The surrounding Genesis Qi gathered crazily towards Villa No. 3, forming a Genesis Qi vortex in mid-air, like a funnel, pouring out towards the basement.

Tang Yu looked around and found that on the first floor of the villa, the lacquer-like veil that was originally covered had disappeared.


The surging energy exploded, and the fragments of the house and the soil were blown up and fell like raindrops.

The entire location of Villa No. 3 has turned into a big pit, and there are some traces of the fragmented villa buried in the pit. Only in the center of the pit is an area about five meters in diameter, and the five figures standing nearby. , intact.

The circular area is engraved with complicated and mysterious patterns that make people immersed in it at a glance.

"...That is, the rune array!"

The knowledgeable Tang Yu recognized it at a glance.

At this moment, the entire rune array burst into a rich red light, almost forming a beam of light.

Visible to the naked eye, near the red light beam, space is distorted.

Countless black lightning flashes from time to time.

The ground near the circular altar, a disgusting dark red, gradually spread, accompanied by dense black cracks.

In this short moment, the sky and the earth changed color. Under the reflection of the red sunset in the evening, this scene was more like a scene when the disaster of the apocalypse came.

...even if it's the end now.

Director Jin swallowed his saliva.

He found that today's experience was even more thrilling than two months before the end of the world.

The red beam of light and the distorted space made his eyelids jump. An extreme danger and terror enveloped his heart.

If it is not handled properly, the entire shelter will likely be wiped out.

However, Director Jin did not dare to give orders casually. The current scene was completely beyond his knowledge.

He turned to look at the commander of the city defense army, and Zulong's special operations captain.

Several people looked at each other and made up their minds.

Sure enough... let's ask the extreme martial arts first.

Thanks for the 500 coin reward for "Looking like God and Man's Favorite Hatsune", and the reward for "The Moon Seems to Return". . . . .

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