Tang Yu pondered for two seconds, "From the current point of view, it should be a certain space channel that is about to be opened."

Director Jin and others are still eagerly waiting for the next chapter.

In the current situation, it is not difficult for them to think of space, to think of summoning, etc., but what they want to know more is how to stop all this.

Sure enough, Consultant Tang did not disappoint them, so he pointed to the distorted space like a funk mirror and said, "We can't affect the space, at least not now, do you see the altar below with intricate patterns inscribed, that is The source of power formed by the space channel, as long as the altar is destroyed..."

"However." Tang Yu rubbed his chin and thought for a while, "From the current point of view, it is extremely difficult to directly destroy the altar."

Just when the rune array was activated and the space was tumbling, the surging source energy blasted a huge pit where the entire Villa No. 3 was located. This power, even Xie, who is good at explosions, might not be able to do it with all his strength. arrive.

The altar, however, was unscathed.

Director Jin and others also thought of this, and cold sweat poured down their foreheads.

I heard Tang Yu continue to say, "Instead of destroying the altar, it is better to rewrite the rune array above. The rune array that opens the space channel is very complicated. As long as you change any one of the nodes, make it wrong, the whole one is in formation. The space channel in it will collapse directly."

"But, there is a premise that we can touch the altar."

Tang Yu's gaze fell on the five expressionless figures beside the altar.

Those people, including men and women, old and young, didn't exude a strong breath, and they looked like very ordinary survivors.

Everyone present looked at the direction of the silhouette, but their expressions were solemn, and a bit of fear was reflected in the eyes of many people.


A few figures had apparently spotted them long ago, but they ignored them and just stood quietly beside the altar. However, Director Jin and others knew in their hearts that if anyone dared to take a step, these skeletons in human skins would definitely ignore them. Hesitant to shoot.

Right now, the other party is only focusing on the space channel that is about to be formed, and is not in a hurry to do something to them.

Thinking of this, Director Jin and others became even more anxious.

He wanted to rush up, but he knew in his heart that if there were five more terrifying black skeletons, with them, Ken could not get close.

They dare not act rashly.

It's not because of fear. Even if many people face black skeletons, they have panicked emotions, but they think more... rush up and get shot to death by black skeletons. They can't play any role, they can only cooperate to the limit. The people in the martial arts hall only have the chance to win the opportunity for the masters of the extreme martial arts hall.

Director Jin looked at Tang Yu and the others who seemed to be in a deep thought, and stomped their feet in a hurry.

He turned around a few times in the same place, and walked forward with a gritted teeth, "Tang Pavilion Master, I don't know..."

"No hurry. There are still a few minutes before the space channel is really formed. Now what we have to do is to wait and wait for the arrival of reinforcements."

Tang Yu waved his hand, and the calm voice made Director Jin's anxious expression relaxed a little.

He asked in surprise, "Reinforcement? Within a few minutes, I'm afraid we won't be able to give us much support from the shelter. Many experts are out on missions, and the items with the highest numbers... In short, the time is too urgent. "

"No." Tang Yu shook his head, "What I said was my reinforcements."

At the moment when the black skeleton revealed its true body and awakened to the twelfth level of strength, Tang Yu knew that the seriousness of today's incident was far beyond the imagination of Director Jin and others.

It also exceeded his expectations.

At that time, he had already contacted by contract and notified the followers of Elaine and other followers who were far away in the green shade.

Director Jin suddenly said, "It turned out to be waiting for those... Waiting for the arrival of the girl named Elaine, coupled with the strength of the Tang Pavilion owner, our grasp is indeed much higher."

he murmured.

From time to time, he turned his head and looked around, and from time to time, he looked vigilantly at several figures beside the altar, and his face was still filled with anxiety that could not be erased.


Tang Yu knew very well that among the followers, Elian's strength at this time was comparable to the Awakening Thirteen Major Consummations, but their strength was still weak compared to the Skeleton side.

‘Fortunately, this place is not far from the sub-territory after all, otherwise, things can’t be done, and you can really only run away. ’

Once the space channel is opened, the entire Luoxia Sanctuary is likely to become a hell on earth. At that time, his sub-territory will have to be abandoned... This kind of thing is something he doesn't want to see. As for the reward promised by Director Jin , just incidentally.

He's not that greedy for money!

As time passed by, the space around the altar, where the rich red light shone, became more and more distorted.

At this moment, Tang Yu raised his head to look at the sky, and several small black dots flew at a very fast speed.

"It's a missile!"

Director Jin and the others showed joyful expressions, and slammed their fists fiercely, "The guys at the headquarters, this time is fast enough!"

Tang Yu's eyes were also fixed.

Several missiles, dragging their tail flames, fell towards the altar.

At this moment, those figures who had been motionless all along, no, only the figure of the youngest in the middle moved.

I saw him raise his hand, and a purple-black light burst out from the palm of his hand.

That beam of light was extremely fast, bifurcated in mid-air, forming several purple-black streamers, each of which hit a flying missile.

In an instant, a purple-black square suddenly appeared, covering the entire missile...

Tell the missile in flight, as if it was imprisoned, the flames burning at the tail and the black smoke spitting, all stopped beating at this moment, as if it was frozen in the ice for thousands of years.


Like the sound of ice cubes falling, the purple-black square that wrapped the missile fell straight to the ground.

At the same time, it hit the hearts of Director Jin and others.

shattered their hope.

Tang Yu's eyelids also jumped a few times, and he spat out a few words with a solemn expression, "The peak of the awakening stage."

"Fortunately, I didn't rush up to test it just now."

At this moment, Tang Yu turned his head and looked to the other side.

The familiar breath came from a distance, and he finally smiled, took a few steps forward, and patted Director Jin on the shoulder, "The next main force is us."

Director Jin was stunned.

A group of Luoxia's official masters, whose morale was already low, looked at Pavilion Master Tang who was walking forward step by step.

In the chest cavity, the flames were burning high again.

Lifting their feet, they were about to follow, when they suddenly saw the patriarch Tang who was walking in front turn his head, "By the way, after agreeing that the reward is not less."

Master Luoxia: "..."

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