My Navy Seal II: Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 107 - Happy Because You're Happy


I am exhausted after sitting in the kitchen like that. I never thought that sitting will make me tired but with these broken ribs you never know what you're going to feel. We make our way back to the room and then Kim starts to undress me. I feel her gentle touch on my skin and I can not help but react in the appropriate manner.

There is no way that I can keep my erection hidden from her because if I only think about her there is just no way that I can control it. Now, she's touching me and undressing me of all the things that she could do.

I know that she's just helping me to get into bed but right now, my mind is focused on other things. How am I supposed to act as if nothing is happening while her hands are all over me? I clear my throat and then say in a soft voice.

"Doc, I do not think you should do that..."

"Do what?"

"Touch me like that"

I see a frown on her face and then she says.

"Why? What is wrong?"

" know..."

I gestured towards my very happy area below and I can not help as a blush attacks my face.


I am helping him putting on his pants when I realize that he is completely turned on. That is when he acknowledges that I probably should not be touching him the way that I do. I love it when he blushes and this just turns me on even more.

The fact that I can not touch him and now he is blushing makes me want him so much more. But he has just started walking and is feeling much better. I do not want to compromise anything that will help his healing.

"Oh...gosh...I am sorry. I didn't mean to"

"I know. I think...I should just do my pants"

He smiles as he starts to put on his pants and then I help him to bed. Then I quickly want to go into the bathroom to get dressed but he stops me.

"Kim, I know that we can not do anything but do you mind... If you do not mind... I would love to see you getting dressed?"

That blush that I saw on his face earlier now has come back with a few friends. It is even redder than before. I feel sorry for him that he can not touch my body the way that he likes and if I'm honest with myself I can not wait for him to do it.

He has this way with his hands that just completely drives me insane. So, I will do what he requests and I will even give him a show. I smile while I put my finger in my mouth just biting it lightly.

I can see that this action alone is driving him insane. Then I slowly move around the bed and I say in the most seductive voice.

"...of course, I do not mind..."


I took a big chance hoping that she might do this for me and now I find myself to be the luckiest man alive but soon I start to wonder whether I made the right choice. I can not even handle it when she's just helping me get dressed, how am I going to handle this?

Then without hesitation that she starts to unbutton her shirt. The anticipation in me is killing me as I can not wait until that shirt is off her beautiful body. I swallow deeply as my eyes do not leave her body.

I feel myself moving around because of the uncomfortableness between my legs. Then without warning, she removes her bra and I couldn't contain the groan that escaped my mouth. The curves of her breasts are taking away my breath.

Then she sits on the edge of my bed while she zips down her long boots. I see her body moving in perfect harmony and I realize I can not handle it any longer but then she takes off her socks and her skirt, revealing her silky red panties, and then she takes her light blue nightgown and throws it over her head.

The silk of her nightgown slowly falls over her beautiful body and now I am completely and totally lustfully wanting her. I realize I made a big mistake because I do not know how to control myself now.

Then she gives her sexy smile to me and I feel her body against mine when she gets under the covers. She cozy up next to me and I put my arms around her beautiful body in an instant. Her head is lying softly on my chest and then she looks up at me, saying.

"Is that what you were looking for?"

I do not even know how to answer that question because I wanted it so bad and now I want her so bad. I move around and comfortably and then I say.

"Fuck...yeah...You are a goddess you know"

I feel her smiling against my chest and then it is not long as her body gets heavy and I know that she is sleeping. I know that I am supposed to be the one sleeping and getting much rest but for now I will not be doing any sleeping anytime soon.

I guess I'm going to have to think about a lot of bad things before I will be sleeping. To feel her lying next to me and not be able to do anything is softly killing me but then again, I did ask for this.


I wake up the next morning still in the safety of my husband-to-be arms. I'm so glad that we can just wake up with no drama happening around us. I'm so happy that Angie is finally out of our lives and that I do not have to deal with her moods.

Today is going to be a great day for me and my mom. We are going to look at some possible venues for the wedding. I do not know if Nick will be coming along as I need him to be recovered by the time we walk down the aisle.

But I guess that I can not stop him from doing what he wants to do but I will definitely tell him that it's better if he stays. I can only imagine what the car ride will do to him as his ribs are not ready to take such long rides yet.

We also have to send out the wedding invitations today and he can always help with that when we come back. Then I feel him waking up beside me as his hands are starting to rub my back.

I look up at him and say.

"How did you sleep, handsome?"

"Well, when I finally fell asleep, it was very good"

We can not help but laugh because we both know what he is talking about. Then he asks me.

"What are you girls up to today?"

"Well, we have to go and look at a few venues and we must get the invitations sent out. Are you going to come with us?"

I can see that he struggles to answer me as if he doesn't know if I want him to come with me.

"I, personally, think it is better if you stay in bed and just recover. We shouldn't be too long today and then you can help us with the invitations tonight?"

I can almost see relief on his face and then he says.

"I think that is a great idea because I love the fact that I could walk yesterday and I know I only could do it because I was resting. So, just imagine what I would be able to do tomorrow if I rest today"

I am so glad that he has come to his senses and that he is ready to get whole again. I can not help as I kiss him until we have no breath left.

"I think you are a genius"

We laugh as I get out of bed and starting to get dressed.


I watch as she's getting dressed and it's almost deja vu. It feels like last night all over again as I still cannot get the picture of her undressing in front of me out of my head. My motivation to be able to move again has really intensified since last night.

She gave me a reason to want to move because the things that I'm going to do to her when I am ready to move around might just be something that will rock her world. I have been wanting to be with her ever since I regained my memory.

I want to feel her naked body against my bare skin and I want to make her scream out my name. I watch as she dresses even more sexy than yesterday. I know now that I can not take any more of this and so, I will do my best to get better today.

I can see the happiness on her face and I know that she's enjoying organizing our wedding.. It makes me extremely happy because she is happy.

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