My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 766: Green Shadow Group (big chapter)

"The world's restraint force has been completely removed, and the expedition legion has also begun to act."

According to the traditional routine, first infrastructure, and then consider other.

In the Great Rift Valley, Tang Yu had already built sub-territories, teleportation formations, training camps, and some defensive buildings.

The area of ​​the territory was directly kryptonite by him, covering most of the rift area.

Standing within the territory, in fact, can not be affected by the world's inhibition.

Just like the embassy in another country, the territorial management is owned by the embassy, ​​and it is similar to the territory nailed to the wasteland world.

It can also be seen as a means of shielding the sky.

But Tang Yu didn't shield them from the world's restraint.

After all, the expedition legion needs to go out, and only if they get used to it first can they be able to exert their full combat effectiveness when they go out.

"The lower the realm, the less the world's attention will be. It is easier for them to resolve the world's inhibition than me, and they can start taking action in more than half a month."

"However, the whereabouts of the core operators of the Samsara movement are uncertain. Is it possible that they have to sneak in undercover to grasp their movements?"

Tang Yu thought this was a good idea.


He gave the task to Hui Ren, and he didn't care whether Hui Ren would act on his own or leave it to others.


In a blink of an eye,

More than half a month passed, and Tang Yu came to Longmen, one of the ten largest cities.

Longmen is worthy of being a top mobile city. Its scale is far larger than that of Lenia, with a population of more than 20 million. In this world with a wasteland background, there are already a lot of them.

After all, food crops are limited.

There are also many floating population.

Gantry is not like Lenia, it only operates in fixed areas, and mobile devices are only activated when there are occasional natural disasters. Gantry is running around the world, trading with mobile cities around the world.

Possessing resources and knowledge far surpass Lenia.

Armed gangs are not prohibited from entering here, but dangerous items such as weapons can only be placed in the outer city, and access to the inner city is restricted.

But compared to the turbulent Lenia, you can also see the confidence of Longmen.

Tang Yu lived in the outer city, on the top floor of the highest-end hotel, overlooking the vast wasteland.


He looked into the distance, at the end of the horizon, there were many Awakeneds fleeing in ragged clothes.

The ones chasing behind were not some monsters, but a group of people in black robes and helmets, who seemed to be undisciplined, but in large numbers.

call out--

A figure galloped past the sky, but was suddenly hit by a purple crossbow arrow and fell from the sky.

From Tang Yu's point of view, it can be seen that the opponent's abdomen has been penetrated. Although it is not fatal to the supernatural, it is enough to cause serious damage.

A few men in black robes chased after them, and Jie Jie was about to kill each other with a weird smile.

Tang Yu could see them, but they were actually very far away from Longmen. Even if Longmen dispatched a rescue in time, it would take several minutes to arrive.

The figure fell from the sky, clutching the wound in his abdomen and continuing to run towards the Dragon Gate, his desire to survive was not much slower than flying.

But the few black-robed men are getting closer and closer, and the extraordinary one holding a bow and crossbow is also constantly aiming.

Another crossbow arrow wrapped in purple brilliance shot out, piercing through layers of air.


The red light beam shot from a distance, and the energy has dissipated a lot, but it hit the crossbow arrow, still causing the crossbow arrow to deviate, rubbing the injured Chaozhuan into the ground, leaving only a deep hole.

A transcendent who happened to be nearby took action, seemingly recognizing the costume of the reincarnation movement, and was very angry.

The extraordinary rushed up, bang bang bang, the battle rolled up the smoke and dust, and the earth was blasted out of potholes.

But this extraordinary hero only lasted for ten seconds, and flew out like a rag bag.

The time he bought, let the traumatized extraordinary get closer to the dragon gate, and saw the outline of the city.

However, within a few seconds, a few people in black robes caught up again.


One of the ragged Awakeners who were chased in front of them roared and suddenly broke through the bottleneck and achieved extraordinary achievement.

"His Royal Highness, hurry up, I'll stop them!"

He pounced tragically, and in a few seconds he threw himself on the street again.

The black-robed man, who continued to pursue, was in a situation. The bow and crossbow seemed to be stuck, and he could no longer shoot deadly crossbow arrows.

The defender who was in charge of this side of Longmen also noticed the situation in the distance, and immediately there were three extraordinary flying rushing, and the speed of the desperate speed seemed to be his own son who was being chased and killed.

Tang Yu looked a little weird.

Not relatives, not friends, where are there so many strong men who sacrificed themselves for others?

The parties have their own reasons, either hatred of the reincarnation movement, or unknown reasons. But to outsiders, it was a bit of a coincidence.

In particular, the Awakening Rank Dzogchen, who was only concerned about running away, suddenly broke through to the transcendent, and tragically broke down for others.

Why does it keep going from the beginning?

But to say that they were affected, there was no trace of magic on those extraordinary bodies.

"Is... the protagonist of the world?"

Only the protagonist's fate can be favored by good fortune, and even the enemy gives the protagonist a chance to escape due to various accidents.

Today, however,

The protagonist's luck seems to be running out.

The reinforcements from Longmen still had nearly a minute to arrive, and the men in black robes who were catching up had already been slashed.

At such a distance, it is possible to miss unless it is a sudden stroke, but the extraordinary...even the world can't make the extraordinary brain convulse.

A generation of protagonists is about to die.

"Hunting the 'protagonist' in the Temple of Reincarnation must be related to stealing the origin of the world, that's all... Maybe your own shot is also in the world's calculations?"

Tang Yu flicked his fingers, and the space was ups and downs with layers of ripples. In the blink of an eye, this power penetrated an infinite distance, and the power was not attenuated at all.


The nearest black-robed man was crushed into powder by the force of space, and the other three black-robed men who were a little further away vomited blood and flew out, dying in the violent fluctuations that collapsed and exploded.

In front of the traumatized extraordinary, a huge gully spread to the distance.


A group of ragged Awakeners poured into Longmen City, Tang Yu let go of his perception, and learned from their conversation that they came from a large city 'Dujiang City', but Dujiang City had been destroyed by the Samsara movement, and only a few high-level Awakened and Extraordinary out of the siege.

Among them, the most noble is the son of Dujiang City's city lord, Du Ming, Dujiang City's city lord and several extraordinary posthumous queens, Du Ming led the elites in the city to break out.

It seems that Longmen and Dujiangcheng are connected. After accepting their remnants, Tang Yu also saw Du Ming and a few others enter the inner city.


Longmen Inner City, Council Building.

Du Ming, who had already changed into a noble dress, bowed his hands, "Thank you for your help, Du Ming is very grateful."

Chief Executive Dun Yu said that he did not need to care, Longmen and Dujiangcheng were allies.

Du Ming said again at this time, "I don't know if I can tell the name of the master, and Meditation will thank you in person."


The chief consul felt something was wrong, didn't he mean to save him because they let go of the restrictions and let the remnants of Dujiang City enter the city?

"Isn't the master who repelled the Samsara movement the guard of His Highness Hades?"

Du Ming was also stunned, "But that spell shock clearly came from within Longmen City."

Archon Dunyu: "???"

"You mean that there are experts from Longmen City, who used a spell from a distance of more than ten kilometers to kill and injure several extraordinary masters?"

He wanted to say how could there be such a master in my Dragon Gate, and the last words came out of his mouth, "Now is the era of 'magic tricks', do you know what that means?"

There are no second-tier powerhouses in Dujiang City, Du Ming didn’t understand it before, but now he seems to understand, even if it is a second-tier, it may not be able to do that, and it is easy to lift weights.

The Dragon Gate strong man did not notice the spell fluctuations in the city.

Du Ming changed the subject and talked about what happened in Dujiang City.

The chief executive, Dun Yu, was still thinking about the mysterious powerhouse, and he couldn't sit still when he heard about Dujiangcheng.

He slapped the hardwood table with a slap, with uncontrollable shock on his face, "What, three large cities have been destroyed by the Samsara movement? Or in one day?!"

Since the reincarnation movement destroyed a large city, there has been no movement for more than half a month. The high-level mobile cities around the world have relaxed a little, and they also believe that they will not be infiltrated if they are prepared.

"How did Dujiang City get infiltrated?"

Du Ming smiled wryly and shook his head, "My father strictly restricts the entry of unidentified outsiders, how can they be infiltrated."

"It's just that in the early morning before dawn, it suddenly seemed like thunder roared, and a huge gap was blasted out of the city's external defense, and a large number of armed elements from the Samsara movement poured into the gap..."

He couldn't figure it out, "I just don't know, how did those armed elements approach our capital Jiangcheng? It can't be that the guards are all blind!"

"Your Excellency, look." A general of Longmen projected a map, "The purpose of the reincarnation movement is unknown for the time being, but judging from their trajectory, the next target may be our Longmen City."

The high-level color of Longmen suddenly became solemn.

Although not afraid, but... there may be more than one mysterious powerhouse in the reincarnation movement, and they dare not take it lightly.

"Recently, the 'magic method is weakened' first, and then the natural disasters that broke out in various places have become more frequent than many times, and then a terrorist organization like the Samsara Movement has emerged... It's really difficult."

Another consul said, "Not only that, I received news that the Great Rift Valley of Calamity was occupied by a group of mysterious forces."

"The Great Rift Valley of Calamity, isn't that the place where the natural disaster is the most ravaged? It has almost never stopped, and only the supernatural can enter that area against the natural disaster."

"It is also the region with the most abundant resources, and the amount of rare minerals is unimaginable."

"Hehe, what's the use? Under the cover of natural disasters, the resource mines in the Great Rift Valley cannot be mined at all."

"No..." The consul said with a strange expression, "I heard that a group of forces have recently built a city in the Great Rift Valley, and the tearing wind and the drought in the Great Rift Valley have disappeared... Some distances are relatively short. Nearby mobile cities have already been driven over."

"That group of forces is also a name that I have never heard of before, it is called the 'Green Shadow Group'."

Longmen didn't want to add a foot in the past, it is too far away, and the speed of the mobile city is not fast.

"No matter what, let's deal with the reincarnation movement first. As long as they dare to come, let them come and go."


Tang Yu only had a ray of mind left, and he manipulated this clone to occasionally expand his perception and get some information.

Most of the mind is already in the space system clone.

Hurrying in the high-level void, I have passed through dozens of wormholes in the middle, some fixed and some random, I don't know where I am.

The origin of the world has been obtained, and the world power of the World Tree has been able to cover half of Asia.

Among the worlds he discovered, there are about 30% of the worlds that are incomplete, and about 70% of all the worlds are uncivilized worlds, with intelligent creatures and civilizations, only occupy less than 30% of them, of which are human races, about 30%. Only half a percent.

Many are still in the dark, and have not yet formed a cultivation system. Even if they are awakened, they are in danger of losing control and falling out of control if they are not careful.

Tang Yu sowed some seeds of knowledge at will, and it is unknown that a strong man may be born in a few years.

In addition to the normal world, he also found a few dark red bubbles, which made him feel very bad, and there was a sense of danger. Tang Yu didn't kill himself to investigate, but he could guess, and the devil One side of the clan cannot let go of the relationship.

"It's just that although I have built teleportation arrays in all the worlds, if those worlds are discovered by the Devil Race, and they capture and devour the origin of the world, it still cannot be stopped..."

It is already very difficult to defend the origin star of the base camp. Tang Yu must not be able to protect all the worlds. His strength is far worse than that of the high-dimensional joint front.

"Forget it, I don't want to do too much, the most urgent task is to condense the demigod body first..."

The deity has been moved to the wasteland world to practice, and the rules of that world can also work for the extraordinary third-order. The speed of the condensed body is ten times faster.

At this moment,

There was a knock on the hotel room door.

Tang Yu's perception spread, and he saw that standing outside the door was the extraordinary Du Ming who was rescued yesterday.

Also followed by two extraordinary second-orders with good breath, it seems that they should be the high-levels of Longmen City.

'If you shoot yourself, it is difficult for ordinary extraordinary third-order to detect the positioning, right? ’

Immediately understand,

is the world.

The world can't affect him, but it can be done by making the protagonist aware of it through some kind of opportunity, and then letting the protagonist report to his thigh.

Tang Yu pondered for just a moment, and then manipulated the source to open the door.

A protagonist delivered to the door, why not?


Outside the Great Rift Valley, three mobile cities came.

There are extraordinary steps standing on the top of the city's high-rise buildings, looking at the Great Rift Valley of Calamity, which is known as the place where life stops.

Outside the rift valley, there are still storms swept through, but it is much weaker than usual.

There are transcendent steps approaching, and when they reach the boundary of the rift valley, their sharp eyes penetrate the storm and see the interior of the Great Rift Valley, the dark brown land, and the calm scene.

At the end of the line of sight, you can still vaguely see a city with high-rise buildings.

"Sure enough, the catastrophe of the Great Rift Valley has disappeared, and there is already a city where people have come first."

In addition to the three cities closest to the Great Rift Valley, soon, more than a dozen motorcades arrived and stopped in front of the Great Rift Valley.

Those who got out of the car were all sturdy people.

They were on guard against each other, and looked at the Great Rift Valley of Calamity. Thinking of the rich resources in the rift valley, their eyes were burning.

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