My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 767 Attack (Big Chapter)

The three brothers Carmen are in charge of the Great Rift Valley - Shady City.

The expeditionary army, which currently has only 3,000 people, is also under their command.

Brother Carmen's combat power has not yet recovered to its peak, only about the level of the top level of the extraordinary second-order. Of course, no one has paid attention to those people outside.

"Rock-paper-scissors, whoever wins will do it?" Carmen's second child suggested.

Boss Carmen was more prudent, and after pondering for a while, he said, "No, our real goal is the Temple of Reincarnation. The Lord has explained that it is necessary to show a certain strength, but also to avoid being too strong to attract the attention of the reincarnators in the Temple of Reincarnation."

"Leave this matter to the soldiers below."


Jiang Gaojie came to another world, and after more than half a month of moving bricks and infrastructure, he finally received a different task.

"Can you get out of the Great Rift Valley!"

he exclaimed.

Soon, ten teams assembled, with a total of fifty people running towards the outside of the rift.

To Jiang Gaojie's disappointment, before he walked out of the Great Rift Valley, he saw some figures in the distance.

The wasteland world is dominated by cities, and almost all of the dozens of teams represent a city.

In addition to the three nearest cities, almost all the powerhouses in the surrounding area rushed over.

But be wary of each other, they are all competitors.

The extraordinary leader of the Forge Castle has entered the Great Rift Valley of Calamity.

With natural disasters.

Because of this, he knows how rich the minerals in the rift valley are.

But once it could not be mined, ordinary awakened people could not get in, and a limited number of extraordinary powerhouses could not be mined!

Even if they are extraordinary, they also need an extraordinary force field to protect their bodies. They can operate the source force at all times to act in natural disasters. It is unrealistic to spend energy to mine minerals.

It's different now.

The leader of the Forge Castle approached the people from the other two large cities and lowered his voice, "Why don't we join forces to clear out the people from other cities, and then cooperate to occupy the Great Rift Valley of Calamity."

The other two parties are thinking.

The Great Rift Valley of Calamity is famous all over the world, and it knows a lot of forces. It is difficult for any of them to defend, but the combination of three large cities, even the top ten cities, has to be afraid.

"Okay!" The extraordinary response of Baihua City-State.

"What about the forces in the Great Rift Valley of Calamity? They seem to have already built cities, and they may not be underestimated."

"Heh..." The Forge Leader waved his hand, "Greenery Group? Never heard of it! There is a mobile city called Greenery City, but it's only a medium-sized city, and the Transcendent Rank doesn't know if there are any number of slaps... ...if they knew each other, they would leave the city obediently and leave, or they still can't recognize the reality..."

The transcendence of Birch City-State also laughed strangely.

The three of them looked at each other and gestured to greet the other extraordinary people in the same city, and they were about to attack those who came from other medium-sized cities.

At this time,


There are many breaths approaching in the distance, and they come to them in the vertical leap.

These people wore uniform combat uniforms, with a pattern of a big tree that covered the sun on their chests. In addition to regular long knives and staffs, they also had shields, crossbows, and guns, which were rare weapons.

It seems that the division of labor is clear, and it looks more professional than them.

"Damn it!" You Chaochao looked at the well-equipped and uniformly dressed soldiers of the Green Shadow Group, a little tasteful.

"They...there are actually ten extraordinary people!" Some people spoke solemnly.

The leader of the Forge Castle did not dare to underestimate it.

They have only come to four extraordinary people. Of course, he is confident that he can fight two with one, but the ten extraordinary people of Luyin Group are far beyond his imagination.

'Perhaps most of the transcendents were sent to guard the Great Rift Valley of Calamity. Even so, the Green Shadow Group is comparable to large cities. ’

"Fortunately, it didn't start just now, otherwise..."

The leader of the Forge Castle was afraid for a while, but now that they are from the Green Shadow Group, there are ten extraordinary people...

"Everyone, why don't we join forces first to clean up the foreign forces that have occupied the Great Rift Valley, and then talk about it properly."


"I'll see it."

"They may have shipped some resources out."

"It's better to divide the resources of the Great Rift Valley by the number of kills!"

There Chaofan licked his lips, and with the eyes of others, he slammed and flew out, and the knife was ignited with flaming flames.

Unwilling to lag behind, other extraordinary people rushed forward.



They were only halfway forward, the snow-white sword light shone, and the body of the 'Fire Arc Saber' who rushed at the front had been divided in two, and his eyes were so round that they flew out.

Whoosh whoosh—

Those Luyin Group soldiers in uniform battle uniforms moved, and for a moment, swords and swords were shadowed, and there was a muffled sound of firearms.

The leader of the Forge Castle watched those extraordinary people whose status was not much worse than him, fell one by one, or were solved by one move, and at most three moves could not be stopped.

Even if two or three extraordinary people join forces to fight against the extraordinaryness of the Green Shadow Group, they are always easily divided and broken.

too strong!

They are all monsters!

Forge Castle can't believe that there is such a strong extraordinary, or ten! But their breath is not much stronger than his own!

In less than three minutes, the twenty or so extraordinary people who entered the Great Rift Valley of Calamity to investigate, seventeen or eight perished!

The others were only awakening, and had already cooled down a minute ago.

The Forge leader was terrified.

Escape, must escape!

He slashed illusoryly, and then dropped the other extraordinary who were still fighting, and flew out of the rift like an arrow.

'There are other extraordinary things outside, as long as you can escape the Great Rift Valley...'

The leader of the Forge Castle looked back, and in just a short while, the extraordinary of the Green Shadow Group beheaded two extraordinary cities in each city, but fortunately they did not notice their actions, and now it is too late to chase them.


Several figures flew into the sky and stopped in front of him.

Forge Castle leader's expression turned cold, "Awakening level, so brave!"

He flew at an unabated speed, and the blade was red, containing the extreme temperature that made the surrounding space faintly distorted.

Without even looking at it, he slashed out and continued to fly outside the Great Rift Valley.

In an instant,

The body became extremely slow as if it had fallen into the mud, although he broke free in less than half a second, but at this moment, in front of the forge leader, a fist the size of a sandbag kept expanding.


A punch distorted his face, and the extraordinary force field fell unsteadily downward.

The figure swooped in, and the fist shadows continued one after another.

bang bang bang bang bang-

The leader of the Forge Castle couldn't hold the knife anymore, and the whole person trembled in the air.

Before the consciousness gradually blurred, the leader of the Forge Castle had only one thought:

I can't even beat the Awakening Rank?

No, it's been seconds!


After a while,

"Boom bang bang-"

Jiang Gaojie and the others carried corpses one by one and threw them far away outside the Great Rift Valley, hitting the ground with a muffled sound.

"Those people, what to do?"

There were unexpectedly many people outside the rift valley. Not only were there three cities, but the rest of the convoy had already begun to set up camps.

"General Carmen's order is to repel these coveted people, but what about the three cities?"

The people in the convoy were all Awakeners with sturdy breaths, and they were cut off.

But there are still a large number of civilians in the city, and they look similar to them.

"It's enough to just repel them and let them retreat on their own." Another squad leader gestured with his eyes.

at this time,

People from various cities have discovered the identities of the corpses. They are shocked and fearful. They have left the half-constructed camp and drove their vehicles roaring into the distance, rolling up smoke and dust.

The soldiers of the Expeditionary Corps have started, targeting those who are hesitant and unable to let go of their greed.

As soon as the shot was made, it was like a thunderbolt, and there was no mercy. In just a short while, there were more corpses outside the rift.


far away,

The three mobile cities roared loudly and slowly started to leave. There were many awakened people on the edge of the city, watching alertly.

"No need to chase."

The figure of Boss Carmen suddenly appeared.

He understands the meaning of his lord, not too strong to cause vigilance, but not too weak to attract the reincarnators behind the reincarnation movement.

As for other local forces?

Whether he gave up on it, or if he was unwilling to continue his plot, he didn't care.

Just soldiers.


Dujiang City,

It used to be prosperous and high-rise buildings stood tall. Now, buildings have collapsed, and the buildings have been burned to black, leaving the entire city almost in ruins.

On the ruins, there are shadowy figures.

Wearing black overcoats and robes, they have a variety of weapons in their hands. Some let out giggling laughter, some lit bonfires in groups of three or five, and charcoal burned animals they hunted from nowhere. food to feast on...

There is no order, it is extremely chaotic, this is the movement of reincarnation.

Many of them were originally at the bottom of a city. They were cannon fodder, and some of them were nomadic groups that were counted by the city and roamed the wasteland. They often had some strength, but compared to the city army, they were still not in the mainstream.

However, it forcibly captured four large cities, making countless mobile cities in the world terrified.

On the rooftop of a 60-story high-rise building that has not collapsed, there are figures leaning against the handrails, looking at the scattered lights in the city.

"Life is so fragile."

"Luo Tu, don't take it easy, we don't have much time, have you found any other suspected 'protagonists'?" There were light spots that converged into another figure and appeared on the rooftop.

Luo Tu, who was leaning on the armrest, stretched out his hand, and a crow flew from the sky and crouched on the back of his hand.

"The extraordinary who escaped from Dujiang City can already be determined to be the 'protagonist'. In addition, there are also suspect targets in Forge Castle, Lock City, Eagle City..."

He paused, revealing a playful gaze, "There is a more questionable target, the group of people who suddenly appeared in the Great Rift Valley and called themselves the Green Shadow Group.

According to our experience, the people and forces who suddenly rise up after obtaining the treasures left by some predecessors, or hiding their courage, are often the 'protagonists', or at least the existences related to the 'protagonists'. "

The silhouette of the captain said, "Whether it is confirmed or not, as long as there is a slight doubt, we cannot let it go. We want to destroy this world and plunder the origin in the shortest possible time."

The young Luotu hesitated for a moment, "Captain, our previous mission didn't seem to be so... explosive, right? Did something happen?"

"The high-dimensional joint front has been defeated."

The captain shook his head, "Without the high-dimensional united front in front of us, we may not be too good for the reincarnations when the devil race is free. Even the hall master has ordered us to plunder the origin at all costs and expose it. Identity doesn't matter... This is also our opportunity, if it weren't for the strength of our team, we would not have been able to receive such advanced tasks before."

In the previous form of the Temple of Reincarnation, they often concealed their identities, integrated into the natives, and then used complicated means to steal the origin of the world little by little.

They didn't hunt the "protagonist".

Once it starts, it will cause the whole world to target, let alone hide its identity.

In the past, there were many big worlds in the endless world who knew the existence of the Temple of Reincarnation, but they rarely met the reincarnators, or they did not know their identities.

Their external image is the human race, not a change, but a real human race—there are strong people of any race in the Hall of Reincarnation.

The captain doesn't know much.

He is an extraordinary third-order, the peak of the domain level, but compared to the holy order, he is only a trivial cannon fodder.

"Tomorrow, take down the Dragon Gate, be careful not to let the 'protagonist' go, you will do it yourself."

The captain said again, "In addition, the Green Shadow Group and the Forge on the other side of the Calamity Rift Valley may be able to solve it at one time. I want more detailed information."


Dragon Gate,

Tang Yu's residence has been changed from the outer city to the inner city.

Longmen high-level officials have doubts about his strength. Apart from their apparent respect, they don't actually pay attention to him, and Tang Yu doesn't care either.

Even if he came to the door and told him that he could help Longmen to deal with the reincarnation movement, he would only be regarded as a joke.

no need,

Just stay at the gantry and wait for the Samsara movement to come to your door.

that is,

That 'protagonist' has already determined that he is a master of the hidden world, pestering him every day, so annoying!

"Sir, I have already learned the technique you taught me."

Du Ming hurried over, stretched out his hand, and the thunder light bloomed in his hand, converging into the appearance of a cone-shaped weapon, accompanied by a crackling electric sound.

"According to your method, the thunderbolt is much less affected by the 'spell fading', and it can be shot out like a hidden weapon. I have tried it, and it has a good lethality within a kilometer!"

He was excited.

Tang Yu was helpless.

The first sentence of the meeting, Du Ming wanted to be a teacher, but Tang Yu considered that this guy might be older than himself, and he was already extraordinary, and his plasticity was not strong...

The most important thing is that he is ugly, so he refuses to be ugly.

Being entangled impatiently, he threw a trick to let him figure it out for himself.

Unexpectedly, I learned it in just one day.

Can you just say that he is the protagonist? It's different if there is a world dad!

"Humph!" Tang Yu said with a stern face, "It's too bad. It takes more than a second to condense a spell, and the source force is not running smoothly enough. I haven't learned how to shape spells... Practice, continue to practice for me!"

Du Ming left in despair.

Tang Yu closed the door and lay down on the bed... comprehend the rules.

At this time,

dang dang dang-

The harsh and urgent alarm sounded, he let go of his perception, and saw many extraordinary steps running to the outer city.

Perception continues to be extroverted,

In the outer city, the area near the border has become chaotic. I don't know when, members of the Samsara Movement suddenly appeared and rushed into the outer city.

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