My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 768 Mixing in (big chapter)

Time went to a minute ago.

The mobile city gantry has been fully prepared. There are at least three extraordinary guards in every aspect. The city has also been blocked, and many foreign armed teams have been blocked from the city and driven away.

Due to the presence of mobile devices, the ground of the city is very high, tens of meters above the horizon.

It is equivalent to a natural city wall.

Can't stop the extraordinary, but for those awakened people who can't fly, it is the natural moat.

The Awakened who were stationed at the city boundary raised their spirits and widened their eyes, constantly scanning their surroundings.

No suspicious persons approached.

In the eastern suburbs of Longmen Outer City, there are low hills and woods, and it is a sparsely populated place.

On the outside, it is the border platform, where you can see the desolate land outside.

A cluster of blue flames suddenly emerged from the ground, suspended, about two or three centimeters above the ground, and the weeds that were touched showed no signs of burning.

Followed by the second cluster, the third cluster of flames, faster and faster, forming an arc spread.

The weirdness here was quickly discovered by the Awakened who were stationed at the border. A warlock blasted a qi chop from a distance of 12 or 20 meters, but was bounced off, and the faint blue fire swayed without change.

A swordsman rushed forward and slashed down with a knife, breaking the whistling wind, but the whole person vomited blood and flew upside down.

The movement finally aroused the extraordinary, and he was shooting in surprise, and clusters of blue flames had formed a circle with a diameter of about fifty meters.

In the blink of an eye, the flames seemed to come alive, and the ground inside the circle was dipped into a faint blue, like water waves. Countless reincarnation activists in black robes rushed out of the circle with a roar, their spells smearing their faces.

The reincarnation movement appeared suddenly, and there were several super-level leaders. The Dragon Gate warriors guarding this direction were caught off guard. More and more armed elements rushed out, some surrounded the Dragon Gate warriors, and some rushed to the city.

Longmen's response was not slow. When the alarm sounded, a group of extraordinary masters rose into the sky and quickly came to the suburbs. Even if they controlled their power and waved their palms, they could clear half a street of the members of the Samsara movement.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a reincarnation movement of miscellaneous soldiers fleeing everywhere.


On the outskirts of the city, the extraordinary fights close to double digits are like gods and demons in the eyes of ordinary awakening steps, no one dares to approach.

There are not many extraordinary levels in the reincarnation movement. Previously, several extraordinary people who chased Du Ming died, and the others were seriously injured and far from recovering.

The six transcendents who appeared on the outskirts of the city were all the masters who could be dispatched by the application of reincarnation—the masters recruited in this world.

The wandering masters lack high-end skills, techniques, and combat skills. Except for their experience, they are not as extraordinary as Longmen in every aspect, and they are not as good as one-to-one.

A reincarnation movement extraordinary was blasted out and fell from the moving city, and the extraordinary gantry chased after him.

"Hmph, trash!"

With a cold snort, it was like the sound of thunder exploding in Longmen Chaofan's mind. His body was stunned in the air for a moment, and when he returned to his senses, a pitch-black crow threw himself on him, turning into a raging black flame to wrap his whole body, wailing. It only lasted for a moment and disappeared.


Longmen Extraordinary discovered that there was a figure standing in the air outside the city boundary, with a blurred face.

All around him, black crows danced around him, rushing towards Longmen Extraordinary with a whimper.

"How brave!"

The chief executive of Longmen, the two high-ranking generals, had been hiding in the dark, waiting for a thunderous blow when the reincarnation movement powerhouse appeared.

But the strong man appeared too abruptly. They didn't notice it earlier, and a single blow turned an extraordinary person into ashes in their eyes, and it was too late to stop them.

Now, with anger shot.

The chief executive's body has grown by three points, as if turned into a flame demon and slapped one of the black crows.

The orange-red flames touched the pitch-black crow, and the chief executive's palm trembled, and he violently squeezed the black crow.

"Be careful, that black flame is weird!"

They spent some effort to put out the black crow, and they looked at each other and were surrounded by mysterious powerhouses who were slowly moving towards Samsara.

The strong man surrounded by black crows didn't care, he just looked down at the situation below and shook his head, "The Transcendent rank is somewhat powerful. It's not a cannon fodder that can be thrown away at will, then... Let's deal with you as soon as possible."

Reaching out a finger, countless black crows emerged and turned into a long river, rushing towards one of the extraordinary second-order.

The two powerhouses of Longmen and the Black Crow River are entangled in resistance, and the chief executive has turned into a streamer and rushed forward, and slammed down with a punch of infinite flame.


The mysterious powerhouse was blasted into a chill, and the broken chest cavity could clearly see the other side, but in the next instant, the mysterious powerhouse turned into countless black crows and dissipated.

The chief consul was stunned, his perception quickly swept around, and his face changed to the other two strong men.

The mysterious powerhouse appeared behind a super-two in Longmen, with his open arms as if a huge crow was hugging, the extraordinary second-order of Longmen was brought up to the sky, and screamed constantly under the burning black flame.

The other two Longmen chased after them, but they were stunned to find that their speed was not as fast as the other.

Was taken for a walk!

By the time the general of Longmen broke free, his source had been lost a lot, and his breath was sluggish.

The fight only took a few minutes. With three enemies and one, the Longmen side was not an opponent at all. From time to time, the mysterious powerhouse flew out black crows to support the bottom, and it looked like the three of them were surrounded by one person.

If it weren't for the other party's distraction to support the bottom, they would probably have been defeated.

The chief executive's heart sank little by little.

At this time,

The mysterious powerhouse Black Crow's eyes lit up, and he saw a special figure in the transcendent support from below.

The 'protagonist' is all dead.

The black crows he transformed possessed extraordinary combat power, and even more terrifying black flames. The ordinary swords were burnt out, and the spells hit the black crows with no ripples.

The ordinary extraordinary battlefield that had the upper hand, the extraordinary people of Longmen were instead forced to retreat by the black crow.

Until Du Ming appeared, he used the trick 'Thundering Flash' that he just learned, and the dazzling thunder ripped apart a black crow at once, which also attracted the attention of the mysterious powerhouse.


Countless pitch-black crows roared and flew, and their faces turned green.

Don't look at his one move to kill the crow, but it was secretly accumulating power for a long time, and a dozen black crows came straight to him, and they couldn't hold it at all.

He quickly retreated but was caught up, and black crows surrounded him from all directions.

The chief executive and other three super two were even more unable to rescue them. How could they have imagined that the powerhouse of the reincarnation movement would suddenly attack an ordinary supernatural being.

"Wind Blade - Great Cutting Technique."

A huge crescent-shaped wind blade flew from a distance and cut off three black crows.

Du Ming took advantage of the situation to escape, and several crescent-shaped wind blades flew out, and the remaining pitch-black crows were all cut off.

"Teacher, uh... sir." He remembered the fact of being rejected.

Tang Yu stepped out of the shadows, now wearing a robe and glasses, looking like a refined scholar.

"Is... that master?"

The chief executive and others also noticed, "Is he really a super second-order? Is he willing to help?"

The high-level officials of Longmen promised loudly that as long as they helped them keep Longmen, neither knowledge nor Originium would be a problem.

Tang Yu held up the glasses frame, um... It's good to have a reason to take action, and he doesn't have too many Originium stones - after all, the wasteland world quickly cultivates to match Originium.

The reincarnator Black Crow was also startled.

'There is still a second order? This guy is stronger! Is it the protagonist's guardian? ’

According to experience, it is not uncommon to have a guardian before the protagonist grows up, and the black crow suddenly understood.

But it's only four indigenous second-order!


He stretched out his hand again, and countless dark crows gathered in the Changjiang River and rushed towards Du Ming, turning the grass and trees into ashes wherever they passed.

Tang Yu stepped forward,

"Wind Method - Storm Tornado."

The robe suddenly bulged, and the gust of wind exhaled from the cuff formed a tornado visible to the naked eye, and the silver tornado collided with the black river of crows.

One black and one silver stalemate in the air.

Gradually, silver overshadowed black, and countless dark crows smashed into the tornado and dissipated.

Black Crow frowned.

His abilities are quite comprehensive. The crows formed by black flames can burn everything, have considerable lethality to the same level, and can differentiate into countless crows, whether it is life-saving or exploration.

That is, the ability to break the surface is relatively weak, and the dark crow just can't break through the wind wall.


The long river of black crows suddenly dispersed, and countless dark crows rushed towards Tang Yu from all directions.

Tang Yu waved his sleeves, and circles of wind blades as small as silk spread out.

A pitch-black crow suddenly collided, turned into a mysterious powerhouse and appeared beside him, ignited a black flame to slay the wind blade, and then opened his arms to cover him, using the previous trick to deal with Longmen's extraordinary.

The chief executive and others were all in a hurry. He opened his mouth to tell the information, but it was too late. A huge black crow hugged Tang Yu.


The black crow felt like he was hugging a ball full of thorns. A wind mass about two or three meters in diameter wrapped Tang Yu, like a large egg, but the egg was thorny, and the countless flames on the huge crow were all thorns. tossed away.

A sharp wind cone pierced out of the wind mass, and the black crow turned into countless crows and disappeared.

After a few minutes of fighting, the two were evenly matched, and there were other extraordinary second-order officials such as the Dragon Gate Archon, and the black crow gradually became irritable.

Looking at the bottom again, because of his focus on fighting, two of the six transcendents in the reincarnation movement have died, and the other few seem to have no intention of fighting.

The black crow's face turned cold, and he had to wave his big hand, condensing countless black crows to pounce on the extraordinary dragon gate.


The four reincarnation movements were extraordinary and flew into the distance. When they escaped, the black crow avoided the wind blade, and its body split into countless dark crows and flew into the distance.

The remaining Reincarnation Movement Awakened Soldiers were gradually exterminated, and Chief Executive Dun Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Just looking at the reincarnation movement powerhouse that even the master can only compete against, come and leave if he wants, deep worry flashed in his eyes.



The black crow left a few transcendents and flew alone, he let go of the force field, and the cool wind blew across his face.

'I was actually... repelled by an aboriginal extraordinary second-order? ! ’

He is angry!

Not because the Dragon Gate was not destroyed, the protagonist was killed, and the mission was completed.

But... I ran into a wall at the hands of the aboriginal extraordinary, and I went back, and I still don't know how to be laughed at by others!

"damn it!"

"It's all to blame for the suppression of the world, otherwise..."


He suddenly felt a little tired, his eyelids closed, and he fell asleep in mid-air.

"It's done!"

A small figure appeared beside Hei Crow, and the next moment, the space distorted, and Tang Yu walked out of it.

This is another clone.

"Read the memory, don't be noticed by the other party."

"You underestimate me too much!" Bamboo Squirrel shook the bell twice in his hand, and then put his hand on Hei Crow's forehead, making a sound, "Well, Lord, see for yourself."

Tang Yu felt a spiritual force enveloped him, and he did not resist. The next moment, his consciousness transformed and appeared in a chaotic space.

There are countless broken stars all around, with images flashing on them.

With the help of the bamboo rat chestnut to read the memory, Tang Yu only spent a few minutes to read the memory of the reincarnation black crow for hundreds of years.

From when he was just an ordinary person, living in a low martial world, to being selected by the Temple of Samsara, and completing the task, he became stronger step by step... It seems likely that he knows better than Hei Crow himself.

With this meticulous memory, there is no pressure to disguise as a black crow.

However... he doesn't pretend.

Tang Yu knew how to hide his breath and simulate the secret method of breath, but he was unlikely to hide the black crow's teammates, nor did he possess the characteristics of some reincarnators.

Someone in the intelligence department was involved in the reincarnation movement, just one of the six extraordinary people.

But even if it is extraordinary, in the eyes of reincarnation, it is only high-level cannon fodder, and even how many leaders of the reincarnation movement are unclear.

"What's the matter with the dark red star at the top?"

The star can't see any memory, and there are chains outside, locking the stars.

"That's the memory seal... Although this mouse can also untie it, but after forcibly unleashing it, this guy's soul is likely to explode directly."

That is, it doesn't work anymore.

Tang Yu frowned and pondered. He could also use the 'eye of insight' in the memory space, but he couldn't get any valid information. He only knew that it was related to the Temple of Samsara.

"Perhaps, the memories of the Temple of Reincarnation will be sealed."

Even if the bamboo rat chestnut is forcibly cracked, it may not get anything.

"Let's go out." Tang Yu said.

The two returned to the outside world, and the black crow still kept a posture and flew slowly in the air.

"Let him go back, won't he realize there is something wrong?"

"No problem, squeak!" Bamboo rat chestnut akimbo, "It's alright, I'll go back to practice, I want to achieve great success as soon as possible, otherwise it's too tiring to control a few holy artifacts now."

The rat swelled.

Tang Yu originally wanted to knock her on the head, but after thinking about it, his avatar couldn't beat the bamboo rat chestnut at all, so don't be ashamed.

He took a step forward and disappeared.

After he left, Bamboo Squirrel released the illusion on Black Crow, and Black Crow slowed down and continued to fly without noticing it, completely unaware that a few minutes had passed.


Dujiang City Ruins,

Black Crow wandered around outside, and when he came back, the other four Transcendents had arrived and were reporting to the big leader, his captain.

On the rooftop of the tallest building, the five members of the Samsara team gathered.

The unpredictable sneering and sarcasm made the black crow angry, and he muttered words such as "if it was not restrained" and "if it was not suppressed by the world", and the rooftop was filled with an unpleasant atmosphere.

Until the captain of them said, "That is to say, if we have enough Transcendent Rank, we can still handle the Dragon Gate, or send out a team of more than two people."

He looked at the other four, "I said earlier, don't underestimate the natives. Although most of them are weak, they can occasionally produce one or two strong people. Besides, we are fighting against the whole world, and we should use all our abilities. The power to use..."

He paused, "From now on, you will be divided into two groups, one group will continue to hunt the protagonist, and the other group will expand the reincarnation movement, at least make them useful."

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