My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 786 God is back (big chapter)

"...The flight time is expected to arrive at the east coast of the New World at 2:30 pm. All adventurers please check the equipment you carry and keep yourself in good condition. The branch task will be issued ten minutes before the arrival of the floating airship. Please All adventurers, pay attention...The Green Air Group is at your service."

The floating airship has been flying for more than a day from the city of Pamu base.

There are adventurers from all over Eastern Europe on the floating airship. Some of them have registered as adventurers a few years ago, but more have just registered as adventurers in the past few days.

The same is that these people have a sturdy aura, and some people's evil spirits are almost condensed into essence.

Adventurers from different places are divided into circles with clear distinctions.

The reason why this airship took more than a day to fly from Pamu base city to the New World is because it traveled to many places on the way, stopped at many base cities and large shelters, and carried every large force that participated in it. "Explore the New World" quest.

Even in an era when there is no shortage of tasks, "Exploring the New World" is enough to attract attention, whether it is profit or other, it can attract many awakened people to participate. What's more, now, many mercenaries are complaining about Shady City, showing that they don't care, turning their heads and registering as adventurers.

There is often an inexplicable awkward atmosphere in the guild hall.

Gibbon's mercenary group... It should be called an adventure group now, and it can meet the requirements of the first batch to go to the New World.

Palmu base city was the second stop of the airship, and he was already a little bored on it.

"Boss, why haven't you seen the shadow of the New World?"

When they registered as adventurers, they all got a normal version of the tactical watch. Just now, the task information has been updated on the watch.

"The rune technology in Shade City is really advanced. If we have this kind of watch in Pamu City, there will be no so many task disputes." Gibbon sighed and said, "Although it is a new continent, it may not be the case. It is completely exposed to the world, just like in ancient times, it needs to take a specific channel to reach it. If the New World is so easy to find, why should the major base cities follow the green airships?

The extraordinary boss can fly and is almost tireless. Although our technology in Pamu City is far inferior to that of greenery, we also have large aviation vehicles like floating airships, but a 30-person special forces team in the base city might as well be in this floating ship. On the empty boat, other base cities and shelters are probably similar. "

He shrugged.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, and on the empty sea in front of him, suddenly, a long coastline appeared.

As the airships approached, Gibbon could see that several airships were docked near the coastline, and further afield, a city had already formed a prototype.

Gibbon chose the branch task of assisting in the construction of the city.

They came to the city under construction, received tasks, and accepted the arrangement of the commander here. Of course, it was only the defense area where they were arranged. There was no requirement on how to act or how to defend, as long as the alien beasts were not missed. .

Adventurers who participated in the mission were satisfied.

At this time, inside the city, there was only a tall building like a fort, and some makeshift houses.

On the periphery, the earth-type ability casts spells, the ground rises to form a city wall, then pours precious mineral materials, and finally engraves the runes, a city wall that is difficult to leave a trace of an awakening-level great perfection beast, and it is completed.

When the city was built, there was a lot of movement, which was equivalent to throwing a boulder on the calm lake, causing a lot of violent beasts to attack.

Flying in the sky, running on the ground, in the water... nothing in the water.

Coupled with the shouting among the various adventurers, it was very lively.

The defense area where Gibbon and the others are located is the A36 defense area, which is several kilometers away from the city wall behind them, but the defense strength is not great. The alien beast is more cunning than the demonized beast, and it is more afraid of death, which makes it more difficult to form a beast tide.

The adventurers in the A36 zone, some went to the distance to look for alien beasts, some were mining with iron picks, some were cutting down trees, some were squatting on the ground with a magnifying glass to observe, and some...

"Iron juices, this is the New World. The anchor, I'm risking my life to broadcast live in the New World, don't you all show me?"

Words such as "shameless anchor" and "anchor, you stopped me from watching Miss Sister" were posted on the barrage, but Mengkong didn't care.

He is a solo adventurer.

In the local society, lone adventurers are as rare as giant pandas. Some high-ranking officials are lone adventurers on the surface, but behind the scenes, they have a whole logistics team.

Mengkong is more real, he has nothing.

His strength is far from the top, only the 12th level of Awakening. In the past, he could still rely on hunting demonized beasts - after all, most demonized beasts are not strong - but now, small adventure groups have been severely impacted , the Lone Ranger is completely unable to receive the task.

He was also incapable of stepping into dangerous and inaccessible quests.

Moncon began to change careers, and he tried to do live broadcasts.

There are wireless signals in the shaded city, and even in the entire shaded defense circle.

Within the range of the defense circle, Mengkong broadcasts live broadcasts in the wild, targeting the audience who are the ordinary survivors who cannot awaken and can only live in the city.

don't say it,

Although he can only chat awkwardly, his appearance is average, his strength is mediocre, and even alien beasts are hard to find in the defense circle, he still attracts a lot of audiences.

Just limited income.

Awakened who likes to watch his boring live broadcast? Might as well go for a walk in the wild. Ordinary people don't have many source crystals in their pockets. After the end of the world, their consumption concepts are more conservative.

What? You say rich second generation? The second generation?


When the elders have big bosses, even a pig can turn it into an awakened pig!

With Luyin's technology, various awakening potions, body quenching potions, and a full set of auxiliary awakening processes... it is already very mature, no matter how poor your qualifications are, as long as you can krypton crystals, it is not a problem.

After two or three months of live broadcast, the popularity of Mengkong's live broadcast room was half-dead.

Until he participated in the task of exploring the new world.

At first, he just killed a few alien beasts during the mission to assist in the construction of the city just to mix some rewards.

But at a certain moment,

Mengkong accidentally discovered that there is a net in the New World, and there is a net!

The live broadcast equipment purchased at a huge cost is also carried with you!

He was so excited that he directly started the live broadcast and changed the name of the live broadcast room to "Shocked, so the New World is like this." In just a few tens of minutes, a large number of viewers poured out of the live broadcast room.

Those who are most curious about the New World are all those adventurers who have signed up to participate, but are unable to become the first group of adventurers to land.

Wanting to know the situation in the new continent is crazy!

There are more and more adventurers assisting in the construction of the city, and they are no longer limited to guarding near the city wall, but move forward according to the divided defense areas to clear all threatening things within the range.

"Look, it's a ghost face tree. New friends may not know it. In the new world, in addition to alien beasts, monster plants are also very common. In addition to their slow movement, they are more threatening than alien beasts at the same level. The ghost face tree is a A demon plant with a mental attack!"

"But according to our research, the ghost tree is slow to perceive, and it will only be found when you step into the 500-meter range of the ghost tree. It will emit a sharp howl, which can make people in a trance, coma, or even brain death... Of course, That mental shock is nothing to this anchor."

Mengkong still followed his inner choice and stopped 600 meters away from the Grimace Tree.

The live broadcast equipment behind him - a ball with its own suspension function, zoomed in and the audience in the live broadcast room clearly saw that the tree in the distance was 20 to 30 meters high, gray, and almost as large as leaves. On the trunk of the tree, a twisted face emerged.

"What Grimace Tree fears most is not fire, but thunder."

Mengkong took out a disposable throwing spear from the space backpack, and reached out and rubbed the body of the spear.


A string of blue-purple electric arcs emerged from the spear, with a beeping sound, Mengkong's muscles bulged, his left foot was on the ground, and his right arm held the electrified spear and threw it violently.

The spear body was entwined with thunder, and it flew over a distance of 600 meters in the blink of an eye. It hit the grimace on the tree trunk, pierced straight in, and exploded violently.


The sharp whining sound came out. Mengkong had already retreated to 800 meters away and covered his ears. After a while, the whining sound completely dissipated, the tree was broken, and only a section of the trunk remained. After stirring and groping, I finally found a round object.

"Ness! This is a Demon Planting Tree Heart, worth at least a thousand Origin Crystals!"

Mengkong's eyes lit up.

The live broadcast takes off, and treasures are repeatedly discovered in the exploration of the new continent. This is double the joy!

But as soon as he turned his head and looked at the live broadcast barrage, he was dumbfounded.

What floated above was the sour and spicy taste of jealousy, and no one sent him a floating chariot or a floating airship anymore.

Mediation is the price of expansion.


The construction of the new continent is in full swing, and dozens of kilometers away from the city, in the jungle, there are pairs of dark green eyes.


A figure jumped from under the treetops.

He has thick hair on his body, sharp claws on his hands and feet, a small but vigorous body, wearing clothing made of animal skins, and a few feathers on his head.

It's a gnoll.

"Elder, some hairless apes suddenly appeared on the coast."

Out of the jungle walked out of the old gnoll, who was also dressed in animal skins and had a hunched back.

"Hairless Ape?"

"Yes, they are similar to those apes, but thinner and hairless, very ugly."

The gnolls disliked this very much. "But those hairless apes seem to be very strong. They killed many alien beasts and monsters. They also built very high, high city walls. I dare not approach."

The old gnoll thought.

The gnoll warriors in front of them belonged to the masters of the tribe, second only to the chiefs, high priests and some elders.

But still think those hairless apes are strong.

The place where the Hairless Ape appeared was only a two or three-day walk from the Gnoll tribe. It was too close, too close.

It is bound to further compress the living space of the tribe.


The old jackal said solemnly, "Go back to the tribe first, those hairless apes are weird, we need to use the wisdom of the high priest."

Dozens of gnolls whizzed away.


miles away,

The members of the voyage adventure group are staying in a cave created by earth-based magic, and a simple hidden formation is also arranged around.

Isolate breath, isolate exploration.

One of the young men with shabby glasses was operating on a crystal brain like a phantom.

There are several pictures on the Jingnao screen. There are mountains towering like sharp swords, and there are willow demon plants with countless vines hanging down from hundreds of meters high. The pictures are moving at a slow speed and outline a three-dimensional The topographic map also has red circles in some places. This is a dangerous area, where there are monster plants and alien beasts of extraordinary level.

The ability of the glasses man is mechanical modification, and the mechanical auxiliary flow is used. Although this genre is small, it also has a mature heritage in Green City.

There are similarities with a puppet.

He sent a lot of mechanical worker bees to investigate the surroundings. The worker bees had no breath, and the screen went through several layers of transitions, which could prevent the enemy from "being peeped" during the reconnaissance. Kill the worker bees.

Even if 90% of the reconnaissance worker bees spread out, the remaining 10% still brings a lot of news to the voyage adventure group.

The eyes of He Yuanhang and the others were all focused on one of the pictures. Through the shadowy bushes, they saw a group of upright figures.



"How come there are alien races in the New World? Haven't all alien races been wiped out?!"

"Wait, look carefully, those gnolls are not the same as the aliens who belong to the devil race."

As we all know, the alien races under the devil race, in addition to their different breaths, often emit scarlet light from their eyes, and the group of gnolls have dark green pupils, which is obviously wrong.

"It can't be a reincarnator. As far as I know from my friends, the number of reincarnators is rare, usually in groups of three or five, and there are dozens of gnolls in that group. Come on, those gnolls are too weak. Now, they don't even have a supernatural rank, how can the reincarnation be so weak?"

After a thorough analysis, He Yuanhang felt very satisfied.

"Then the question is, why are there aliens in the New World? Is our earth a multi-racial planet?"

He Yuanhang held his cheeks and thought.

He Yuanhang scratched his head.

He Yuanhang looked at the other team members, "Let's follow, find their tribe, convince their chief, or we'll know everything!"


The gnoll elder and the warriors in the tribe moved forward in a roundabout way, avoiding the territory of many powerful creatures, and finally returned to the gnoll tribe, an area adjacent to the river, the land was fertile, but the concentration of Origin Qi was not high.

The gnoll elder brought the strongest warrior, found the chief and the high priest, and told everything.

"Hairless Ape? Appeared suddenly?"

The chief frowned and could only look to one side, a rickety, sparsely-haired high priest who coughed from time to time.

The high priest is the wisest person in the tribe. The gnoll tribe can survive in the predicament surrounded by alien beasts and monsters, and many times rely on the high priest for guidance.

This generation of high priests is very old, and the new generation of high priests has not yet grown up.

The chief is worried, but the hairless ape is fierce and may be more threatening than the alien beast and the demon plant, and the high priest must be invited.

The high priest had already closed his eyes, and the ancient scepter in his hand tapped the ground at a rhythm of rapidity and slowness.

"Dong Dong~ Dong Dong Dong~~"

It could be one minute, it could be ten minutes.

The high priest opened his eyes, and his turbid eyes flashed a bit of clarity. His mouth moved slightly, and his voice was light and hoarse:

"God... is back."

After speaking, his breath completely dissipated, leaning on the scepter and motionless, like a stone sculpture.

The pupils were still open, reflecting the future.

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