My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 785 SSS-level mission: exploring the new continent (big chapter)

It has been more than five months since the "Sealing of the Abyss" operation.

Today, the weather is fine.

Outside the Adventurer's Guild headquarters in Shady City, inside a maid cafe.

He Yuanhang, the head of the voyage adventure group, was boringly turning the stirring spoon in his hand, wandering around the world.

The soft and glutinous voice next to him didn't arouse any interest in him, he only occasionally stared at the distance, the white and big... crystal screen, let out a dull sigh.

"When will the mission be available?"

He was helpless. As the demonized beasts were gradually annihilated, the number of tasks for the Adventurer Guild also dropped a lot. Even if the Green City official released some more tasks, they were aimed at ordinary adventurers.

He looked up again,

The crystal screen is connected to the scrolling display in the Adventurer's Guild Hall. As long as a new mission is released, the screen in the cafe will also appear synchronously, which is faster than the 5G signal.

It is for this reason that this cafe can become the first choice for adventurers to rest, chat and spank. What maid? It's just a pair of skins that might look good!

"Boss, if this goes on like this, we will soon be unable to open the pot."

A group member with dark circles in the opposite seat sighed while staring at the young lady.

Among the nine members of the adventure group, the only female member snorted, raised her foot and stepped on the sole of the black-eye group member's foot, causing his face to change suddenly and he didn't dare to shout.

Her face softened before she said, "It's hard to catch difficult missions, and there are many adventure groups waiting for missions just like us. In my opinion, let's take an ordinary mission first. Based on the rating of our adventure group, we will accept it. Ordinary tasks have a high priority."

He Yuanhang was the first group of registered adventurers at the beginning of the Adventurer's Guild.

Although his talent is average, although he is more salty, and although he has no ambitions, he is also a senior and extraordinary. .

It's just that they haven't given a mission for a month, and several people in the group seem to be rusting, and the decline in income is also the reason. At least they have to consider how long the source crystals in their small vaults can support the squandering.

Compared with voyage adventure groups, some large-scale adventure groups are not so worried about this aspect. Many large-scale adventure groups have their own industries, that is, small adventure groups. Those well-known and top-level adventure groups often have a lot of survivors. Dependent.

But He Yuanhang was rather lazy. In the past, apart from hunting demonized beasts, they took on some big tasks.

The business cooperation of other companies and organizations was rejected by him.

Tasted the bitter fruit today.

He Yuanhang put down the stirring spoon, "Wait a minute, I got some news that the Municipal Department is trying to solve it, maybe soon."

"The Municipal Department will release some common tasks at most to help those junior adventurers, right? Difficult tasks cannot be created out of nothing. Even if our earth is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more strong people. In my opinion, I still have to think about it. way to switch.”

Suddenly, a loud noise broke out in the cafe.

His voice was mixed with excitement, excitement, and gasping for breath.

"Boss, look at the screen!"

He Yuanhang looked at it and saw an SSS-level main quest glowing with colorful lights, occupying the entire screen.

【Explore the New World! 】

[Mission introduction: In addition to the seven continents on our earth, there are still unknown continents that are not inferior to the seven continents, or even wider. Brave adventurers, draw your swords and leave you in the new continent. the footprints! 】

[Number of participants in the task: unlimited (the first batch will be given priority to the high-rated adventure group)]

[Note: Branch tasks related to the new continent will be released one after another. 】

"Fuck! Boss! There's actually a new continent!"

The other members of the adventure group shouted excitedly. They didn't hear He Yuanhang's angry and excited voice. They were a little puzzled, "Boss... Hey, what about the boss?"

The only female member pointed out the window, and a figure flew away leaving behind afterimages, "He is about to arrive at the Adventurer's Guild."


Adventurer's Guild, Headquarters.

He Yuanhang, without destroying the public property, exerted all his martial arts and combat skills, and came to the guild hall in less than a breath.

at this time,

Many adventurers in the hall were still excited, amazed, and disbelieving, staring at the screen, for fear of misreading any information.

And He Yuanhang has flashed to the task handling point, stretched out his wrist, and docked the tactical watch:


"Adventurer Identity Authentication~"

"Hello, dear seven-star adventurer, may I ask..."

He Yuanhang ignored the words behind the electronic voice and clapped the board, "Accept the task of exploring the new continent!"

"Di, the reception is complete, I wish you a successful mission."


After three days,


At an altitude of 10,000 meters, a medium-sized floating craft is flying above the clouds.

The nine members of the voyage adventure group were fully armed, wearing A-level combat uniforms, carrying a tactical backpack with a twenty-segment capacity, and an A-level rune pistol on their waists.

This is general equipment, each member has their own customized equipment and exclusive equipment according to their own positioning.

Some people carried two black boxes on the left and right, with mechanical armor on the outside of their combat suits, and the two black muzzles on their shoulders were facing out.

This is the gunnery profession, and it is the most expensive tactical bombing genre.

There are also members who carry a brilliant sword, which exudes a touch of oppression. All knowledgeable adventurers know that this is a magic weapon, and it is the top equipment!

Although He Yuanhang had nothing on his body, the ring on his index finger made many people guess that it was a space ring.

The envious gazes of the adventurers around made He Yuanhang regain his confidence as a top adventurer.

Nearly 3,000 adventurers were on this medium-sized airship. As the first group of adventurers to explore the New World, they were all elites, and they were all above the high-level awakening.

But among them, the voyage adventure group still stands out from the crowd.

Only the other two large-scale adventure groups can compete with the Voyage Adventure Group in terms of status, but the members of those two adventure groups are only forty or fifty people - after all, not all members of the large-scale adventure group are masters.

However, He Yuanhang did not expand.

In the eyes of other people on the airship, he is a big boss, but in fact, many of those middle-aged people who registered as adventurers at the same time as him are the real big bosses.

Those bigwigs also participated in the exploration of the new continent, but they were not on the same airship.

There is more than one new continent!

And the first batch of floating boats to set off, there are at least dozens of them!

He Yuanhang stood on the deck, his eyes penetrated the clouds and looked down.

"We're in the middle of the Pacific right now."

"Is the new continent in the Pacific Ocean? Why haven't I heard of such a big continent before?" Some people wondered.

"Maybe it just appeared? It just happened that we adventurers have been idle and moldy recently, so they gave us the task?" A leader of a medium-sized adventure group guessed.

"No." He Yuanhang shook his head, "I was told before that the official was solving the problem of our adventurer's quest, and it didn't take long for the exploration of the new continent to appear. No matter how you look at it, it is the official work of Green City."

"Hey~ you mean, the new continent was created by the officials of Green City? A continent was created like this?"

"It's not that exaggerated, but I've never heard about the New World before, and it must have something to do with Green Shade City now that it suddenly appeared... Hey, I don't know how much Green Shade City has paid for us incompetent adventurers."

talking room,

The airship begins to descend.

Through the clouds, the endless sea level appeared in front of everyone on the deck.

Many people took pictures one after another, and they can post them in the adventure circle when they go back - after all, even if they are elite adventurers, they rarely have the opportunity to overlook the vast sea.



There was a tumult in the sea, and a huge sea beast jumped out from the bottom of the sea.

It is flat and has fins like wings. Seeing the floating airship with a flying height of only a few hundred meters, Wu Mi screamed and flew towards the floating airship aggressively.

Possibly treating it as an enemy invading its own territory.

"Supernatural sea beast!"

There is a slight color change in the awakening stage, even if you are in the floating boat, there are many bigwigs around, but facing the extraordinary sea beasts is still scary.

Especially the huge size of the sea beasts is not inferior to the airships they ride!

The sea beast quickly approached, rolling up the water to form a vortex.


The airship fired.

A purple, a red, two thick beams of light penetrated a distance of hundreds of meters and slammed directly on the sea beast.

The sea beast let out a painful neigh, dragged its injured body and plunged into the seabed and disappeared.

After such a small episode, the adventurers were not affected.

The airship flew straight ahead, and soon, misty fog appeared on the sea in front of it, and the airship flew for several minutes. end.

"Continent! New Continent!"

Someone shouted excitedly.

As the distance gradually approached, the appearance of the new continent appeared in their eyes.

In the distance are rolling hills, with huge birds of prey soaring.

Nearby is a winding coastline. On the beach, there are crabs the size of a round table, with fiery red lines on their bodies. There are also bursts of fire on the double claws of many crabs.

This is a new species of beast that has not been recorded in the illustrated book!

The adventurers' eyes lit up.

The airship bang bang several secondary guns opened fire, clearing an open space around the coastline.

An extraordinary master with the appearance of a captain walked to the deck, and the sound of puffing up spread far and wide, "Now, two branch tasks are officially released, one is to explore the new continent and draw a map near the coastline. The second is to assist the engineering team in building our The first city in the New World... Your tactical watch has been updated, you can check it yourself."

The adventurers lowered their heads to operate the tactical watch.

The two branch tasks are S-level and SS-level respectively. Of course, the tasks are subdivided into many parts, and the specific rewards are subject to contribution.

Just like the S-level city building task, which is rated as S-level, it means that there is a high probability of encountering extraordinary-level enemies, but this is a group task, and the awakening level can also participate.

"Boss, which mission should we choose?"

"Stupid, of course I want all of them!"

"Stupid, how do we divide our troops with only nine of us?!"

He Yuanhang is very helpless, the adventure group has not been able to develop, that must be the responsibility of this group of idiots.

"Do the second mission." That's all he could say.

He Yuanhang released a ten-seat suspended chariot from the storage ring. After a few people were seated, the chariot flew into the distance.


Pamu base city, this is a hegemonic force that is second only to the Holy Land, just like Yangu.

Many awakened people here remember that a few months ago in the summer, a floating airship fell from the sky, and then closed all the abyss cracks around them.

A few months have passed, and there are no traces of demonized beasts around the base city of Pamu. The mercenary association has only a few scattered tasks left. Many mercenaries just go deep into those dangerous places and the Jedi to explore in order to earn source crystals. , hoping to find some treasures by luck.

Naturally, some people have succeeded, but more are dead.

As a veteran mercenary, Gibbon has also stepped into a dangerous place, but before he went deep, he ran into an extraordinary Mizusawa crocodile. Fortunately, the extraordinary beast didn't care about them. After nine deaths, Gibbon and several teammates Only managed to escape.

But he did not dare to step into the dangerous ground again.

"If Shady City hadn't closed the abyss rift, how could we have been reduced to where we are now! A junior rune master now earns more than us!"

Gibbon complained that he was reluctant to add meat to his noodles now—well, add exotic animal meat.

"Boss!" A member of the team hurried over, "The Adventurer's Guild of Green City has set up a branch in our Pamugi city. Do you think the Adventurer's Guild has a lot of tasks? We have to register quickly. Just do it."

"Humph!" Gibbon waved his hand indifferently.

"It's because of the Green Shadow City that we are now! If it weren't for them, I could harvest at least a few dozen Origin Crystals if I went out hunting, and even if I died of starvation, it would be impossible for me to register as an adventurer in Green Shadow!"

He added, "Close the abyss crack. Shade City was the first to do this. Now the whole world is the same. Even if the Adventurer Guild opens a branch here, can it still conjure up tasks out of thin air? ?"

"Uh, but, I heard that there is indeed a mission."

The players are aggrieved.

He recalled what he saw on the road, and said, "I heard that there is a top-level main quest called exploring the new continent. It seems that the Green City has discovered a continent no smaller than the continents, and is calling adventurers to explore. I heard that there Unexplored, the first group of adventurers to go there can easily find energy fruit, high-grade medicinal materials, precious minerals...

Of course, it must be fake in my opinion, how can there be a continent full of treasures... Hey, boss, where are you going? Adventurer's Guild? The guild is on the Champs Elysees, eh, wait for me—"

When Jiben arrived at the Adventurer's Guild, there were already quite a few mercenaries he could name.

With a little prestige in the mercenary circle, he successfully squeezed to the front, and saw the task overflowing with colorful light on the screen at the front of the hall.

Explore new continents.

Airboat package transfers.

Mission rewards are high.

“Shadow City Beer!”

"No one can stop me from signing up!"

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