My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 106 - Enough Of Him


I wake up and I feel that Kim is not lying next to me. After the events of today, I really do not feel comfortable not having her next to me. I look at the time and I see it's almost ten at night. I can not believe that I have been sleeping for so long.

I try to get up and suddenly I do not have so much pain anymore. I guess this rest really did me good because it was much worse this morning. I take things very slowly because I do not want to cause any more pain.

As I want to walk out of the room, I see myself in the mirror and I am shocked. There is no way that I can walk out of this room looking like this and maybe seeing her parents too. I make my way to the bathroom and I realized I really need a shower.

I find it difficult with the bandages but I find a way to get myself refreshed again. I am sure that Kim would love to see me this way. I put on some fresh clothes with much effort but I enjoy feeling this way again.

I am tired of laying in bed and being useless. It is good to be able to move again. I make sure my hair is perfect and then I make my way out of the room. I walk as slowly as I can and then I hear laughter in the kitchen.

I can not remember when last I have heard Kim laughing like this but I love it. As I get around the corner, I see Kim and her mother sitting at the kitchen table with magazines. I can see that they have been enjoying some wine and she looks extremely happy.



I am enjoying going through the magazines with my mom. If we keep on doing what we are doing we might just finish the planning of the wedding before we know it. I enjoy picking out the colors and the dresses. I love to pick out the invitations and how our cake would look like.

We laugh at the funny ideas that we see and how ridiculous some weddings can be. But while we are still laughing about how some of the bridesmaid's dresses. I hear a handsome man's voice.

I almost can not believe that he is standing in the kitchen. I thought that I would only be seeing him like this close to our wedding but of course, I had to go and underestimate Nick Roberts. I guess sometimes I forget that he was a Navy Seal.

I quickly jump off my chair as I want to help him walk.

"What are you doing out of bed?"

"I wanted to come and see you what you girls are doing?"

I put my hand around his waist and he put his around mine. I can feel him leaning heavily on me and then he slowly takes his seat at the counter.

"I guess you are feeling better? It is good to see you"

I do not know who is more excited to see him, my mom or me.

"I'm feeling much better thank you, ma'am"

I can see my mom not being happy with the fact that he calls her ma'am but she just slightly let it go.

"You know, you are going to have to call me mom one of these days. Speaking of which, when are we expecting your mother"

I didn't even think about his mother yet as I had so many things on my mind but he is quick to answer.

"She will be coming two days before the wedding. She is very happy to come"

I take a breath of relief because I'm so glad that he thought about her. I do not want her to feel left out, so I say to Nick.

"She's welcome to come earlier if she likes"

He gives me a slight smile and then he says.

"No, she says that she has found a group of friends who goes out to different places every week and she dares not missing a week"

My heart is instantly filled with joy at the thought that his mother finally found her peace. Everyone deserves a place in this world and with her husband behind bars things must be much better for her.

Then suddenly, I realized that Nick must be hungry.

"I know now why you are out of bed. You must be starving?"

My mother quickly jumps up and starts to whip up something out of the fridge.

"It is really not necessary ma'a-...I mean..."

I can see that Nick is really struggling with calling my mom by her name or by the word mom. I quickly make my way to his side and then I look at Nick.

"First, let my mom feed you. She's not going to stop until you eat her food. Secondly..."

I turn to look at my mom and say.

"Just let Nick call you, ma'am. It is a kind of respect thing in the Navy Seals. I am sure that when we are married he will call you mom?"

I can hear that my mom is not very happy about my suggestion but after today she will almost do anything for me.

"Okay, but just this one time"


I'm so relieved that I can call her ma'am. I really do not enjoy calling someone older than me by their name. Kim once again saved my life and for that, I will be forever grateful. I put my hand around her waist and it is good to feel her next to me again.

I watch as her mother runs around making me something to eat and I am glad that Kim knew that I was hungry. I would have hated to ask her for food. She always takes good care of me. Then, I watch as Kim bend down and whisper in my ear.

"Do not worry, I have your back"

I smile as I see the smile on her face. She makes me more happy than what I thought I can be. Then she says.

"What did John say?"


As I wait for Nick's reaction, my mother's neck suddenly twists back from where she is busy just looking at us. Her eyes are wide and I can see she's stressing. Then I realize what is going on.

"No, it is not John my ex, but John his best man or so I hope?"

I turn to look at Nick and then he says.

"He's glad to be my best man. I should just tell him when he should come"

Then before I could react my mother say from the other side of the room.

"That is great news!"

I look back at Nick and say.

"What she said"

I am so happy the John said yes because I know how highly Nick thinks of him. I can almost see a hint of happiness in Nick's eyes because he's going to see his best friend again.

Finally, my mother is finished with the food and we start to eat. We talk about the wedding and everything that my mother and I just discussed. I can see that Nick really enjoys just listening to us talking.

It takes me back to the first time we drove down here and how I talked his ear off. I also remember how he said it brings him some sort of peace. I can but only hope that now it does the same thing for him.

As the night grows older I can see that Nick gets tired. So I turn to my mother and say.

"I think we should call it a night. Thank you for all your help with the wedding and the awesome food that we could eat"

"Oh, honey you know it is only a pleasure. You two lovebirds have a good night"

I really do not like the thought of my mother, thinking of what we might be doing tonight. So, I just shake my head and help Nick off the chair. My mother is busy cleaning up and we make our way to the room.

I can see that Nick is wincing and all this sitting must have tired him out.

"How are you feeling?"

"I am fine"

"Okay, you are not fine, so how are you feeling?"

I forgot there for a second who I am talking to as he would never admit when he is in pain.

"Okay, just a little bit of pain but nothing that I can not handle"

"I never said that you can not handle it but there is something called painkillers that can help you and you do not have to endure it"

Then suddenly he pulls me in for a kiss and I realized that he appreciates me. He's only portraying what I feel for him. We kiss until we are breathless and then we make our way into the room.

I start to undress him and I realize that he has had a shower.. His musky scent fills my senses and I realize I will never get enough of him.

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